People always ask me about the different coaches that I have
played for. I have been extrememly lucky to have played for the
best basketball coaches in the game. From my high school coach,
Kurt Keener, to my college coach at Duke, Mike Krzyzewski (or as
most people call him "Coach K"), to my professional coaches Hubie
Brown, Mike Fratello, and my current coach, Jeff Van Gundy, I have
had great coaches.
All of my coaches have taught me the right way to play
basketball. You would be surprised at how many players go through
their careers and are never properly taught how to play the game.
Basketball is a wonderful game, but there are many small nuances
that truly separate the good players from the outstanding players.
Many of these nuances can only be taught by your coach.
In high school at Detroit Country Day School outside of
Detroit, Michigan, my coach, Coach Keener, taught me how to work on
my game and taught me that the best players are the first to arrive
to practice and the last ones to leave the gym because they are
constantly working on their games.
In college at Duke University, Coach K taught me that to be a
great player, you must play with an incredible amount of passion
and discipline. The most important thing I learned from Coach
K,however, is that you must be a great teammate.
You must always push your teammates and you must never let down
your teammates by giving less than your best efforts. Only then
will your basketball abilities be maximized.
In the NBA, all of my coaches have taught me about what it
takes to win. While all of my professional coaches have somewhat
different philosophies on the way the game should be played, there
were many qualities that my professional coaches
shared. All were organized, preached about
discipline, and were very demanding that the teams I played on all
gave their best efforts every single night. This may seem like
obvious qualities that all coaches share, however, I have been
around the game of basketball longenough to know that there are
acutally few coaches that have these qualities.
I enjoy playing for my current coach, Jeff Van Gundy. He is a
very good motivator. He talks about the style of play that we must
employ to win every single day at practice and at games. We even
have giant posters in our practice facility that talk about things
like having low turnovers, taking high percentage shots, playing
team defense, and rebounding the basketball. He demands a high
level of concentration and effort every single practice and game.
He is a very smart person and I have learned a great deal fromhim.
Most people think he is always serious, but he actually has a great
sense of humor that most people don't see.
I would maybe like to coach my children (when I have them!) in
basketball someday. Because I have played for some of the best
coaches in basketball, I feel I am prepared to be a good coach
Thanks for reading,
Talk to you soon,
ps. checkout my new "Battier" shoes from Peak. The new black
and red shoes are awesome! All my teammates are jealous and want a