
《iZotope音频处理软件》(iZotope RX Advanced /iZotope Trash)V1.20 VST/v1.14 VST DX AS RTAS HTDM MAS AU[压缩包]

王朝资源·作者佚名  2009-06-10
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中文名: iZotope音频处理软件

英文名: iZotope RX Advanced /iZotope Trash

资源格式: 压缩包


发行时间: 2009年

制作发行: iZotope, Inc.

地区: 美国

语言: 英文



iZotope RX Advanced 是专业音频降噪工具,可以独立运行,也有插件形式。具备更高精度的处理能力,带64bit SRC采样率转换器和MBIT+抖动处理功能。












Audio Restoration Redefined

iZotope RX™ is the most complete audio restoration product on the market, a unique standalone application designed from the ground up to combat a range of audio problems. In addition to unique workflow features designed to help you get the best results, RX's powerful tools can do processing that plug-in based restoration products simply cannot do. This paired with completely new processing technology results in cleaner, more natural sounding noise reduction and audio repair.

RX is ideal for audio restoration and archiving, recording and mastering, broadcasting and podcasting, video production, forensics, and any application that demands spotless results and a truly complete range of restoration tools.

Standalone or in Your DAW

RX's standalone application gives you an ideal environment for audio restoration tasks. But for those times when you want the power of RX in your favorite audio sequencer or editor, the RX plug-ins are just what the doctor ordered.

RX Tools

* Hum Removal: Cleans up electrical hum and line noise.

* Declipper: Rebuilds clipped audio from overloaded A/D converters and analog gear.

* Declicker: Eliminates clicks, crackles, pops and digital impulse noises.

* Denoiser: Removes broadband noise with natural sounding results.

* Spectral Repair: Fixes intermittent noises, corrupted intervals and even gaps in audio.

* Advanced Spectrogram: Displays a visual representation of audio with the greatest time and frequency resolution available.

* Interface and Workflow: RX includes many workflow features designed to simplify audio restoration.


Windows (XP, x64, Vista)

Mac OS X 10.4 or later (Universal Binary)


Standalone application

Plug-ins:* Pro Tools 7+ (RTAS/ AudioSuite), VST, MAS, Audio Unit, DirectX


IZotope Trash VST DX AS RTAS HTDM v1.14 英文正式版(具有64bit处理制造失真效果的音频插件)

IZotope Trash DX RTAS VST是一个具有64bit处理制造失真效果的音频插件。可以对任何音频档进行失真效果的处理。














Trash brings creative control back to the artist. Define your distortion sound with the Trash toolbox of effects or recreate the warmth and depth of the classic distortion sounds. Reenergize and inspire your playing with fresh, exciting tones. Plug in, rock out, get Trashed!. iZotope Trash is the ultimate tool for selectively adding distortion to your tracks. You’ll find just as much use for the subtler tone enhancements to your other tracks—tape saturation for vocals, overdrive for keyboards or a pinch of fuzz on a lead guitar, for example. Chain pairs of distortions together or apply distortion independently to individual frequency bands. Trash is compatible with most Mac and PC hosts, supports 192kHz and employs 64-bit for great fidelity regardless of how nasty you like your sound. Trash is the king of distortion—and at a price that smokes the competition.


* 48 distortion types ranging from tube overdrive to the fuzz of germanium transistors. Chain pairs of distortions together for sonic destruction at 64-bit precision, or split the signal into multiple bands and apply distortion independently to individual frequencies.

* Realistic modeling of 85 amp cabinets and speakers. Classics, combos, boutique models, stacks... a tone and character for any occasion.

* 36 filters that can be LFO or envelope triggered through a unique graphical display. Synth filters, resonant filters, classic analog filters and more.

* Multiband dynamics and gating to control the peaks and tame the noise.

* Trash the echo with a selection of classic lo-fi delays. Tape delay with saturation and nonlinear tape machine artifacts, tape-tube delay with added tube saturation modeling, classic analog delay with analog degradation and Lo-fi digital delay with quantization noise and aliasing.

* History and Undo features, dedicated preset manager with dozens of drum, guitar and bass presets, spectrum and level meters, and DirectX automation.


更新Izotope iDrum v1.7.0 VSTi RTAS | 55.08 MB


iDrum turns your PC into a powerful, simple-to-use virtual drum machine. Build patterns with iDrum’s lightning-fast step sequencer, using included kits or your own samples. From ambient downtempo to bangin’ hip hop to frenetic drum & bass, iDrum’s got you covered.

