

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-04-26
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161. Australia is politically divided into______states and______territories.

A. four / three B. five / two C. six / three D. six / two

162. Why is Australia''s New South Wales called the premier state? Because it________.

A. is was the first colony established by Britain in 1788.

B. is the biggest state in Australia

C. is the most important state in Australia

D. has the largest population in Australia

163. The Great Barrier Reef is included on the World Heritage list because________.

A. it has the most beautiful seascape in the world

B. it has the largest number of islands in the world

C. it has the most diverse and complex maritime life in the world

D. it has the longest coast in the world

164. Adelaide. The capital of South Australia, is internationally known for its_________.

A. wine B. beautiful scenery C. valuable minerals D. art festivals

165. Why is the southern area of the Northern Territory called the Red Center of Australia?

A. Because Uluru is located there. B. Because it is extremely hot and dry

C. Because is consists of miles and miles of red-sand desert and mountain ranges

D. Because it lies in the tropics

166. Canberra, the capital of Australia, got its name from the word \“Canberry\”, which is an

Aboriginal word meaning__________

167. In New Zealand, the two large islands(North Island and South Island) are separated by the

fairly narrow________.

A. Bering Strait B. the Strait of Dover C.Cook Strait D. South Strait

168. New Zealand is the first country in the world to get the new day because________.

A. it is just east of the International Date Line

B. it is just west of the Internatiohal Date Line

C. it is located halfway between the equator and the South Pole

D. it is located in the Southern Pacific Ocean

169. A fault line runs the length of New Zealand, which means that______.

A. if often has earthquakes B. if often has volcanoes

C. if often has earthquakes D. if often has droughts

170. The longest river in New Zealand is_______.

A. the Clutha River B. the Wanganui C. the Rangitata D. the Waikato

171. The most serious potential natural disasters in New Zealand are_______.

A. storms and earthquakes B. volcanoes and floods

C. earthquakes and volcanoes D. floods and storms

172. _______is the flightless bird which has become a symbol of New Zealand.

A. Emu B. Kiwi C. Weka D. Pukeko

173. Modern New Zealand was founded on the basis of_______signed between the Maoris and

British settlers in 1840.

A. Maoritanga B. Aotearoa C. the Treaty of Waitangi D. the Treaty of ANZUS

174. ______is the Maori name for New Zealand, meaning \“land of long, white cloud\”。

A. Waitangi B. Kiwi C. Aotearoa D. Maoritanga

175. According to Maori oral history, New Zealand was discovered by_______.

A. Abel Tasman B. James Cook C. Kupe D. Maui

176. In 1893 New Zealand became the first country in the world_______.

A. to recognize Maori rights of self-determination

B. to give women the vote

C. to introduce procedures for handling industrial disputes

D. to adopt the 40-hour working week

177. Which of the following is not true about the Maori protest movement?

A. It is popular with younger urban Maoris.

B. It aims to gain recognition for their language, value, and culture in national life.

C. It demands compensation for land seized illegally by European settlers.

D. The New Zealand government for land seized illegally by European settlers.

178.______is the best-known reptile in New Zealand. It is believed to be a pres-historical

survival and described as a \“living fossil\”。

A. Lizard B. Tuatara C. Kangaroo D. Emu

179. The first European to visit New Zealand in 1642 was_______.

A. James Cook B. Abel Tasman C. Arthur Phillip D. John Cabot

180. In Maori, New Zealand is Aotearoa and European settlers are______, a term often used by

white New Zealanders when contrasting themselves with the Maori.

A. Aotearo B. Pakeha C. Maoritanga D. Canberry

181. Why was the British government interested in New Zealand?

A.Trade with New Zealand was economically important

B.There were no laws to protect Maori rights in dealings with white settlers

C.The French government was also taking an interest in New Zealand.

D.All of the above.

