中文名: CINEMA 4D与After Effects整合教程
英文名: CINEMA 4D and After Effects Integration
资源格式: 光盘镜像
主讲人: Chris Meyer
发行日期: 2010年01月26日
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
文字语言: 英文
Lynda出品的 CINEMA 4D and After Effects 整合制作教程.
官网链接: http://www.lynda.com/home/DisplayCourse.aspx?lpk2=60312
CINEMA 4D的和After Effects的融合创造,如何从maxon的CINEMA 4D的到Adobe After Effects和添加额外的三维元素,融合完美的3D世界。克里斯展示了如何将三维摄影机,灯光,以及CINEMA 4D数据,创建一个进入一个场景中,以复合轨道遮罩新元素,并利用多通呈现快速混合,甚至重新着色灯,阴影,反射,等等。使用大量先进的技巧和技术,以及如何铸造新的3D效果层上后,呈现三维元素的CINEMA 4D的阴影。
主讲: Chris Meyer
Chris Meyer在Crish设计公司工作(原CyberMotion),著名的新墨西哥州平面设计工作室。 Crish设计创造获得多个冠军奖,以及参与哥伦比亚广播公司,全国广播公司,美国广播公司,福克斯,苹果等公司的项目制作等,包括电影,游戏竺.克里斯还是从业于音乐行业,他设计的乐器和程序,Digidesign和罗兰。获得乐团巨奖,这张教程高度创作C4D与After Effects整合CG创作技术。
CINEMA 4D and After Effects Integration was created and produced by Trish and Chris Meyer.
Chris Meyer—a long-time user of both programs—explains how to move 3D worlds from Maxon's CINEMA 4D into Adobe's After Effects and add additional 3D elements that blend perfectly. Chris shows how to transfer 3D cameras, lights, and position data from CINEMA 4D to After Effects; create track mattes to composite new elements into the middle of a scene; and take advantage of multi-pass rendering to quickly remix and even recolor lights, shadows, reflections, and more. Paced comfortably for beginners, this course also reveals numerous advanced tricks and techniques, such as the use of blending modes and how to cast shadows from new 3D layers in After Effects onto rendered 3D elements from CINEMA 4D.
Exercise files accompany this course.
Topics include:
Locating objects for export from CINEMA 4D
Adding layers to a composition after importing into After Effects
Separating lights in CINEMA 4D and remixing in After Effects
Understanding the problems with shadows during integration
Refining 3D shadows in After Effects