中文名: 跨平台的办公室软件套件
英文名: Oracle Open Office
资源格式: 压缩包
版本: v9.2
发行时间: 2010年
制作发行: Oracle
地区: 美国
语言: 英文

应用平台:Microsoft Windows 2000 (Service Pack 2 or higher), Windows XP, Windows Vista (32-bit and 64-bit), or Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
问题反馈: http://www.oracle.com/us/support/index.html
网站链接: http://www.oracle.com/us/products/applications/open-office/index.html
售价USD 49.95-95.00
Released on 05/23/10 for exclusive usage by members of the release scene. This isnt something to share with your school mates and not for sale.
Go and ask mommy to buy this app if you like it!
Company ..: Oracle
Url ......: http://www.oracle.com
OpenOffice.org 是一套跨平台的办公室软件套件,能在 Windows、Linux、MacOS X (X11)、和 Solaris 等操作系统上执行。它与各个主要的办公室软件套件兼容。OpenOffice.org 是自由软件,任何人都可以免费下载、使用、及推广它。
1、Writer 文本文档
2、Calc 电子表格
3、Impress 演示文稿
4、Math 公式
5、Draw 绘图
6、Base 数据库
OpenOffice.org 不仅是六大组件的组合,而且与同类产品不同的是,本套件不是独立软件模块形式创建的,从一开始,它就被设计成一个完整的办公软件包。
* 所有的包有类似的外观,易于使用,如“样式”等“一次学会到处使用”的工具。OpenOffice.org 保持与您的电脑类似的外观——您一旦改变您的桌面,OpenOffice.org 也会相应改变。
* 组件间的相同工具用法相同——例如, Writer 里面使用的绘图工具在 Impress 和 Draw 里面您也能用到。
* 您不必知道哪个应用程序用于创建哪个特殊文件——您使用“文件”就可以“打开”任何 OpenOffice.org 文件,正确的应用程序将会运行。
* 所有的包共享一个拼写检查工具,如果您改变一个组件包里面的“选项”,在其他组件包里也会同时改变。
* 所有组件间资料可以轻松转移。
* 所有的组件文件可储存为 OpenDocument 格式(新的办公文档国际标准),这种基于 XML 的格式相比同类产品的格式,磁盘存储更合理,任何兼容 OpenDocument 标准的软件均可以访问您的数据。
* 使用安装程序,所有组件可以一次性安装。
* 所有发布的版本都基于相同的开放许可证——没有隐性费用
Oracle Open Office includes the following features:
* Oracle Open Office Writer (Word Processing)
Whether you need to snap out a quick memo or craft an in-depth report with a table of contents, diagrams, and indexes, Oracle Open Office Writer makes it simple
* Oracle Open Office Calc (Spreadsheet)
The Oracle Open Office Calc spreadsheet lets you calculate, analyze, and share your data quickly and easily
* Oracle Open Office Impress (Presentation)
Oracle Open Office Impress is a full-featured presentation tool
* Oracle Open Office Extensions
Oracle Open Office Extensions are small add-ons that add new functionality to Oracle Open Office. They allow you to add exactly the functionality you need, without any interruption in your day to day tasks
* Oracle Open Office Draw (Graphics)
Oracle Open Office Draw helps you bring your communications to life with easy-to-create organizational charts, network diagrams, floor plans and sketches, and lots more
* Oracle Open Office Base
Oracle Open Office Base enables you to easily create "self-contained" database documents with all relevant data, table definitions, reports, and forms
与MS Office的对比

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°²²²±±±² Oracle Open Office v9.2 ²±±±²²²°±
±° ±²²² PROUD 6TH BIRTHDAY ²²²± °±²
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±° °± °
²² ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² Released on 05/23/10 for exclusive usage by ²² ²²²
²² ° members of the release scene. This isnt something ° ²²
° ² ° to share with your school mates and not for sale. ° ² °
² °²±² ° Go and ask mommy to buy this app if you like it! ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° ° ±²²²
° °± Company ..: Oracle ±° ° ±
±° Url ......: http://www.oracle.com °± °
²² ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² ²² ²²²
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° °± ±² °°² ° ° ²°° ²± ±° ° ±
±° ² ² ±± Release Information ²± ² ² °± °
²² ²² ²² °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² ²² ²²²
²² ° ° ²²
° ² ° Now you can have a full-featured office ° ² °
² °²±² ° productivity suite that's compatible with Microsoft ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° Office—at just a fraction of the cost. It's easy to ° ±²²²
° °± use and has all the features and tools you could ±° ° ±
±° ever want. With its powerful functionality and low °± °
²² ²² price, Oracle Open Office is an excellent value. ²² ²²
²²² ²² ²² ²²²
²² ° Please note that Oracle Open Office is the new name ° ²²
° ² ° for StarOffice and StarSuite. StarOffice was ° ² °
² °²±² ° previously sold as Sun's office productivity suite ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° with StarSuite being the Asian language version of ° ±²²²
° °± StarOffice. This name change has no effect on the ±° ° ±
±° functionality of StarOffice or StarSuite. °± °
²² ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² ²² ²²²
²² ° ° ²²²±°° ° ° ²²
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° °± ±² °°² ° ° ²°° ²± ±° ° ±
±° ² ² ±± Install Notes ²± ² ² °± °
²² ²² ²² °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² ²² ²²²
²² ° ° ²²
° ² ° 1. Unpack & Install ° ² °
² °²±² ° ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° ° ±²²²
° °± Enjoy our great GFX! ±° ° ±
±° °± °
²² ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² ²² ²²²
²² ° ° ²²²±°° ° ° ²²
° ² ° ±± ²²±°°° °° °² ±± ° ² °
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° °± ±² °°² ° ° ²°° ²± ±° ° ±
±° ² ² ±± Group Notes ²± ² ² °± °
²² ²² ²² °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² ²² ²²²
²² ° ° ²²
° ² ° You got something to offer like ° ² °
² °²±² ° ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° * supplies (either ISO or DDL) ° ±²²²
° °± * cracking skills ±° ° ±
±° * pizza °± °
²² ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² and want to join the only scene family in existance? ²² ²²²
²² ° Then just ask around on IRC (maybe even your girl- ° ²²
° ² ° friend may know one of our council members, be it ° ² °
² °²±² ° the one or the other way...) and lets see if you ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° fit into one of our open positions! ° ±²²²
° °± ±° ° ±
±° °± °
²² ²² Signed, ²² ²²
²²² ²² - TEAM DVT - ²² ²²²
²² ° ° ²²
° ² ° ° ° ° ² °
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° (( nFO layout by ixlover / buddha ))