

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-04-25
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第十四章 Population,Race and Ethnic Groups


1 The United States has a population of _______million in July 1992, China, India and the Unites States have the largest populations in the world.

A. 150. B. 255.5 C. 320. D. 450.


2.Most of the Americans live in the _______.

A. city area. B. town C. village


3.The first immigrants in American history came from ________ and the Netherlands.

A. Germany B. France C. China. D. England


4 By the year of 2050, American population is expected to climb to


A. 256 million B. 275 million C. 300 million D. 383 million


5 The Largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the US is _______.

A. the Indians B. the Japanese C. the Chinese D. the Blacks.


6.From1980 to 1989, the population between the age of 25 and 44 increased by 28.1% because _______.

A. this was the period of large inflow of immigrants at this age bracket

B. those who were born during the period of baby boom reached this age bracket

C. those who were born during the period of World War II reached this age bracket

D. this was the period of high birth rate of this age bracket


7. There were 21 big cities with a population over 2 million in 1988, of which ______ was the biggest one.

A. Chicago B. Los Angeles C. New York D. Philadelphia


8.The first blacks were brought to North America as slaves in _______. Most blacks were slaves before 1863.

A. 1619. B. 1820. C. 1719. D. 1680.


9.The Civil Rights Movement in the US was take place in _______.

A. 1950s. B.1960s. C. 1970s. D.1980s


10 The slavery was legally abolished in 1865 by __________ Amendment to the Constitution.

A the fourteenth B. the fifteenth C. the thirteenth D. the sixteenth 答案:C


1 Who were the first Americans?

答:They were the Indians.

2 When did the higher birth rate appear in the United Status?

答:The birth rate appeared during “the baby boom” (1946——1964)。

3. What are the major racial and ethnic minorities in the United States?

答:They are black Americans, Hispanics, Asian-Americans, American, and Indians.


1 baby boom

答:It refers to a social phenomenon in the United States occurred between 1946 and 1966. After the low birth rate in the two decades ending in 1945, came the higher rate during the “baby boom”。 Nearly 80 million Americans were born in this period. The group born in the earlier period of “baby boom”came to college age in the 1960s, so there was swelling of college students. They became the major force of the students'' movement in the 1960s.

2. the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

答:The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is considered to be the most far-reaching act on civil rights in modern times, forbidding discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, gender and national origin. It''s the result of a strong civil rights movement in the 1960s. The act added protections for the rights to vote, to use public facilities and to enjoying same education as white people. It also contained provisions guaranteeing equal employment opportunities.

第十五章 American History(练习题一)


1.The “first Americans” were_________.

A. the Black Slaves B. the Pilgrims C. the Indians D. the

Hispanics 答案:C

2.Puritan tradition was mainly developed in ________ colony.

A. Virginia B. Massachusetts Bay C. Pennsylvania C. New York


3.The Civil War cost America _______ lives.

A. 60,000 B. 618,000 C. 6,180,000 D. 208,000

答案: B

4. After the Civil War, the United States saw great developments in ________.

A. agriculture B. education C. foreign trade D. service

industry 答案:A

5.Christopher Columbus was an ________ navigator.

A. British B. Italian C. foreign trade D. service industry


6. The Constitution was first ratified by _____ in December 1787.

A. Massachusetts B. New York C. Georgia D. Delaware


7.In September 1774, _______ was held in Philadelphia, which encouraged Americans to refuse to buy British goods.

A. the First US Congress

B.the First Continental congress

C. the Second Continental Congress

D. the Constitution Convention


8.American victory at ________ was a great turning point of the war, leading directly to an alliance between the U.S. and France.

A. Trenton B. Concord C. Saratoga D. Yorktown


9.After President Jefferson brought the Louisiana territory from ________, there was a desire for territorial expansion among many frontier men.

A. England B. Holland C. France D. Spain


10 The Compromise of 1850 allowed _________ to be a free state.

A. New Mexico B. Utah C. Pennsylvania D. California


11.The beginning capital of the U.S. is in ________.

A. Philadelphia B. New York C. Washington C. Boston


12.President Lincoln was shot dead five days after ________.

A. a military victory of the Union force at Gettysburg

B. he issued the Emancipation Proclamation

C. he made a speech at Gettysburg

D. General Lee, commanding general of the Confederate army surrendered his troops 答案: D

13. After the Civil War, monopoly by big business became a strong trend in the American economy. Among the following individuals, ________ was NOT a big business dominator.

A. John D. Rockefeller B. John Wilkes Booth C. J.P Morgan D. du Pont 答案:B

14.During the 13 years of Indian wars after ________, the Americans forced England to give up the old Northwest.

