中文名称: 特大城市
英文名称: Cities XL Limited Edition
游戏类型: SIM 模拟经营类游戏
资源格式: 光盘镜像
版本: 破解版
发行时间: 2009年10月9日
制作发行: Modern City-Building
Monte Cristo Multimedia
地区: 美国
语言: 英文,法文,德文
游戏名称:特大城市 限量版
英文名称:Cities XL - Limited Edition
制作厂商:Monte Cristo Games
游戏发行:Focus Home Interactive
游戏语种:英语, 法语, 德语
游戏类型:Modern City-Building
《特大城市(Cities XL)》是一款由法国Monte Cristo开发的实时全三维城市建造游戏。《Cities XL》是以前作《梦想大都会(City Life)》的制作经验为基础开发的,但Monte Cristo否认前者为续作。游戏的玩法近似于《模拟城市 4》的规划工商住用地、建设和财政管理,外加另收月费的大型多人在线(MMO)模式,让众多的网络版玩家在同一个伺服器——“行星”(Planet)的不同地点建造和管理城市,游览其他玩家的城市和与他们交易,而单机版玩家只能与一家NPC企业交易。
Monte Cristo为《Cities XL》所推出的限量版在标准版基础上增加了以下额外内容:
- 六处专有的标志性建筑
- 五幅用于单人模式的专有地图
- 两处永久性巨型结构
- 特殊附加组件 - 你的虚拟形象和网络区分T恤
- 《Cities XL》大幅面海报
- 三张原始的《Cities XL》明信片
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│ Cities XL - Limited Edition *ISO* │
Date.........: 2010-08-03 Files........: 75 x 50.00
Company......: Monte Cristo Language.....: Multi 3
Requirements.: Computer, Windows 2K/ME/XP/Vista/7
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│ ::::::\_____/::' Game Notes │
Cities XL sets a new benchmark in the city-builder game category by fusing,
for the first time, the city builder genre with an MMO. Offline, it offers
all the benefits of the leading city builders, through the creation and
development of a photorealistic city in which managing your resources and
population categories, will be essential to success. Online, it proposes
an entirely new layer to the experience in allowing the players to trade
resources with others, participate to the construction of Mega structures,
or visit the entire planet via your avatar.
- 25 maps featuring varying landscapes - from canyons to grassy hills and
snowy mountains
- Around 500 buildings based on various architectural styles (European,
- A set of never-before-seen real-time construction tools allowing players
to create curved roads, building zones of various shapes, elaborate
- Diverse citizen structure: Four levels of wealth, four main different
needs (Services, Environmental, Prices and Traffic) split into many sub-
categories (Police and Fire departments, Education, Leisure, Commerce,
multiple types of Pollution, Taxes, Cost of Life, Distance to work and
- A rich enterprise selection ranging from agriculture to heavy industry,
services, tourismà
- A complex, but easy to access, simulation based on 15 resources
(electricity, waste management, agriculture, water, fuel, etc.)
- An ambitious traffic system including many type of roads (five different
widths, costs, quality and capacity), highways, airports, ports, and much
more. Complex bus system will be provided free post release
- An avatar studio and Web-based profile pages
Limited Edition contents:
- 6 In-Game Buildings/Monuments - Lost Angeles City Hall, Berlin Victory
Column, Liev Saint-Vladimir cathedral, San Francisco Grand Hotel Paris
Opra Garnier and the New York 40th Wall Street Building
- 5 Additional Maps for Solo Mode
- 2 Permanent Megastructures - Big Ben & Houses of Parliament and Maya
Pyramid of Chichn Itz
- Special Add-Ons - T-shirt for your avatar and a "web distinction"
- Large format Cities XL poster
- 3 original Cities XL postcards
URL: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B002MZZMX6/
URL: http://www.citiesxl.com
NOTE: This game is English, French and German
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│ ::::::\_____/::' Installation Notes │
1. UnRAR
2. Burn the ISO with your favorite software.
3. Install game
4. Copy all files from FASiSO folder into install folder. Make sure that:
a) 'fas.patch' is inside \Paks\
b) 'Cities XL - Launcher.exe' is in same folder as CitiesXL.exe
5. Install patch CXL_1.0.3.297_to_CXL_1.1.0.457-B4.exe
6. Start the game with 'Cities XL - Launcher.exe' and remember your profile
name so that you can continue your game later.
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│ ::::::\_____/::' Group News │
We bring you games that other groups do not do. We are different, like us
or hate us. You think some games that we release are crap? We do not care
because we think that scene means that every game should be released.
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│ ::::::\_____/::' Greetings │
│ If you enjoy this game, please buy it! Developers deserve your support! │