

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-04-26
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21.When Edward the Confessor died,__________was chosen by the Witan as king of England.

A.the King of Norway

B.Harold Godwinson,Earl of Wessex

C.Edger,Edward''s nephew

D.Tostig,the deposed earl of Northumbria

22.William,Duke of Normandy, fought King Harold of England at the Battle of Hastings in

A.1065 B.1066 C.1067 D.1068

23.William won the Battle of Hastings.Later, on______he was crowned king of England by

A.Easter Day;Archbishop of Canterbury

B.St.Andrew''s Day:Archbishop of York

C.Christmas Day;Archbishop of York

D.Boxing Day,Archbishop of Canterbury

24.At the bottom of the feudal scale were the_________,who were little better than slaves.

A.lesser nobles B.freemen C.villeins D.barons

25.William''s Grand Council Was held three times a year in the following places except___________.

A.Winchester B.Westminster C.Manchester D.Gloucester

26.Henry II divided the country into_________circuits and appointed traveling judges to each of them.

A.five B.six C.seven D.eight

27.Simon de Monfort summoned in_________the Great Council to meet at Westminster,together with two knights from each county and two burgesses from each town.

A.1162 B.1164 C.1248 D.1265

28.During the reign of_________,Wales was brought under English rule.

A.Henty III B.Edward I C.Edward II D.Edward IV

29._________brought the first conflict between King Henry II and Thomas Becket?

A.The issue of the Constitutions of Clarendon

B.The issue of the exile

C.The trial of a clergyman of Bedford

D.The appointment of the Lord Chancellor

30._________was recognized to the French throne in 1420.

A.Henry III B.Edward III C.Henry V D.Henry VII

31.By 1453______was the only part of France that was still in the hands of the English.

A.Poitiers B.Sluys C.Calais D.Argencourt

32.In 1351 the English government issue a________which made it a crime for peasants to ask for wages or for employers to pay more than the rates laid down by the Justices of Peace.

A.Statute of Laws

B.Statute of Government

C.Statute of Laborers

D.Statute of Lands

33.The name of the Wars of the Roses was, in fact,coined by the great 19th century novelist _________.

A.Charles Dickens B.George Elliot

C.Sir Walter Scott D.Charlotte Bronte

34.Henry VIII declared himself supreme Head of the Church of England in_______.

35.The Renaissance began in northern Italy in the_______century,and was typified by the universal genius of Lenardo Da Vinci.

A.11th B.12th C.13th D.14th

36.The English Renaissance is said to have begun in_______.

A.1422 B.1478 C.1485 D.1495

37.The Great Civil War,as it became known,lasted from______until 1646.

A.1639 B.1640 C.1641 D.1642

38.After the RestoratIon,Parliament passed a series of severe laws called______against the Puritans,now known as Nonconformists.

A.Agreement of the People

B.the Petition of the Right

C.the Clarendon Code

D.the Act of Supremacy

39. Land enclosure was a disaster for the_________evicted from their land by the enclosures.

A.landlord B.tenants C. farmers D.wage laborers

40. Which of the following is Not considered a characteristic of farming in the late 18th and early 19th centuries?

A. use of artificial fertilizer

B. introduction of new agriculture machinery

C.The “open-field” system

D. a system of crop rotation

41. In England no females were allowed to vote in national elections before______.

A. 1918 B. 1920 C. 1928 D. 1945

42. In 1836 a group of_______and small shopkeepers formed the London Working Men''s Association.

A. householders B. tenants C. skilled workers D. office workers

43. The six points of the People''s Charter were achieved gradually over the period of_______,although the sixth has never been practical.

A. 1836-1848 B. 1842-1848 C. 1848-1908 D. 1858-1918

44. Thanks to the militant feminist movement of the______led by Mrs. Pankhurst before the First World War, votes were granted to women over 30 in 1918.

A. Luddites B. Suffragettes C. Chartists D. Levellers

45. Parliament passed the Combination Acts of 1799-1800 to forbid the formation of______.

A. a new government B. societies C. communes D. unions

46. The Blitz radically changed the face of London for the first time since_______nearly 3 centuries earlier.

A. the Black Death B. The Great Fire C. the Civil War D. the Great Plague

47. The foundations of______was laid in the late 1940s, providing free medical care for everyone and financial help for the old, the sick and the unemployed.

A. the welfare state

B. the National Health Service

C. the compulsory education

D. the Women''s Liberation Movement

48. Margaret Thatcher believed in the following except_______.

A. self-reliance B. the strengthening of trade unions

C. privatization D. the use of monetary policies to control inflation.

49. In the 1960s,Pop music underwent a revolution when the Beatles became world famous and turned their hometown____into a place of pilgrim.

A. Manchester B. Blackpool C. Liverpool D. Sheffield

50. The 1970s saw the growth of______in Wales and Scotland.

A. liberalism B. Marxism C. chauvinism D. nationalism

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