Changes in v1.7.0:

* Support for time signatures other than 4/4

* New \”traditional\” swing feature allows you to add swing to 8th or 16th notes (old Swing/humanize feature now called \”Groove\”)

* New Song Editor window helps you quickly organize patterns into songs

* Copy and paste steps by Shift-Clicking and dragging

* iDrum Sound Portal adds an easy way to get more sounds for iDrum

* Performance optimizations and minor bug fixes






安全检测软件:F-Secure Client Security

版本:8.40 build 128














苘苘? 懿哌? 苘苘?

薏卑掭 脖鞍氨? 掭氨槽

苘苒脖斑? 懿哌? 鄄哌? 苘? 苘 卟北辈哕苘 郯 氨?

鄄卑鞍卑 哕苘苘? 鄄?斑哌哕 鄄?掭懿脖? 郾避 哌? 鄄斑? 败苘苘脖败稗?

咣苘?懿? 卟鞭? 苓甙 臂脖?哕捋卑?鄄卑佰? 掭氨槽膊? 郾?捃脖鞍懿卑苒圮?

苘苘卟?捋圮?卑掭 鄄???咣舶 捋脖鞍?卟卑斑?苓?氨鄄辈?郾 薏卑佰脖苒?苘苘

圹草苓 薏咣莅莅 哕脖?卑? 薏卑 鄄氨卑捋苒败?甙鼙?佰北槽薏?馨卑 捋舶哌避薏圹

鄄边 苓败甙辈馨 鞍 舶? 薏卑捋卑鄄卑鄄卑圹苘圻草 佰氨槽郾 圯? 捋舶苘 斑辈?

郾? 斑哌甙氨策圹苘馨?郯? 郾?鄄稗圹脖捋卑?哌?圯 佰鞍槽舶 捋曹苘苒哌哌圮 氨?

郯 鞍氨辈槽圮苘槽圻? 郯?薏卑捋?哌哌?哌 哌卟?圯 佰 氨郯 ?哌圹脖败圹苓?佰

郾鞍辈? 鞍鞍鞍鞍? 懿佰 鄄?鄄?槽圹脖辈圹圹? 圯 ? 氨馨 哌哌氨稗圻 咻?佰

鄄北草 鞍?苘苘苘苘鄄卑坜脖?郾稗? 薏卑辈? 圹? 哕苘苘苘苘苘 鞍 哕懿?氨?

捋脖辈?鞍 苒脖鞍鞍北北鞍坜脖?脖稗? 薏卑氨? 咣圮苘苘苘苘馨氨槽馨? 氨草

咣膊北卑稗鄄卑苓哌卟卑败咿脖卑 甙 哌槽北?薏策哕 哌哌哌哌哌咣馨辈圯鞍鞍氨辈?

咣膊北卑咣脖? 哌哌 鄄北鞍鞍辈槽卑 捋脖北曹 捋荼策鞍氨辈策

哌圹圹圹膊? 卟膊北膊圹郯 圹鄄膊膊? 苒甙辈圹圹圻?

哌咣圹膊? 圯 懿 苒圹圹圹哌?



SUPPLiER..: Team DYNAMiCS DiSKS...: 11 * 5MB

CRACKER...: Team DYNAMiCS DATE....: 0521 2009


PROTECTION: Custom FORMAT..: exe/vst/dx/rtas


懿圹鄄? 卟圹鄄?

懿北膊? 卟脖辈?

败苓哌哕脖辈? 苘苘 ? ? 苘苘 卟北曹哌哌苘?

苘哌 鞍北卑氨草 郾膊? 氨 卑 懿脖? 薏卑氨北鞍 哌苘

鞍辈哌哌脖氨曹苘?氨膊? 懿膊茌 捃膊曹 薏脖?哕苘脖氨策哌卟卑?

鞍辈圮苘 卟卑鞍 懿辈草 苘苘 ?斑脖哕苓辈? ?苘苘 薏脖曹 鞍氨策 苘苒脖鞍

辈? 氨曹 哌哌哌 鄄槽? 薇卑哕 薇稗莅陛 苓氨陛 捋膊?哌哌哌 懿卑 卟?

? ?鞍避 哌策哌咣鄄苘鄄草稗?苓败哌馨哕 掭稗膊圮懿圹哌哌策? 鼙鞍 ? ?

败哌哕 弑 氨? 掭败?咣圹膊?懿苓败咻 捱馨哕曹 卟槽圹?苘 掭 鼙? 边 苓哌馨

? 掭 薏? 氨苘?掭 哕 哌? 哌甙苓? 斑馨哌? 哌?苓 掭 哕鼙? 懿?掭 ?