182.Nearly three-quarters of the population (including more 95% of the Maori)live in

A.South Island B.North Island C.Steward Island D.the Chatham Island

183.The following are the reasons for the uneven distribution of the population of New Zealand


A.the concentration of mineral resources in the north

B.the milder climate in the north

C.the expansion of North Island industries

D.the availability of land suitable for specialized farming

184.The term“Maori”means_______.

A.special B.unusual C.normal D.distinguished

185.New Zealand‘s national day is on_________.

A.Jan 26 B.Feb.6 C.July 4 D.June 9

186.The New Zealand government agreed to pay compensation to the______tribe in 1994,and to

the Tainui tribal federation in 1995.

A.Clutha B.Waikato C.Torres Islander D.Ngai Tahu tyibe

186.In 1996 large tracts of land of South Island were granted to______in 1996.

A.Clutha B.Waikato C.Torres Islander D.Ngai Tahu tribe

187.The official language(s)in New Zealand include(s)。

A.English B.Maori C.Neither A nor B D.Both A and C

188.The New Zealand Christmas tree is________.

A.cabbage tree B.the yellow kowhai C.the red Pohutukawa D.kauri

189._______is described as a“living fossile”。

A.Kiwi B.tuatara C.weka D.pukeko

190.The first British setters came in 1840 through the New Zealand Company, established by

and others.

A.William Sibbon Johnson B.Edward Sibbon Wakefield

C.William Dampier D.John Cabot

191.A social security system was set up in New Zealand in 1935 by the__________.

A.the Labor government B the Liberal government

C.the progressive government D.the Conservative government

192._______was a notable New Zealander who split the atom.

A.Sir David Low B.Lord Rutherford

C.Sir William Liley D.Sir Edmund Hillary

193.The basic food plant for the Maori population before 1849 was_______,meaning“sweet


A.pas B.kumara C.maui D.marae

194.In 1769________made his first visit to New Zealand,as a result of which he produced the

first complete map of New Zealand.

A.Abel Tasman B.James Cook C.William Dampier D.William Johnson

195.Since the European settlers were greedy,and took away,their lands.the Maori were

driven into rebellion.

A.once B.twice c.three times D.four times

196.The New Zealand climate is generally_________and seasonal differences are not great. A.hot

B.mild B.dry D.heavy rainfall

197.The Maori,a branch of the eastern Polynesian race,migrated to New Zealand from the central

Pacific in the early________century.

A.7th B.8th C.9th D.10th

198.In Maori society, the_______was the basis for agricultural production,and also for ritual


A.family B.tribe C.society D.community

199.There are three active_________in North Island.

A.esrthquakes B.volcanoes C.fault lines D.rivers

200.The Southern Alps extends almost the whole length of_________Island.

A.East B.West C.North D.South


1.The Wars of the Roses


3.The Norman Conquest

4.The Hundred Years‘War

5.King Alfred the Great

6.The Beatles

7.The Gunpowder Plot of 1605

8.The Levelers

9.Rotten boroughs

10.The State Opening of Parliament

11.quality papers and popular papers

12.the eleven-plus

13.Easter uprising of 1916

14.Anglo-Irish Treaty(1921)

15.Peace Agreement on Northern Ireland(1998)

16.The Manifest Destiny

17.Little Rock Incident

18.The Port Huron Statement

19.The New Deal

20.The Red Scare of 1919-1920

21.The New Right Conservatism


23.The Electoral College

24.Judicial review



27.Harlem Renaissance

28.Thanksgiving Day

29.The Canadian Shield

30.Quebec Act off 1774

31. The Act of Union 1840

32. The British North America Act of 1867

33. Outback

34. Great Dividing Range in Australia

35. Great Barrier Reef

36. \“School of the Air\”

37. Flying Doctors

38. Kiwi

39. The Treaty of Waitangi of 1840

40. Maoritanga

III. Give brief answers to the following questions.

1. What were the two aspects of the Norman legacy that contributed to great domestic unrest in England in the 12th and 13th centuries?

