中文名: PhotoShop无损放大滤镜/分形及打印插件
英文名: Onone Genuine Fractals Professional
资源格式: 压缩包
版本: 专业版v6.05/含注册机
发行时间: 2010年
制作发行: onOne Software
地区: 美国
语言: 英文

应用平台:Windows XP, Windows Vista SP2 (32 & 64-bit) or Windows 7 (32 & 64-bit)
问题反馈: http://www.ononesoftware.com/support/
网站链接: http://www.ononesoftware.com/detail.php?prodLine_id=8
onOne Software公司出品的一款适合PhotoShop使用的无损放大软件。它通过对图象进行复杂的运算建模提取”独立于象素与分辨率”的图象描述,真正实现无级变换图象尺寸。创建高质量,易于打印的RGB和CMYK文件。Genuine Fractals的标准版只支持RGB图像,而Genuine Fractals PrintPro不仅支持RGB图像,也支持CMYK和CIE-Lab图像。
Genuine Fractals 6----影像缩放的工业标准,是摄影师、绘画艺术家和数码图像专业人士的必备工具,该程序可以帮助你建立和打印超高品质的放大图像,最大可达 1000%,并保持线条和细节不失真。本版本可适用于Adobe® Photoshop® CS4, Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended and Adobe Photoshop Lightroom® 2。
深受影像专家喜爱的 Genuine Fractals 产品是您不可或缺的影像工具,不论您是影像工作者或摄影师, Genuine Fractals 都能帮助您建立高解析度的影像档案, 甚至您可以尽情放大影像却无须担心影像变形或品质低落的问题。
极具亲合力的使用者介面、支援批次转档处理及常见工作平台,不论您想如何应用您的影像,透过 Genuine Fractals 会让您更加无往不利。
主要优点:支援所有 RGB, Multichannel 及灰阶影像的编码功能。您只需将原始档案编码后,便可以在往后的列印中任意调整。Genuine Fractals 能够转换所有 Photoshop 相容格式。
Genuine Fractals 6 Professional Edition is the industry standard for image resizing. It is renowned across the photographic and printing industries for its ability to increase image size well over 1000% without the loss of sharpness or detail that you would normally expect. The patented, fractal based interpolation algorithms works like nothing else and the results speak for themselves.
Genuine Fractals 6 Professional Edition works with Photoshop CS2, CS3 and CS4 as well as Photoshop Lightroom 2.1, Apple Aperture 2 and Photoshop Elements 6, 7 and 8.

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Reverse Engineering Digital Team
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² Onone (c) Genuine Fractals 6.05 Professional ²
² ²
² DATE......: 05/23/2010 PACKER....: RED TEAM ²
² SUPPLIER..: RED TEAM TYPE......: Keygen ²
² SIZE......: 13x.5.00MB PLATFORM..: WinAll ²
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² URL.......: http://www.ononesoftware.com/ ²
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² Genuine Fractals 6 is renowned across the photographic ²
² and printing industries for its ability to increase ²
² image size well over 1000% in Photoshop while ²
² maintaining image detail. Version 6 now supports CS5, ²
² CS4, CS3 and CS2, and it's now up to 2x faster in ²
² 64-bit Photoshop on Mac OS 10! Get the Standard ²
² Edition now for only $119.95 or the Pro Edition for ²
² just $199.95 through May 21, 2010. ²
² ²
² onOne Software will make the Photoshop CS5 ²
² compatibility updates free of charge to registered ²
² owners of the current product titles listed above. ²
² These free software updates will be available as ²
² updates from within each application and as a download ²
² from the onOne Software web site within 30 days of ²
² Photoshop CS5 and Photoshop CS5 Extended availability. ²
² Upgrade Information ²
² ²
² Registered owners of previous versions of the onOne ²
² Software plug-ins for Photoshop listed above can ²
² upgrade to the current version of each plug-in for ²
² only $99.95 plus shipping if applicable. Alternately, ²
² these users may also upgrade directly to the Plug-In ²
² Suite 5 for $349.95, plus shipping if applicable ²
² (electronic versions are available for download as ²
² well). The Plug-In Suite 5 includes the most recent ²
² versions of all onOne Software plug-ins. Upgrades from ²
² Plug-In Suite 1, 2, 3 or 4 to the Plug-In Suite 5 are ²
² available for $199.95 plus shipping if applicable. ²
² More information about onOne Software's upgrade ²
² program can be found at ²
² http://www.ononesoftware.com/upgrade. ²
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² Greetings To All Of You! ²
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