苓败甙 哕 鞍鞍苓 斑苘 败哌懿? 薏苓哕?苘甙 哕鞍鞍 苓 斑馨哕

鼙败? 哌哌? 苓鞍苓 卟 策 哕鞍哕 哌哌? 哕氨?

鄄策 薏氨? 弑安? 卟槽

卟? 卟? - RELEASE NOTES - 薏? 薏?

? ? ? ?

Major New Features:

* Support for markers in WAV and AIFF files in RX application.

* Manually edit noise profiles in Denoiser with envelope.

* Added visualization for Spectral Repair before/after regions in

waveform/spectrogram display.

* Added visualization for Declipper thresholds in waveform/spectrogram


* Major optimizations to RX Denoiser Algorithms B and C.

New Features/Improvements:

* Added support for keyboard shortcuts which select a module's preset

and apply that module. Useful for quickly switching between

module settings (for example when using Spectral Repair repeatedly on

large files).

* Declipper threshold can now extend below -8 dB by zooming the

histogram window.

* Many performance improvements throughout all of RX's processing modules,

especially when using RX plug-ins with small buffer sizes.

懿圹鄄? 卟圹鄄?

懿北膊? 卟脖辈?

败苓哌哕脖辈? 苘苘 ? ? 苘苘 卟北曹哌哌苘?

苘哌 鞍北卑氨草 郾膊? 氨 卑 懿脖? 薏卑氨北鞍 哌苘

鞍辈哌哌脖氨曹苘?氨膊? 懿膊茌 捃膊曹 薏脖?哕苘脖氨策哌卟卑?

鞍辈圮苘 卟卑鞍 懿辈草 苘苘 ?斑脖哕苓辈? ?苘苘 薏脖曹 鞍氨策 苘苒脖鞍

辈? 氨曹 哌哌哌 鄄槽? 薇卑哕 薇稗莅陛 苓氨陛 捋膊?哌哌哌 懿卑 卟?

? ?鞍避 哌策哌咣鄄苘鄄草稗?苓败哌馨哕 掭稗膊圮懿圹哌哌策? 鼙鞍 ? ?

败哌哕 弑 氨? 掭败?咣圹膊?懿苓败咻 捱馨哕曹 卟槽圹?苘 掭 鼙? 边 苓哌馨

? 掭 薏? 氨苘?掭 哕 哌? 哌甙苓? 斑馨哌? 哌?苓 掭 哕鼙? 懿?掭 ?

苓败甙 哕 鞍鞍苓 斑苘 败哌懿? 薏苓哕?苘甙 哕鞍鞍 苓 斑馨哕

鼙败? 哌哌? 苓鞍苓 卟 策 哕鞍哕 哌哌? 哕氨?

鄄策 薏氨? 弑安? 卟槽

卟? 卟? - iNSTALL NOTES - 薏? 薏?

? ? ? ?

1. Unpack

2. Install

3. Use whatever files u need from /DYNAMiCSx32 or /DYNAMiCSx64

懿圹鄄? 卟圹鄄?

懿北膊? 卟脖辈?

败苓哌哕脖辈? 苘苘 ? ? 苘苘 卟北曹哌哌苘?

苘哌 鞍北卑氨草 郾膊? 氨 卑 懿脖? 薏卑氨北鞍 哌苘

鞍辈哌哌脖氨曹苘?氨膊? 懿膊茌 捃膊曹 薏脖?哕苘脖氨策哌卟卑?

鞍辈圮苘 卟卑鞍 懿辈草 苘苘 ?斑脖哕苓辈? ?苘苘 薏脖曹 鞍氨策 苘苒脖鞍

辈? 氨曹 哌哌哌 鄄槽? 薇卑哕 薇稗莅陛 苓氨陛 捋膊?哌哌哌 懿卑 卟?

? ?鞍避 哌策哌咣鄄苘鄄草稗?苓败哌馨哕 掭稗膊圮懿圹哌哌策? 鼙鞍 ? ?

败哌哕 弑 氨? 掭败?咣圹膊?懿苓败咻 捱馨哕曹 卟槽圹?苘 掭 鼙? 边 苓哌馨

? 掭 薏? 氨苘?掭 哕 哌? 哌甙苓? 斑馨哌? 哌?苓 掭 哕鼙? 懿?掭 ?

苓败甙 哕 鞍鞍苓 斑苘 败哌懿? 薏苓哕?苘甙 哕鞍鞍 苓 斑馨哕

鼙败? 哌哌? 苓鞍苓 卟 策 哕鞍哕 哌哌? 哕氨?

