中文名: 战锤40K之流血圣杯
原名: Bleeding Chalice
作者: Ben Counter
图书分类: 文学
资源格式: PDF
版本: 文字版 英文原版
出版社: Games Workshop
书号: 9781844160549
发行时间: 2003年
地区: 美国
语言: 英文
Like Ben Counter's previous novel, Soul Drinker, this is a great novel for fans of the 40k universe. Brutal, over-the-top violence fills nearly every page, and the huge scope of events gives the novel an epic feel.
Having been excommunicated from the Imperium, the Soul Drinkers continue to wage war against Chaos, as well as their former masters in the Empire. Their impossible goal is to save their chapter by finding a cure for the chaos which has tainted them. Following close on their heels is a ruthless, macchiavellian inquisition determined to exterminate the renegade marines at any price. Meanwhile, an army of the dead has risen on dozens of planets, and threatens to overtake the entire sector.
Ben Counter does a great job envisioning and communicating his tale. In usual 40K form, the novel seeks to impress the reader with carnage on a massive scale, and succeeds.
这本书讲述了Soul Drinker这只奇怪的SM部队,他们被帝国开除出去,但是同时拒绝膜拜混沌邪神,他们的命运将会怎样?大量的血腥和屠杀让你肾上腺素反应加快!
该书Ben Counter作者小说《Soul Drinker》的后续
(By 阿尸是女孩子)