
《绝对电影预告片 第四辑!》(HotHot Trailers Season 4)mov 720p 09.5.10第3次更新[HDTV]

王朝资源·作者佚名  2009-06-19
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中文名: 绝对电影预告片 第四辑!

英文名: HotHot Trailers Season 4

资源格式: HDTV

版本: mov 720p 09.5.10第3次更新

发行时间: 2009年

地区: 美国

对白语言: 英语


想到了用分割线, 这样大家应该比较容易找新更新的了吧??? 下面文字介绍 有红星的是新的, 链接处是分割线以上是新的, 已经说明了.

终于. 帖子做了一年多了, 也到了换贴的时候了.做了这一年多, 感觉大家都还是挺支持我的~ 嘿嘿~ 所以很感谢大家! 最近已经好久没更新了, 主要原因呢就是要交毕业论文初稿了...我今天终于写好了, 就第一时间赶紧上来更新了. 让大家等这么久真的不好意思.

其实, 预告片也是有的人喜欢有的人不喜欢的. 说真的, 最近这几年, 感觉很多不好看的电影也硬把预告片拍的非常吸引人, 结果一看了电影, 就大倒胃口..所以也就导致了有人放弃了预告. LZ我嘛..当然不会讨厌, 但是说实在还是渐渐的带点警惕的心理, 害怕上当受骗了~ 哈哈哈~~ 不过呢~ 做为消遣还是个好东西~~

开这一系列的贴, 本是来自于去年一月的突发奇想~ 没想到受到这么热烈的回响~~ 我真的很高兴~~ 接着第一季的贴过长就"顺产"了第二贴~ 现在, 第三季的也满了, 就又开了第四辑~ 其实不瞒说, 每次弄这个都挺花时间的, 每次都要找大量的图片(有的图片过期还要补), 还有中英资料(以前弄的两季也要随时注意着网站上的更新而更新, 比如评分之类的)~ 其实对于有些朋友的建议说加上主要演员什么的我都有想过, 只是真的太费神了...后来就只好偷懒在影片名字下面加了IMDb的连接~ 还望大家谅解~~ 我还会继续给大家带来预告~ 在这里也为这近一大段时间一个月才大量更新, 让大家等很久的状况道歉~~ 以后只要不忙, 还是会勤奋点更新的~~~ 还希望大家能继续支持~ 给予厚爱~~ 特此鞠躬!!! 嘿嘿~~~ 接下来, 大家久等了~~~

P.S. 资料来源, 英文是IMDb, 中文的原来是用IMDb中文网站, 但是发现它更新比较慢而且中文翻译比较烂...所以现在用mtime上面的了~ 图片就是MSN找的~

Whatever Works 怎样都行 IMDb评分: 9.2 [73票] ☆

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1178663/

导演: Woody Allen 伍迪·艾伦


太喜欢Woody Allen这个小老头了~~ 嘿嘿~~

My Sister's Keeper 我姐姐的守护者 Release Date: 26 June 2009 [USA] ☆

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1078588/

导演: Nick Cassavetes 尼克·卡萨维茨

Anna Fitzgerald looks to earn medical emancipation from her parents who until now have relied on their youngest child to help their leukemia-stricken daughter Kate remain alive.


我自认有点落伍了...前两天才在明珠台看了In Her Shoes~ Cameron Diaz一直是我挺喜欢的女星, 只可惜演技一直不能受肯定...但是In Her Shoes她真的演的不错呐!!

Tetro 泰特罗 Release Date: 11 June 2009 [USA] ☆

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0964185/

导演: Francis Ford Coppola 弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉

Bennie travels to Buenos Aires to find his long-missing older brother, a once-promising writer who is now a remnant of his former self. Bennie's discovery of his brother's near-finished play might hold the answer to understanding their shared past and renewing their bond.


Coppola又来了, 白羊座的导演~ 生日又跟我差不多~ 哈哈哈~ 有才! 喜欢! 哈哈哈~ 虽然近几年有点低迷, 但他的辉煌战绩是永远不能被忘记的! 喔呵呵呵呵~

Adam 亚当 IMDb评分: 6.4 [143票] ☆

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1185836/

导演: Max Mayer 马克斯·梅尔

A lonely, autistic man, Adam, develops a relationship with his upstairs neighbor, Beth.



Food, Inc. 食品公司 IMDb评分: 8.9 [77票] ☆

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1286537/

导演: Robert Kenner

An unflattering look inside America's corporate controlled food industry.



H2 万圣节10 Release Date: 28 August 2009 [USA] ☆

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1311067/

导演: Rob Zombie罗布·祖姆比

Laurie Strode struggles to come to terms with her brother Michael's deadly return to Haddonfield, Illinois; meanwhile, Michael prepares for another reunion with his sister.



Armored 装甲车 Release Date: 18 September 2009 [USA] ☆

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0913354/

导演: Nimród Antal 尼莫洛德·安塔尔

A newbie guard for an armored truck company is coerced by his veteran coworkers to steal a truck containing $42 million. But a wrinkle in their supposedly foolproof plan divides the group, leading to a potentially deadly resolution.


