
Are You Poor?

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
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Are You Poor?

Are you poor? It is a yes and no question. If you answered it yes, you should

not carefully consider what poverty is. To my thinking, poverty basically means

a lack of, or an insufficient amount of, the three primary physical needs—fool,

clothing, shelter; if you gave it a negative answer, you should be well and truly aware what your wealth is. Well, if it were left to me to think, I would answer: I am positively wealthy even though I don’t have money to burn. Here is the

wealth it is often supposed to be for me as well as for you:


There is a questionless saying goes: Good health is over wealth. He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything. By contrary, he who has illness has disappointment, and he who has disappointment has nothing. Imagine if let

career, family, money all be the equal of zero, health must equal to one ahead

of zero in order to enable the three above to be significative. On account of delicate health, everything will either be wishful thinking that most of us oftentimes fancy, or go haywire. On the other hand, if you are strong enough, you can

more easily overcome the barriers that lie ahead of you and meet your hopes.

Owning a sound body is not enough, more importantly, we should know how to stay healthy. The foods we eat have profound effects to our health, especially nutrition as we know is essential for maintaining healthy body. So people have been

keeping an eye on what they eat and to choose foods from a variety of sources, control the quantities that they eat, limit fat with the view of keeping the balance of nutrition. Further more, taking exercise is closely related to health. We

should do exercise everyday to strengthen our bodies. In order to avoid getting

sick or coming down with a disease such as influenza while it is still at an early stage, it is very important to do much work in prevention. Sometimes, people

who are always in a buoyant health, hardly feel the importance of health, even

nerve know how green with envy those patients are. It is only when they are badly ill that they finally realize that the biggest wealth has unconsciously slipped away from their side. What a regret!


Knowledge is just like wealth, which is more vividly embodied in the field of

business. Business is just as matter of cut-throat competition in quality, price

, technology, service, and all that jazz. In other words, he who owns these priorities will be a winner among a wealth of competitors. Of course, wisdom is the

most important role to play this cruel game. What’s more, wisdom in mind is better than money in hand. Now, to seriously think a moment, where does wisdom originally come from? It certainly gets out of struggles to grasp knowledge well.

Knowledge is power, which is regarded as household words well as a truth all over the world. In my opinion, it is somewhat incorrect to just say knowledge is

power, for knowledge itself is not power, it is only when people make the most of knowledge that knowledge will be transferred to be mighty power. Accordingly,

like those diligent bookworms, have been armed with abounding knowledge, but don

’t know beans about the way of using theory and practice go hand and hand, thus

knowledge will be neither power, nor be wealth.


A proverb says “ time is money”. Strictly speaking, time is even more valuable than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can earn it back. However, when time is gone, it will never return.

There is no doubt that the time we have is usually limited. Therefore, even an

hour is extremely precious. I think we must give our precious time meaning, whether it be work time, or leisure time. We should make full use of every bit of our time to do useful things. Don’t put off what can be done today till tomorrow

. Besides, we should know the importance of saving time. In some certain extent,

to save time is amount to lengthen life, lengthening life is also equal accumulating wealth. To develop a good habit of saving time and being punctual, or laziness will not only bring us failure but also lead us to the road of poverty.


Confucius once said, “isn’t a delight after all to have a friend come from

a far?” Although he lived more than 2500 years ago, there is much that we can learn from his mottoes today.

Making friends is sorta like finding out more approaches to live up. A life without a friend as life without a sun. Helping you out of troubles, caring for your worries and sorrows, relieving your loneliness, shooting the breezes with you

heartily, partaking of the happiness and success with you, and the like, these

are what friends are for. The friendship should be priceless, we can never put a

price on friendship. However, friends, like anything else, have more than one face. Some are good, others are bad. Good friends are for sure wealth while bad ones are harmful to us. Hence, it is of great importance for us to separate good

plants from wild weeds, and it is sensible of you get rid of the fair-weather friends.


Harmony brings wealth.

Living in a harmonious family, you will gain a lot of wealth that you never felt before in spirit. As a rule, we earnestly appeal to sink in, but who will fully real to understand you? It is no other than all members in family circle, who

can willingly help each other in time of need, can freely express their feeling

, can do whatever they like to do or don’t like to without the mask of happiness. These invisible freedom and helps enable them to be more delighted and more jovial, meanwhile, they will be able to be more confident about the work they are

going to do or the lesson they are going to learn; they will do their things more easily and effectively. Conversely, to live in the shadow of many horrible family problems, they will lack of gut and self-confidence to overcome difficulties. Will be the worst, it leads children to crossroad instead of bright route without parental right guidance. How awesome!

… …

Dear friends, are you still poverty-stricken after you possess what I have mentioned above? Do you still take it for granted that you should be as poor as a church mouse if you were broke? Are you beginning to feel pretty rich by contrast with those who are ill, or ignorant, or old, or friendless, or homeless? Please don’t be so shilly-shally, if you had owned these, you should have been a really wealth-holder.

Well, besides what have been mentioned above, it is true that there still has

many ways to embody how wealthy you are. I wonder if you are willing to share your peculiar wealth with me here, but we should be aware of wealth is what you accumulate, not what you spend.

Sincerely, Nicole

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