中文名: Flash Professional CS5 创建站点教程
英文名: Creating a First Web Site with Flash Professional CS5
资源格式: 光盘镜像
主讲人: Paul Trani
发行日期: 2010年07月27日
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
文字语言: 英文

Lynda出品的时长 2小时45分钟的使用Flash Professional CS5 创建站点教程.如何创建一个完整的、动态的网站. 包括创建和导入目录基础知识. 添加平滑的2D和3D转换,添加超链接.把动画、视频、音频和用户互动的整合过程进行简化............
主讲:Paul Trani

Creating a First Web Site with Flash Professional CS5 shows how to make a fully functional, dynamic web site in Flash Professional CS5. This course covers the fundamentals of creating and importing content, adding smooth 2D and 3D transitions, and adding button functionality that goes beyond links. This course will also show how to integrate and control video and audio as well as how to implement a gallery and a contact form.
Exercise files are included with the course. 教学光盘中附带有练习素材。
主要内容有 Topics include:
Understanding web design
Creating buttons and web graphics in Photoshop
Formatting text with the Text Layout Framework
Using the Timeline
Creating a custom looping animation
Loading images in a gallery
Creating invisible buttons
Adding music and video to a site
Customizing video playback controls
Optimizing and publishing a web site