I was little bit shocked by a piece of news posted on the Internet that a doctor
whose major was nuclear energy( if my memory was correct) became a beggar. When
he was asked by a journalist why he didn't try to hunt for jobs, whereas, his answer was that he was satisfied with the current style of life.
We knew that it was very hard for him to find a job with his major since the structure of industry had changed after some investigation.
It is more than certain that everyone has his own choice and others can not judge whether it is right or wrong for him.
I was in the state of contradiction when I heard this piece of news. On the one
hand, I really admired this man's courage to choose the way of being a professional beggar after experiencing the glory in his previous life and attached little
importance to others' opinions. Not everyone can do this. On the other hand, I
felt very pity and unworthy for him with the respect that what a long quest he should go through before became a doctor in his field and how can he gave all up.
Someone deem that a person should live on what made by his own hands if he is able to do that with the result that they despise those beggars who have wholesome
body. Someone who have rich sympathy will give these beggars some money. Sometimes, I am wandering the real reason why people are willing to give the money earned by their efforts to other people without asking any return. It can not be denying that one of that reasons is that people are kind and just want to help others, hoping everyone could lead a happy life in the world without poverty, wars
and tyranny. While, some people want to seek for confidence and sense of superiority by means of giving some coins to those beggars who being considered inferior to them after being frustrated by the reality. This is can be called win-win situation. One gets the satisfaction in mental and the other gets the content in
"It is not me who don't understand,only because that the world changes so quickly", a very prevailing saying in the modern society. Society just like a kaleidoscope. You will get different viewpoints from different angles.