Lately I encountered much concern on the forum with problems. Problems on the job, problems in school and just problems with daily living. Some of it was mentioned in articles, some was in forum letters Mary read to me. Despair could clearly be seen as the result of all these problems.
Problems big and small have been present in my life as long as I care to remember. They are lessons that one has to learn. Character-builders, as one teacher
called them. Small problems and big problems. Now I think of myself as a problem solver.
One time early in married life I was getting so many problems that I asked one of my friends "Why must I have all these problems?!" He answered, "Problems are
sent by God so you can learn!" To which I replied, "But why does He have to send so many?" And here you have it. My friend mentioned God, and he gave me a prayer to help. Like many people, I did not understand about God, and I did not like praying. However, I learned to accept the existence of a Creator, an unknowable essence, a Life Force. (Not the old concept of a Santa Claus type great being in the sky. That then made saying a prayer for help easier.
And I found out that prayers do help. Of course, it's no use praying for money,
or a hot date on Saturday. But generally speaking, prayers are answered. Don'
t ask me how it works. I'm not a philosopher or a scientist, but I can assure you that they help. I will give you two examples.
I came upon a stalled car. This was over 48 years ago, I had just learned about
prayer. This story represents many, many of the same kind through the years. The driver of the car had tried everything he could think of. The motor would turn over, but not start. I offered my help, and the sceptical driver assented. I
very sincerely said the prayer for this occasion, (I will share it with you later,) and told the man to try again. Yes, the engine started right away and the
man could drive away.
Second example: I worked in a factory that made threaded wire products. One time I found that with one machine the toolmaker was very frustrated because he had trouble with the dies. Dies are the tool that make the threads. These dies kept breaking. This particular part was about four inches long, and had come from another factory to be finished here with the threads. This was a common job and we didn't ever have trouble with it. This toolmaker took great pride in his
ability, and tried very hard to make it work. It was a large and lucrative contract.
I further found out that this part was used in an assembly for bombs then used in the Viet Nam war. This disturbed me, and I went to see the manager and begged
him to give this job up. The manager was sympathetic, but left it up to the superintendent of the plant, who worked closely with the toolmaker. So I asked him to give it up. He refused, saying they had taken the order, and had to complete it. Now I prayed the same prayer hard and very sincerely. You know what happened? Over a period of two weeks they tried to finish that job. The dies kept
breaking. Then a newer and different alloy die was tried. Again I prayed for this not to succeed. The end resuslt was that they gave up and sadly told the customer that due to technical difficulties they could not finish the contract.
Here you have the power of prayer, one positive and one negative, but with clear
results. Of course, you have to always be careful what you pray for because as
has been drolly said, but also truthfully, -- you might get it! Then you will
have to live with what you got.
Now friends, I will tell you something I found out. It matters not at all if you
are religious or not. If you believe in God or just do not know if there is One. Say this prayer with sincerity and you will get help.
After you say this prayer you must relax and think. This is not a magic formula
, although it sometimes appears to be, as in my two examples. Now you must think of the appropriate action to take about your difficulty. And next, you act on
your insight. I can personally assure you that this works.
"May all your problems be little ones" as has often been said with a laugh and a
With best wishes, Uncle Ben