XXX fearbig rise in成本大幅度上涨apartment-construction公寓设施costsnext year
Copper, drywall and other apartment-constructioncosts probably will rise at least 5 percentnext year,成本可能上涨至少5个百分点
estimated 6 percent to 8 percent inflationnext year. 预计有6到8个百分点的浮动
``We''ve seen it start to moderate, but we expect inflation,''''我们看到它趋于平稳,但是我们希望它有浮动
,adding that lumberprices have declined while other prices have risen. `木材价格 下降了但是其他价格上升了`Forevery one that comes down,two seem to have gone up. 这个是很好的用法,我不想翻译,一物下降,百物上升Copperhas gone up.It''s extremely expensive to build apartments.''''
AvalonBay, based in Alexandria, Virginia, BRE and other real estate investment trusts that own apartment buildingshave benefited as rising mortgage rates and slowing price appreciationfor houses and condominiums have spurred people to rent rather than buy. Rising rents should helpoffsethigher construction costs, Scott and Griggs said.
``Weanticipate strong rent growth,'''' said Griggs, whose company owns and manages 78 apartment complexes with 21,978 units in California, Arizona, Washington and Colorado. ``We''re very pleased with our markets right now.''''