专辑中文名: Cake & Pie
歌手: Lisa Loeb
资源格式: MP3
发行时间: 2002年02月26日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
Lisa Loeb/麗莎洛普因為1993年在演員好友Ethan Hawke/伊森霍克的邀請下,為電影「四個畢業生」創作了清新悅耳的主題曲"Stay"。單曲發行後一鳴驚人的蟬聯全美流行榜3週冠軍,麗莎洛普便成為第一個擁有全美冠軍單曲的無約藝人。隨後發行的首張專輯『Tails/小尾巴』銷售突破金唱片,勇奪全英音樂獎「最佳國際新進藝人獎」,並獲得葛萊美獎「最佳流行重唱組合」的提名。1997年的專輯『Firecracker/小鞭炮』再度榮獲葛萊美獎提名,單曲"I Do"亦打入Top 20。
睽違四年,這位備受讚譽的創作才女加盟音樂名廠A&M,推出了集合詳實紀錄生活中喜怒哀樂的精練文字與流暢優美的和諧音符、精心烘培的最新大碟【Cake And Pie/音樂小點心】。Lisa Loeb參與譜寫了專輯中所有的歌曲,而與多位傑出音樂人的相互激盪之下,新專輯宛如豐富的音樂百匯一般可口。
從洋溢新古典感受的"The Way It Really Is"到勇敢剛毅、具民謠質感的"She's Falling Apart"清楚呈現了【Cake And Pie】的多樣性。充滿實驗精神的她,在新專輯中加入了更多的電吉他以及強烈的節拍,讓歌曲從悲傷情緒中解放。首發單曲"Someone You Should Know"提醒大家終日汲汲營營追求的東西也許早就在身邊;"Underdog"栩栩如生的唱出暗戀者追求愛情的心情;慢板的"Kick Start"敘述一對戀人試圖為停滯不前的感情注入活力;而幽默輕快的"We Could Still Belong Together"生動描繪愛情應該要包容另一半的缺點,先前已入選2001年賣作電影「Legally Blonde/金法尤物」的電影原聲帶中。
或許大家會好奇專輯為何命名為【Cake And Pie】?Lisa Loeb提到:「如果有人問你要蛋糕還是派的時候,為什麼你不能回答你兩者都要?!」所以她特地在And一字下面畫了線,強調為了得到想要的東西應該積極的全力以赴。
Editorial Reviews
It could be argued that people forgive singers like Whitney Houston and Celine Dion their syrupy song choices because their voices are so magnificent. Almost exactly the opposite is true of coffeehouse cutie Lisa Loeb. While her voice is pleasant enough, it lacks the range, vibrato, and immediacy to rank as a compelling instrument. But set against Loeb's fizzy folk-pop, it becomes an ideal vehicle for her conversational lyrics. That's especially true on Cake and Pie, which bears the confessional stamp of a songwriter who's been around the block enough times to know that life comes stacked with some pretty heinous surprises. Hence subject matter ranging from relationships in decay ("Kick Start") to teenage anorexia ("She's Falling Apart"). There's brightness, too, in tracks like the relatively slamming "We Could Still Belong Together"--originally heard in the film Legally Blonde--and the cheeky, finger-wagging "You Don't Know Me." While Randy Scruggs, Dweezil Zappa, and superstar producer Glen Ballard (Alanis Morissette) appear as co-songwriters, Cake and Pie owes its chief debt to Loeb and her willingness to throw open the diary, real or imagined, and start dishing. --Kim Hughes