
《战锤40K冈特系列之第一与唯一》(First and Only (Gaunt's Ghosts) )(Dan Abnett)文字版 英文原版[PDF]

王朝资源·作者佚名  2010-07-23
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中文名: 战锤40K冈特系列之第一与唯一

原名: First and Only (Gaunt's Ghosts)

作者: Dan Abnett

图书分类: 文学

资源格式: PDF

版本: 文字版 英文原版

出版社: Games Workshop

书号: 9781844161645

发行时间: 2002年

地区: 美国

语言: 英文



First and Only & Ghostmaker

<第一与唯一> & <幽灵制造者>

The first two books are collections of short stories originally published in the cartoon fanzine Inferno!, published by the Black Library. They are not sequential; for example, the fall of Tanith in the first chapter of Ghostmaker occurs before the siege on Fortis Binary in First and Only, which in turn takes place before the assault on Oskray Hive in Ghostmaker (this latter timeline can be established by the mention of a cybernetic shoulder that was fitted to Serg. Varl on Fortis Binary, and Serg. Hasker who died on Menasoid Epsilon, but he mentioned in this book as a person alive). Disregarding the fall of Tanith, during which little fighting took place, the action of the two books is focused on four main theatres of operation:

小说集中的头两部实际上是地狱火杂志(黑图书馆出版)中的原创小故事的集合,所以故事看起来很不连贯;比如,第2部<幽灵制造者>一书中描述的坦尼斯陷落实际发生在第一部<第一与唯一>中描述的弗提斯·巴纳瑞围攻战之前----取代了<幽灵制造者>中奥斯科瑞蜂巢突袭战之后的故事..(幽灵制造者中之后的时间线看来,瓦尔中士能出现在弗提斯·巴纳瑞理论上是有可能的,但是哈斯卡中士应该是死在了曼纳索德·伊普色隆[Menasoid Epsilon]---书里却说他还活着).忽略坦尼斯陷落的章节,根据其他战斗发生的地点,这两本书实际描述了以下4个主要剧情

Voltis City, Voltemond


Voltemond is described in Ghostmaker as a temperate world, similar to Earth, with extensive marshlands around Voltis City, the planetary capital, which was under Chaos control before the events of Ghostmaker. The chapter begins with the Tanith First "Gaunt's Ghosts" saving the Ketzok 17th "Serpents" artillery regiment from an ambush by Chaos Space Marines. The Tanith are then ordered to infiltrate and assault the main watergate and sanitation outfall of Voltis in order to mine the walls and form a breach for an assault by the Royal Volpone 50th storm troopers, known as the "Bluebloods". The assault on the watergate is repelled when the traitors open the floodgates and flush the Tanith out; however, Sergeant Cluggan leads a successful attack on the sanitation outfalls, creating a breach for the armoured assault. As the Ghosts retreat, General Noches Sturm of the Royal Volpone and his adjudant, Major Gilbear, both of whom were disdainful of Gaunt and his "low-born" soldiers, order the Ketzok to bombard the Tanith as they fall back to their base. Three hundred men, including Sergeant Cluggan, are killed and another two hundred wounded. Gaunt almost faces a court-martial when he punches Colonel Ortiz, the Ketzok commander, but is let off when Ortiz claims that his injuries were caused by his Basilisk artillery vehicle's recoil.

根据<幽灵制造者>一书中的描述沃特蒙德世界是个常温世界----类似地球----.大片的湿地环绕着首都沃提斯城,在<幽灵制造者>一书中描述的行动发生前,这是个被混沌控制的城市.这一章故事的开始,是坦尼斯的第一批"冈特的幽灵"拯救了被一队混沌星际战士所突袭的卡特佐克[Ketzok]代号"毒蛇"的第17炮兵团.之后他们接到命令渗透并突袭沃尔提斯城外的水闸以及污水管,挖倒那里的城墙,给皇家沃朋第50风暴突击队[Royal Volpone 50th storm troopers](部队代号蓝血)的突破创造机会.水闸的突袭部队被那里的叛军打开闸门冲了个无影无踪.但是克鲁根中士带领的污水管突袭行动得到了成功,使得一支装甲部队从那里突破了进去.在幽灵们撤退的过程中,皇家沃朋军的将军诺查斯·斯图姆(General Noches Sturm)以及他的军曹(adjudant,Major Gilbear)吉尔比尔中士,因为对冈特以及他的"出身卑微"的士兵的蔑视,命令卡特佐克部队炮击他们的营地---这时幽灵们刚刚撤回基地. 300多名士兵以及克鲁根中士在炮击中牺牲,另有200多人负伤. 冈特因为这件事大发雷霆而拳打了卡特佐克炮兵团的指挥官--欧提兹上校, 冈特险些因为这件事上了军事法庭,但最后欧提兹上校以被石化蜥蜴发炮的的后坐力所伤为借口帮冈特掩饰了过去.

Fortis Binary


Fortis Binary is described as a forge-world, a planet-wide factory that fell to Chaos. First and Only describes how the Ghosts manage to sabotage a Chaos ritual after Lord Militant General Hechtor Dravere orders them on a suicidal attack on an enemy trench line. This marks the first demonstration of the hatred of Colonel Draker Flense, the commander of the Jantine Patricians who suggested that Dravere give the assault order, for Colonel-Commissar Gaunt.