鄄策 薏氨? 弑安? 卟槽

卟? 卟? - GREETS - 薏? 薏?

? ? ? ?


Remember to BUY the stuff if you USE it.

懿圹鄄? 卟圹鄄?

懿北膊? 卟脖辈?

败苓哌哕脖辈? 苘苘 ? ? 苘苘 卟北曹哌哌苘?

苘哌 鞍北卑氨草 郾膊? 氨 卑 懿脖? 薏卑氨北鞍 哌苘

鞍辈哌哌脖氨曹苘?氨膊? 懿膊茌 捃膊曹 薏脖?哕苘脖氨策哌卟卑?

鞍辈圮苘 卟卑鞍 懿辈草 苘苘 ?斑脖哕苓辈? ?苘苘 薏脖曹 鞍氨策 苘苒脖鞍

辈? 氨曹 哌哌哌 鄄槽? 薇卑哕 薇稗莅陛 苓氨陛 捋膊?哌哌哌 懿卑 卟?

? ?鞍避 哌策哌咣鄄苘鄄草稗?苓败哌馨哕 掭稗膊圮懿圹哌哌策? 鼙鞍 ? ?

败哌哕 弑 氨? 掭败?咣圹膊?懿苓败咻 捱馨哕曹 卟槽圹?苘 掭 鼙? 边 苓哌馨

? 掭 薏? 氨苘?掭 哕 哌? 哌甙苓? 斑馨哌? 哌?苓 掭 哕鼙? 懿?掭 ?

苓败甙 哕 鞍鞍苓 斑苘 败哌懿? 薏苓哕?苘甙 哕鞍鞍 苓 斑馨哕

鼙败? 哌哌? 苓鞍苓 卟 策 哕鞍哕 哌哌? 哕氨?

鄄策 苘荥 苘 苘 苘 薏氨? 弑安? 卟槽

卟? 薨? ?拜揶苘葺 卟? 薏? 薏?

? 哌哌 哌 哌 葺 ? ? ?

CoH<CPH> 哌


苘 苘?哌

苘圹?苘圻 苘圹圹圹?

苘圻圹圻 苒圻 苒圻? 咣圹

苒? 苘圻?苒圹 苒圹 苒圹圹苘苒圻? 咣?

咣圮苘 苘苒圹圻哌圹圹 苒圹 苒圹咣苘苘 苘苒圻

咣圹圹圹圹圹哌 咣圹 咣圹?哌圮 哌咣圹圹圹圹圹圻

苘圹圮苘 哌哌? ? 哌圮?哌哌 ? 哌哌哌 苘苒圹苘

苒圹哌哌圹圮苘 苘苒圻 咣圮苘 苘苒圹哌哌圹圮

圹? 哌哌哌? PROUDLY PRESENTS 哌哌哌哌 圹?

圹? 苒?

圮 IZotope.Trash.VST.DX.AS.RTAS.HTDM.v1.14.incl.Keygen 苒

? ?

咣 圻



? SIZE ......: 05 * 4,77MB ?

? DATE ......: 03/2008 ?

? ?

? Rock the Boat ?

? ?

? Trash brings creative control back to the artist. ?

? Define your distortion sound with the Trash toolbox ?

? of effects or recreate the warmth and depth of the ?

? classic distortion sounds. Reenergize and inspire ?

? your playing with fresh, exciting tones. Plug in, ?

? rock out, get Trashed! ?

? ?

? iZotope Trash is the ultimate tool for selectively ?

? adding distortion to your tracks. You襩l find just as ?

? much use for the subtler tone enhancements to your ?

? other tracks縯ape saturation for vocals, overdrive ?

? for keyboards or a pinch of fuzz on a lead guitar, ?

? for example. Chain pairs of distortions together or ?

? apply distortion independently to individual ?

? frequency bands. Trash is compatible with most Mac ?

? and PC hosts, supports 192kHz and employs 64-bit for ?

? great fidelity regardless of how nasty you like your ?

? sound. Trash is the king of distortion縜nd at a price ?

? that smokes the competition. ?

? ?

? Multiband, Dual-Stage Distortion ?

? ?

? Have you used all the 聅tandard?distortion plug-ins ?

? out there, only to find that you still end up with a ?

? thin, canned and basically unrealistic sound? Do you ?

? wish you could combine the ease of use of the ?

? 聉irtual stack? with the intelligent control of ?

? studio effect processors? Trash combines multiband, ?