A. the War of 1812 B. the Mexican War C. the Civil War D. the War of Independence


15.President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in September 1862, because _____.

A. he himself was an abolitionist

B. he had no other alternative

C. he realized that he could win support for the Union at home and abroad only by making the war a just war against slavery.

D. he wanted to punish the slave-owners in those states which broke away from the Union.

答案: C

16 The first English colony in the American was founded at ______ in _______.

A. Boston, Massachusetts/1607

B. Plymouth, Massachusetts/1733

C Jamestown, Virginia/1607

D. New Amsterdam/1607


17 The US Constitutional was officially adopted on March 4,_____.

A. 1776 B.,1781 C.1787 D.1789


18 The United States had a more or less open-door policy to immigration from independence until________.

A. the 1960s B. the 1970s C. the 1980s D. the 1990s


19 The U.S. has a land area of _________ square kilometers.

A. 2,575 B. 9.3 million C. 9.3 thousand D. 4,500


20 The American Constitution is the _________ written constitution in the world.

A. oldest B. longest C. youngest D. shortest


22 The Declaration of Independence was adopted by the ________ Continental Congress on July 4, ________.

A. First/1774 B. First/1776 C. Second/1774 D. Second/1776


23 The American Constitutional was went up to in _________.

A. 1776 B. 1781 C. 1787 D. 1791 答案:D

24.There were ______great population movements in the history of the United States.

A. five B. four C. three D. two

答案: B

25 The largest land that the U.S. got from France was _________.

A. the Louisiana Territory B. Texas C. New Mexico D. Old Northwest


26.The Compromise of 1850 allowed ________ to be accepted as a free state.

A. New Mexico B. Utah C. Pennsylvania D. California 答案:D

27.Lincoln''s Emancipation Proclamation and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution formally ended _________.

A. the immigration movement B. the Civil War

C. the slave system D. the industrialization 答案:C

28.When Abraham Lincoln was elected president, the __________ states broke away and found the Confederate States of America.

A. northern B. western C. southern D. eastern 答案:C

29.The American Civil War broke out in ________ and ended in_______.

A. 1850/1863 B. 1846/1848 C. 1861/1863 D. 1861/1865 答案:D

30 The ________ war turned out to be America''s longest war it ever fought.

A. First World B. Second World C. Korean D. Vietnam 答案:D

31.The War of Independence started in __________ and ended in __________.

A. 1773/1774 B. 1775/1776 C.1776/1783 D. 1775/1783 答案D

31 The first immigrants in American history came from _______ and _______.

A. Ireland/France B. England/China C. Scotland/England D. England/the Netherlands 答案:D


1 When did the war with Mexico start and end?

答:The war with Mexico started in 1846 and ended in 1848.

2.When did the great Puritan Immigration begin?

答:The great Puritan immigration began in 1630.

3. Who drafted the Declaration of Independence?

答:Thomas Jefferson of Virginia drafted the Declaration of Independence.

4. When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?

答:The Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4,1776.

5. Who were the first Americans?

答:They were the Indians.

6 What is the bill of right?

答:It is the term used for the first ten amendments to the Constitution.

7. Where is known as the agricultural capital of the U.S?

答:Omaha is known as the agricultural capital of the U.S.

8. Who drafted The Declaration of Independence in the U.S?

答:He was Thomes Jefferson……

9 Which are some of the biggest cities in the U.S?

答:They are New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, and Philadelphia.

10. What is the full name of the U.S?

答:It is the United States of America.

11. Which three counties have the largest populations in the world?

答:China,India and the United States have the largest populations in the world.


1 Independence Day

答:It is a legal holiday on July 4 throughout the United States. It is America''s most important patriotic holiday, the birthday of the nation.

2 Boston Tea Party

答:In1773, the British East Indian Company, a corporation partly owned by the British government was in serious financial difficulties. In order to help the company out of difficulties, British Parliament pass the Tea Act of 1733, to allow the company to sell tea at a lower price in the colonies through its own agents, this took away the tea business from American tea merchants. The people in the colonies opposed the unfair treatment and all these Acts. On the night of December 16, several dozen Boston residents dressed as Indians boarded the ships and threw $75,000 worth of East India Company''s tea into the Boston harbor. This episode came to be known as the “Boston Tea Party”。

3.The Constitutional Convention

答:The Congress created under the Articles of Confederation in 1781 had no executive or judicial powers. In May 1787, the Constitutional Convention met in Philadelphia to revise the Arieles of Confederation. For four months, the delegates argued about what the government should be like. Finally, they reached a compromise, and drafted the

Constitution of the United States, which provided the basis for the creation of a federal government system in the United States.

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