弗提斯·比纳瑞是一个铸造世界,遍布行星表面的工厂陷入了混沌的手中.<第一与唯一>书中描写了幽灵们接到陆军上将维克多·德拉维尔(Lord Militant General Hechtor )的一项自杀性的进攻命令---穿越敌军堑壕线,并且破坏敌军的一次混沌仪式.这是詹亭贵族军(Jantine Patricians)的指挥官上校德拉克·弗兰斯(Colonel Draker Flense)仇恨幽灵们的证据之一,正是他建议德拉维尔对上校-政委冈特下达这个命令

Menazoid Epsilon

曼纳佐德 伊普斯隆

A death world on the edge of the Menazoid Clasp, Epsilon was the site of three shrines to Chaos, designated Primaris, Secundus and Tertius by Imperial tacticians. Beneath Shrine Target Primaris was a Standard Template Constructor, a relic from over ten millennia before the events of First and Only, which made Iron Men, a pattern of robotic warriors; the traitorous General Dravere, assisted by the mutated, radical Inquisitor Heldane, Colonel Draker Flense and his Jantine Patricians attempted to seize power and overturn the commander of the Sabbat Worlds Crusade, Warmaster Macaroth, using the Iron Men. However, the machine was corrupted by Chaos and Commissar Gaunt destroyed it, despite the psychic puppetry of the Inquisitor, who died after his "instrument" - Imperial Agent Fereyd, the man into whom Heldane had extended his consciousness - was explosively killed. Colonel Flense also attempted to get his revenge on Gaunt and the Ghosts, as Gaunt has field-executed Flense's father, General Aldo Dercius, many years previously. The Jantine shock troops annihilated the Tanith Seventh platoon command of Serg. Blane, but were themselves killed to a man by Gaunt's allies, the Vitrian Dragoons. Gaunt stabbed Flense to death beneath Target Primaris, before escape along with his men.


# .........),在第一祭坛下藏有一个古老的通用建造模板(STC),这个古物被认为已经存在了有一万年了,里面含有机械战士--铁人的制造方法;叛变将军德拉维,与突变的很过激的检查官海尔丹(Inquisitor Heldane),詹亭贵族军以及他们的指挥官上校德拉克, 他们企图利用铁人的力量来颠覆萨巴特远征的总指挥官-- 大司战马卡洛斯 --的指挥权.但是这个被混沌污染的机械最终被冈特摧毁了,同时审判官的精神傀儡,---- 被他精神控制的帝国特工费雷德(Imperial Agent Fereyd) ----也跟他的“战争机器“一起死在了爆炸里.上校德拉克·弗兰斯对幽灵的报复企图未果,因为冈特曾经在很多年前处决了弗兰斯的父亲,奥尔多·德塞由斯. 詹亭风暴突击队消灭了坦尼斯第7排指挥官,巴兰中士. 但是他们自己却被冈特的盟友,维特瑞安龙骑兵干掉了.冈特最终在"第一"祭坛下,刺死了企图带着他保镖逃跑的弗兰斯



The jungle world of Monthax is the setting for the end of Ghostmaker, when Gaunt and his men encounter the alien Eldar as they struggle to wipe out a Chaos infestation. The Ghosts have to cooperate once again with the Royal Volpone 50th, and with an inquisitor who had accused Brin Milo of witchcraft. They discover an ancient portal leading to one of the Eldar's craftworlds, self-sustaining cities in space, which the inquisitor, Lilith Abferquan, closes after the alien Farseer guarding the portal dies. At the end of this war, the Ghosts lost an exellent leader, Serg. Lerod.

蒙萨克斯丛林世界的故事是作为<幽灵制造者>的结尾部分出现的,冈特与他的部下遭遇了一支灵族异形的军团,后者艰苦的试图清理那里的混沌污染. 幽灵们重新与皇家沃朋第五十军合作,以及一名曾指控布林·米洛(Brin Milo)是巫术使用者的检查官. 他们在那里发现了一个通向灵族方舟世界(灵族建造的在宇宙中漂浮的世界)的远古传送门,检查官莉莉斯·阿柏芬坤,在看守传送门的先知死后曾经检查了那里. 这次战争即将结束的时候,幽灵们失去了他们的一个优秀的领导,拉洛德中士

Aside from these battles, 'Ghostmaker' is interspersed with short stories (originally published in 'Inferno!') in other warzones such as Blackshard, Caligula and Oskray Hive which are used to develop individual characters; for example, the character and leadership qualities of Dermon Caffran are displayed in his actions at Oskray Hive, where he commands an infiltration force which causes the fall of the enemy stronghold, and continue to be exhibited upon his promotion to Sergeant in 'His Last Command'.

在这些战役进行的前后,<幽灵制造者>一书也零散的交代了一些小故事(<地狱火>杂志的原创小说),在其他一些战场上,比如黑色碎片(Blackshard)卡利古拉(Caligula)以及奥斯卡蜂巢(Oskray Hive),那里的故事着重描写了其他角色们的个性;比如,奥卡斯蜂巢行动的故事主要体现了德蒙·卡夫兰的领导力以及他的性格,他率领的一只渗透小队成功的潜入了敌人的一座要塞并且导致了后者的陷落.在<他的最后命令>里卡夫兰已经被晋升为了中士

(By ACE)




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