中文名: Layers
英文名: Layers
资源格式: PDF
发行时间: 2010年
地区: 美国
语言: 英文
Who are we? Magazine publishers? Technically. Adobe geeks? Sometimes. Great design fanatics? Absolutely.
Emerging from the formidable history of MacDesign magazine, Layers‘ ongoing aspiration is to equip creative minds with the up-to-the-minute tools they need to build the digital masterpieces of tomorrow.
Every page of Layers magazine is brimming with powerhouse tutorials for Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, GoLive, Acrobat, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Dreamweaver and Flash – all the secret Adobe techniques that design professionals need to quickly and easily produce dazzling results.
In today’s communication-crazed world, graphic designers, photographers, and video editors at every level have to reconfigure their finished work for a multitude of different channels, knowing one or two programs just won’t get the job done. That’s why Layers magazine is such an essential publication for the today’s do-it-all creative pro. There really is no other magazine like it in the world.
Layers is created by the award-winning design zealots of Kelby Media Group, the same people that bring you Photoshop User magazine, Photoshop World, the Adobe Seminar Tour and the National Association of Photoshop Professionals. Lead by last year’s #1-selling computer book author and the world’s preeminent Photoshop educator, Scott Kelby, Layers is infused by a simple but effective mantra, “just show me how you did that.”
Kelby and his team of writers, editors and art directors enthusiastically craft six mind-blowing issues a year (plus bonus issues). Each is filled with easy to master tutorials from the foremost Adobe experts, uncompromising product reviews, design inspiration from your peers and a multitude of timesaving tips and tricks. Each new issue adds to your creativity and marketability, providing a library of key techniques that will constantly enrich your skills – whether you’re a pro or an enthusiast.
This one of a kind bi-monthly publication from Kelby Media Group is available through subscription or at these fine retailers:
Borders, Barnes & Noble, B. Dalton, Barnes & Noble College, Gordon & Gotch, Media Play, Virgin Megastores, Hastings Books, Fry’s Electronics, Book World, Kroger Stores, Publix News Group.