2. When did the government establish rules for the first time to keep down wages?

3. What did the Whigs stand for in the early 19th century?

4. What were the two events that most alarmed the British ruling classes in the closing decades of the 18th century?

5. Why did Edward VIII abdicate in 1936 after a reign of 10 months?

6. Where does the Queen''s expenditure arising from public duties comes from?

7. What is the Speaker''s task in the House of Commons?

8. How do local authorities in Great Britain raise revenue?

9. What questions did Elizabeth I treat as personal and private?

10. What was the impact of the Wars of the Roses on feudalism in England?

11. What were the emblems of the Houses of York and Lancaster?

12. When was the Open University founded? Why is the Open University so called?

13. How are the state-run television channels BBC1 and BBC2 financed?

14. How are independent channels ITV and C4 funded?

15. What is a \“copyright\” library?

16. Which sport is regarded as typically English?

17. What are the major boys'' and girls'' \“public schools\” in Britain?

18. How many provinces of the Church of England have?

19. Why has Ireland been geographically compared to a basin?

20. What kind of climate does Ireland have?

21. What is the traditional tongue of Ireland?

22. When and how did the partition of Ireland occur?

23. When was the Downing Street Declaration issued?

24. What were the American wartime objectives during WWII?

25. What measure did the United States take in the Cuban Missile Crisis?

26. What is the importance of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

27. What were the three major features in the growth of American economy at the beginning of the 20th century?

28. What was the basic demand of the Progressive Movement?

29. What were the immediate causes that led the United States into WWI?

30. What were the two guiding principles underlying American diplomatic activities in WWII?

31. What was the Compromise of 1850?

32. Which are the five biggest cities, in terms of population, in the United States?

33. Can you give an example to show the awakening of American Indians?

34. What mechanisms did the writers of the Constitution introduce to provide safeguards?

35. What are the two special powers of the Senate?

36. According to the Constitution, what judicial power does the President have?

37. What did a group of women in the south do on May 30, 1868?

38. Why was the unknown soldier buried at Arlington in 1921?

39. What was the first uniquely American contribution to architecture?

40. What does \“leaf of grass\” stand for?

41. What is Emerson''s view of man and nature?

42. What is the composition of the federal court system in the United States?

43. What are the two major river systems in Canada?

44. Who were Canada''s first immigrants and when did they come to North America?

45. Where did the French settle through the 17th century?

46. Why were the French troops defeated during the Seven Years'' War (1756-1763)?

47. Who was the first Canadian Prime Minister? What was the most important event that took place in Canada under his rule?

48. Who was Wilfred Laurier? What happened in Canada under the liberal government?

49. What are the three largest cities in Canada?

50. How could you describe the climate in Canada?

51. Who founded the first permanent settlements at Quebec and Montreal in 1608?

52. Why is Australia called \“Land Down Under\”?

53. Where is New Zealand located?

54. What are the geographical features of New Zealand?

55. What are the Maori people determined to do with Maoritanga?


1——5 A C C D B 51-55 B B A A B

6——10 C D B B C 56-60 A B B C C

11——15 D D C C C 61-65 D A C C A

16——20 B A B B C 66-70 D C B A D

21—25 B B C C C 71—75 C B D C C

26—30 B D B C C 76—80 A D D B B

31——35 C C C C D 81—85 B A C C D

36—40 C D C B C 86—90 B A D C D

41—45 A C D B D 91-95 D B A D C

46-50 B A B C D 96—100 B D C C A

101-105 A A D A D 151-155 C B A D C

106-110 A D B A C 156-160 B D B B D

111-115 B D C D A 161-165 D A C D C

116-120 D B D C D 166-170 A C B C/A D

121-125 A C A C D 171-175 C B C C C

126-130 D C D B D 176-180 B D B B B

131-135 A B A D D 181-185 D B A C B

136-140 A A D B D 186(有两个,B D)

141-145 A A C C C 187-190 D C B B

146-150 A C A A C 191-195 B B B B B 196-200 B C A B D

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