

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-04-26
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81. The creation of Northern Ireland dates from_______when the Irish Free State was set up.

A.1916 B.1921 C.1937 D.1949

82. On Easter Monday,April 18,1949,Eire became the Republic of Ireland,formally free of allegiance to the British crown and no longer a member of_________.

A. the Commonwealth of Nations

B. the United Nations

C. the NATO

D. the EC

83. When Albert Reynolds became the Prime Minister in 1992, both Ireland and Britain agreed to hold regular meetings_______.

A. to deal with the IRA

B. to make preparations for a united Ireland

C. to seek an end to the violence in Northern Ireland

D. to improve relations with each other

84. As a result of peace talks between Ireland and Britain a peace agreement on Northern Ireland was signed in_____.

A. April 1997 B. May 1997 C. April 1998 D. May 1998

85. The peace agreement on Northern Ireland was approved by voters across all of Ireland in a referendum held in_____.

A. April 1997 B. May 1997 C. April 1998 D.May 1998

86. The 1937 Constitution abolished the Irish Free State and established Eire as_______.

A. a constitutional monarchy B. parliamentary republic

C. a federal republic D. a socialist country

87. _______was an important immigration reception spot in the late 19th century and early 20th

A. Ellis Island B. San Francisco C. Hawaii D. Miami

88. The three states that have seen the fastest growth in population in the past 20 years are______.

A. California,Arizona and New Mexico

B. California,Florida and Nevada

C. NewMexico,Texas and Florida

D. Arizona,Nevada and Florida

89. In American history, the Pilgrim Fathers refer to those who came to Plymouth on board of_______.

A. a French ship B. a British ship C. Mayflower D. an Italian ship

90. Why did President Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation?

A. Because President Lincoln himself was an abolitionist

B. Because he wanted to punish the slave-owners in those states which broke away from the union.

C. Because he has no other alternative

D.Because he realized that in order to win the war,he should make it a just war against slaveryso as to rally as many people as possible under the banner of the Federal Government

91. The place that Christopher Columbus landed was_______.

A. India

B. islands in Asia

C. the current territory of the USA

D. islands in the now West Indies

92. One of the features of the early colonists which has strong infiuence on the formation of American character is______.

A. religious tolerance B.respect for personal success

C. stress on community harmony D. none of the above

93. The clash at Concord and Lexington marked_________.

A. the beginning of the War of Independence

B. the beginning of the second Continental Congress

C. a minor clash between the British and the colonists with no significance

D.none of the above

94. The contradiction that arose at the Constitutional Conference of 1787 was contradiction between_________.

A. big states and small states

B. industrial-commercial states and the landed states

C. one house or two houses of Congress

D. A and B

95. Overlord is a code name for_________.

A. American lend-lease assistance to the Soviet Union

B. the summit conference at Teheran

C. the allied landing at Normandy,France in 1944

D. the North African campaign

96. One of the important decisions made at the Yalta Conference was___________.

A. the allied landing at Normandy

B. the setting up of a world organization,the United Nations,to manage peace and security after the war

C. coordinated efforts in war against Japan

D. none of the above

97. The Progressive movement was______.

A. an organized campaign with definite goals

B. a movement aiming at exposing the dark side of society

C. not an organized campaign with efforts to improve people''s living standard

D. a number of diverse efforts aiming at achieving political,social and economic reforms

98. One of the contributions of Theodore Roosevelt as President was_________

A. the banning of child labor B. the giving of voting right to women

C. in the field of natural conservation D. in urban system

99. One of the contributions of Woodrow Wilson was________.

A. natural resources B. the construction of irrigation projects

C. the setting up of the Federal Reserve Board and twelve Federal Reserve Banks

D. the introduction of tariff increase and a low income tax

100. Sacco and Vanzatti were sentenced to death and executed because________.

A. of their radical political ideas

B. they were guilty of killing tow people were members of KKK

D. they stole $16,000.

101. One of the serious weakness in American economy in the 1920s was_______.

A. uncontrolled speculation in stock market

B. tariff protection

C. huge profits of big business

D. too much control over the banking system

102. The purpose of the New Deal measures was to______.

A. save American democracy and the capitalist society

B. check the worsening of the economic situation

C. help people tie over the difficulty

D. increase American exportl

103. The idea of containment was first brought up by______.

A. Harry Truman B. Franklin D. Roosevelt C. Marshall

104. It was_______which started the Berlin Blockade.

A. the Soviet Union B. the United States C. Britain D. France

105. The trial of Alger Hiss proved_______.

A. that he was a Soviet spy

B. that he did not te1l the truth in court

C. that he provided Soviet agent with secret information on a-bomb

D. none of the above

106. The supreme Court played a role in whipping up the anti-communist hysteria by________.

A. upholding the constitutionality of the Smith Act

B.convicting 11 high-ranking communist leaders

C.srpporting the trial of Alger Hiss

D.supporting President Truman''s executive order

107.The pillar industries for the postwar economic boom were______.

A.information.space and blotechnology

B.textile,automobile and construction

C.defense,information and housing

D.automobile,housing and defense

108.During the Cuban missile Crisis, there was_______a nuclear war.

A.little danger of

B.grave danger of

C.real intention

D.earnest intention for

109.The Federalists advocated________.

A.a strong federal government B.strong state government

C.the adoption of Bill of Rights D.limits on the federal government

110.In the past decades,the influence of political parties has been declining_______.

A.so the political parties are no longer important

B.so an independent presidential candidate can win a national election

C.but without the backing of a political party,a presidential candidate still cannot win

D.so the presidential election has become more unpredictable

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