中文名: 高品质完整室内场景模型
英文名: Evermotion Archinteriors vol 12
资源格式: 压缩包
发行时间: 2008年
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
文字语言: 英文
Evermotion Archinteriors Vol.12 ——10套经纹理和阴影处理的高品质室内场景。是你蜕变成CG专业设计师的捷径素材,极具商业应用价值,你会在基中发现应该真谛。为设计师必藏品!!
此集中收录了一些室内沙发桌椅类的模型,适用于Vray 1.5 SP1和3ds max 9。
Archinteriors Vol. 12
Have you ever wondered how does the professional set-up of HI-END rendering? Archinteriors gives you this possibility. Look how does it look from the backstage. Buy Archinteriors CD and learn commercial rendering set-up. Make money from professional visualizations. Archinteriors vol. 12 comprises of 10 textured and shadered visualization scenes ready to be rendered.
In all scenes we used Ligth Cache and Irradiance Maps to calculate GI. Render times are relatively low. If you want have faster render times just change preset for the Irradiance map. If you want use this technique for animation just switch mode for Irradiance map to "Multiframe incremental" and for Light Cache to "Fly-through".
This CD is prepared for Vray 1.5 SP1 (or newest) and 3ds max 9. In older version of 3ds max it wouldn't open.
拥有了它你就可以用漂亮的3D模型等来装饰你的室内外建筑。它为建筑师等专业人士提供了专业级的高质量模型,使他们能够从长时间乏味的模型制作中解 脱出来,去完成更令人惊异的场景。通过本超时尚与精细3D模型库,你向顶级家居设计不再是难处。同时可能过学习本模型库你的启迪与受益无穷。你的建筑设计 不再是难题,让你发更多的时间在创新上。
Avast 4.8 Home Edition 20090427