? dual-stage distortion and an intuitive user interface ?

? to prove that all distortions are not created equal. ?

? Add a little crunch in the midrange without muddying ?

? the lows and over-hyping the highs, give the low end ?

? some more thump without distorting the top. Go one ?

? step beyond standard formats and layer not one, but ?

? two types of distortion on each of the four available ?

? frequency bands. ?

? ?

? Plug In and Rock Out ?

? ?

? Lose a hundred pounds immediately with the Trash ?

? diet: shed pounds of heavy guitar amps, cabinets, and ?

? stomp boxes. Trash comes with more components than ?

? you could fit in a studio not to mention carry. ?

? Trash襰 low-latency design means you can take your ?

? studio sound to the show. Get the subtle tones of a ?

? recorded sound in a live performance. As a bonus, you ?

? can forget spending the first half hour of sound ?

? check tweaking the knobs on your amp. All you have to ?

? do is pull up your preset and go! ?

? ?

? Turn It Up to 11 ?

? ?

? We'll give it to you straight: Trash is a killer amp ?

? simulator. Now you can get that real overdriven amp ?

? sound and still keep the peace with your neighbors. ?

? With 85 box models to choose from, you'll never run ?

? out of options to get the sound you've been searching ?

? for. In addition, we went beyond the normal boxes you ?

? find in the music stores. You襩l find Telephones, ?

? Clock Radios, Sheet Metal, Plexiglass tubes, Piano ?

? cabinets ? and those are just a few of the extra ?

? models included with Trash. To get the creative ?

? juices flowing, we also created a new class of ?

? cabinets that don't exist in the material world. When ?

? it comes to amp modeling, Trash can be as real or ?

? unreal as you want. ?

? ?

? Not Just For Guitar ?

? ?

? Sure, Trash sounds great on guitars, but with the ?

? flexibility of multiband distortion, why wouldn襱 you ?

? want to put everything else through it? Put it on a ?

? mixed drum track and all of a sudden, you can put ?

? different distortion on the kick, snare and hi-hat. ?

? Run your bass through it to get some more crunch ?

? without the extra mud. Add it on top of an organ ?

? sound for a nice vintage feel. Because Trash was ?

? built with many options beyond standard amp ?

? simulation, you can really shape your sound and ?

? create your signature tone in whatever you do. Check ?

? out the Trash Recipe Guides for more specific ideas ?

? for your instrument sounds. ?

? ?

? Beyond Distortion ?

? ?

? In addition to amp modeling, Trash has 36 sweepable ?

? filters and 6 delays to choose from. The pre-filter ?

? lets you add a tremolo, wah, or any number of more ?

? exotic effects to your sound. The buzz module gives ?

? you 6 different types of delay lines ranging from a ?

? clean, crisp digital delay to a gritty, organic tube ?

? amplified tape delay. In addition to all the controls ?

? you would expect, a 聇rash?slider lets you adjust ?

? the amount of distortion applied to the delayed ?

? signal and an output filter lets you shape the wet ?

? signal even more. ?

? ?

? Usability Enhancements: Integrated Preset System ?

? ?

? Your sounds are important to you. The integrated ?

? preset system in Trash makes it easy to keep track of ?

? all the variations and applications of your ?

? distortion effects. You can set up folders of presets ?

? for individual recordings or instruments and pull ?

? them up with a couple mouse clicks. Producers, ?

? engineers and sound designers will find this ?

? especially useful, since you衬e usually dealing with ?

? literally hundreds of sounds and effects ?

? ?

? ?

? Key Features ?

? ?

? Complete Amp, Cabinet and Stomp Box modeling tool ?

? Intuitive design, features not avail anywhere else ?

? Multiband Compression, Distortion and Post-Filter ?

? Unmatched control over every detail of your sound ?

? Finally discover your signature sound ?

? ?

? ?

? ?

? http://www.izotope.com ?

? ?

? ?

? ?

? Installation Notes : ?

? -------------------- ?

? ?

? 1) Unzip, Unrar and run Setup.exe ?

? ?

? 2) register offline in C/R mode and use keygen ?

? ?

? 3) Enjoy this fine Team AiR release !!! ?

? ?

? ?

? ?

? ?

苒 圮

苒 圮

苒? 咣?

苒圻 咣圮

圹? 圹?

咣圮 苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘 ?? ??苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘 苒圻

哌圹圮苘哌 nFO lAYOUT (c) 2006 bEARCAVE-dESIGN 哌苘苒圹哌

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住户一楼被水淹 还冲来8头猪
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