
To girls who are being bothered for not having married yet

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
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To girls who are being bothered for not having married yet

Somehow, I feel this post is to be written especially for Wingedheart and Joan Blue and girls in similar situations, for whom higher intelligence and excellent

education may mean the doom of “endless” annoying gossips and unnecessary misunderstandings. But before I proceed on, one thing I want make clear to everybody

who happens to read this post of mine: Chinese men are undergoing a great change not only without but also within. More and more young males in China are casting their affectionate eyes on girls who are smarter, better educated, even older

(which also means maturer but does not necessarily have to be older in age than

their boyfriends), and believe it or not, wealthier.

I have to admit I may probably turn out to be such a Chinese young man when I get married. I like girls to be smart and better to be smarter than me or better educated, for such a smarter wife can teach her husband a lot in daily life and won’t just be a cook or a cleaner something and probably be raising up her children in the most reasonable and intelligent way. Sometimes I ‘d rather be the kitchen guy if more time used to be spent on brain racking family planning solely

for a man can be halved with a smarter helper around.

I want my wife to be older. Surprised? I am not a person with Oedipus complex. Just that I define “older” the another way. Usually, men trend to look for women physically younger since they are more attractive or frankly, sexually appealing. I do not need to be with women who are unnecessarily so much younger or older than me, like when I get 30, I get a wife at her 20 or the other way round. I

don’t care about my bride’s age as long as she is a mature woman in love with

me. But as far as I know, younger wives are more often than not, not as much mature as the older ones and so with men. Someone told me that men eagerly wanted way younger wives only showed how unmanly and diffident they were before women peers. Who knows? And who cares? Maybe older girls can be with even older guys then them as long as they both are mature persons. I think that’s ok. But the bottom line for me is I want my wife to be a mature woman and a woman that knows whom she is in love with.

I surely prefer wealthier woman either than women or than men to women who can not even make her own ends meet and put all her stakes on the husband. Come on! I

am not financially awkward or was born a character of snobbishness. The world is changing and becoming more competitive and a harsh world it has been! Look at

those miserable families that are being broken or have been broken simply because of lack of money to send their children to school. Husband’s fault? Come on!

When men and women become equal? Next millennium?

I can’t be the sole representative of all Chinese young men seeking love and marriage among millions. But where I go, there are young males like me talking about it in the same way. It is just that they are too shy to spit it out in front

of girls. Think of it in men’s shoes please!

If you agree with me, I am sure in certain degree, you will postpone your marriage until the ripe moment comes. And when that day arrives, you will probably have been smarter, maturer and wealthier whether as a woman or a man.

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