中文名: FileMaker Pro 11 Advanced高级版教程
英文名: VTC.com FileMaker Pro 11 Advanced
资源格式: 光盘镜像
发行日期: 2010年07月09日
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
文字语言: 英文
FileMaker是可以跨平台(windows和mac)使用的数据库应用软件,可以帮助用户快捷、方便地创建数据库应用程序。FileMaker系列产品包括FileMaker Pro、FileMaker Pro Advanced、FileMaker Server和FileMaker Server Advanced(带Advanced的是高级版本)。
FileMaker Pro 11.0
FileMaker Pro Advanced
与FileMaker Pro相比,FileMaker Pro Advanced在以下几个方面有所增强:自定义菜单、自定义函数、脚本调试、多表导入、数据查看器、创建独立应用、创建隐藏菜单应用、支持外部函数、支持生成数据库设计报表。
VTC出品的FileMaker Pro 11 Advanced高级版的教程. 全方位讲解了FileMaker Pro 11 Advanced的功能及应用。
官网链接: http://www.vtc.com/products/FileMake...-Tutorials.htm
教程时长: 长达 14.5 小时 159个小节
FileMaker Pro is powerful enough to handle most database jobs yet easy enough to create simple solutions in minutes. This practical "how to" course by FileMaker expert John Mark Osborne, starts from advanced level and uses a single invoicing example to demonstrate FileMaker Pro 7, 8, 8.5, 9, 10 and 11 features and techniques including the Ultimate Find, saving a found set of records for future retrieval, saving find criteria for future use, text parsing to create features, making new requests easier for users, parsing web form generated emails, five methods for deleting duplicates, recursive phone filter, creating preferences in a single-user and multi-user scenario, web-like back and forward buttons, conditional buttons, custom form letters, changing text attributes with scripts, script triggers and many more techniques with an emphasis on adaptive scripting and calculations. Examples of the invoice file are provided at every stage of the creation process so the user can easily review one section without starting from the beginning. To begin learning today, simply click on the movie links.