专辑英文名: I Am Who I Am/Secret Love
歌手: Lee Ryan 李·瑞恩
音乐风格: 流行
资源格式: MP3
版本: [EP]
发行时间: 2010年07月04日
地区: 英国
语言: 英语
压缩比率:215 Kbps (VBR)
I Am Who I Am / Secret Love是原Blue成员Lee Ryan第2张个人专辑《Confessions》的首支双面单曲。其中强劲电子风的Secret Love原计划5月份的时候发行,后来一再推迟到最终与抒情曲I Am Who I Am一起作为双面单曲发行。
I Am Who I Am (前3分54) / Secret Love (后4分钟)
WikipediaiTunes (UK)
Double A-side(双面单曲)
A "double A-side" is a single which has two featured songs. This practice was introduced by The Beatles in 1965 for their single "Day Tripper" which appeared on the same single with "We Can Work It Out".
Occasionally double-A-sided singles are released with each side targeting a different market. During the late 1970s, for example, Dolly Parton released a number of double A-sided singles, in which the A-side was released to pop radio, and the B side to country, including "Two Doors Down"/"It's All Wrong but It's All Right" and "Baby I'm Burning"/"I Really Got the Feeling".
Many artists continue to release double A-side singles outside of the US where it is seen as more popular.