The Hurt Locker 拆弹部队 IMDb评分: 7.5 [3,169票] ☆

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0887912/

导演: Kathryn Bigelow 凯瑟琳·毕格罗

Iraq. Forced to play a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse in the chaos of war, an elite Army bomb squad unit must come together in a city where everyone is a potential enemy and every object could be a deadly bomb.


District 9 第九区 Release Date: 14 August 2009 [USA] ☆

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1136608/

导演: Neill Blomkamp 尼尔·布洛姆坎普

An extraterrestrial race forced to live in slum-like conditions on Earth suddenly find a kindred spirit in a government agent that is exposed to their biotechnology.

《第九区》是导演尼尔·布洛姆坎普根据自己的一部电影短片《约翰内斯堡的外星人》(Alive in Joburg)演绎而来的。28年前,当外星人首次来到地球时引起了人类的恐慌,人们不知该怎么办,也不敢信任这群外星来客,于是就专门在南非建立了这样一个贫民窟用来隔离外星人,并起名“第九区”


Paper Heart 脆弱的心 Release Date: 14 August 2009 [USA] ☆

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1331064/

导演: Nicholas Jasenovec 尼古拉斯·杰森诺维克

A look at the relationship between two young actors.


Julie & Julia 朱莉与朱莉娅 Release Date: 7 August 2009 [USA] ☆

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1135503/

导演: Nora Ephron 诺拉·艾芙隆

The movie also follows Julia and Paul Child through Julia Child's memoir, MY LIFE IN FRANCE, which she wrote with her grand nephew Alex Prud'homme.


新代女星Amy Adams 和 Meryl Streep 联手~ 哈哈哈~ 不错哈

Moon 月球 IMDb评分: 7.6 [387票] ☆

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1182345/

导演: Duncan Jones 邓肯·琼斯

Astronaut Sam Bell has a quintessentially personal encounter toward the end of his three-year stint on the Moon, where he, working alongside his computer, GERTY, sends back to Earth parcels of a resource that has helped diminish our planet's power problems.

故事发生在并不算遥远的未来,人类在月球背面发现了一种岩石,它直接吸收太阳的能量,并在其中储存为气体氦3。为了开发新型资源,一家名为“月球巨人”的公司在月亮上建立了基地,从事矿石的挖掘工作。而山姆·贝尔是这个月球基地唯一一个员工,陪伴他的只有一名机器人戈蒂(凯文·斯派西 配音)。在这孤独而漫长的3年,山姆靠着憧憬其后美满的地球生活撑了下来。但当合同即将期满之时,不寻常的事情发生了。一次事故中山姆救回了一个和自己长得一模一样的人类,他逐渐发现这些背后隐藏的秘密

Downloading Nancy 下载南茜 IMDb评分: 5.1 [275票] ☆

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0411323/

导演: Johan Renck 乔韩·瑞克

The story follows the fate of the unhappy wife Nancy who orders the guy she meets over the Internet to kill her, but the two of them fall in love.


More Than A Game 不只是一场比赛 IMDb评分: 8.1 [46票] ☆

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1286821/

导演: Kristopher Belman

This documentary follows NBA superstar LeBron James and four of his talented teammates through the trials and tribulations of high school basketball in Ohio and James' journey to fame.


喜欢LeBron James的就一定要看看了~ 嘿嘿~

Oceans 海洋 Release Date: 22 April 2010 [USA] ☆

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0765128/

导演: Jacques Perrin 雅克·贝汉 Jacques Cluzaud 雅克·克鲁奥德

An ecological drama/documentary, filmed throughout the globe. Part thriller, part meditation on the vanishing wonders of the sub-aquatic world.


Post Grad 毕业生生存指南 Release Date: 21 August 2009 [USA] ☆

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1142433/

导演: Vicky Jenson

Ryden Malby graduates from college and is forced to move back into her childhood home with her eccentric family, while she attempts to find a job, the right guy, and just a hint of where her life is headed.


Soul Power 灵歌势力 IMDb评分: 7.1 [25票] ☆

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1277736/

导演: Jeffrey Levy-Hinte 杰弗里·利维-辛特

A documentary on the legendary soul music concert staged in Kinshasa, Zaire in 1974.


The Merry Gentlemen 愉快的绅士 IMDb评分: 8.4 [83票]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0967945/

导演: Michael Keaton 迈克尔・基顿

A woman who leaves an abusive relationship to begin a new life in a new city, where she forms an unlikely and ironic relationship with a suicidal hit man (unbeknownst to her). Enter a worn, alcoholic detective to form the third party in a very unusual triangle as this story begins to unfold.


主角们有着很奇特的关系~ 不过应该蛮好看! 哈哈哈~

The Informers 线人 IMDb评分: 8.7 [464票]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0865554/

导演: Gregor Jordan 格雷格·乔丹

A multi-strand narrative set in early 1980's Los Angeles, centered on an array of characters who represent both the top of the heap (a Hollywood dream merchant, a dissolute rock star, an aging newscaster) and the bottom (a voyeuristic doorman, an amoral ex-con). Connecting the intertwining strands are a group of beautiful, blonde young men and women who sleep all day and party all night, doing drugs -- and one another --with abandon, never realizing that they are dancing on the edge of a volcano.


April Showers 四月阵雨 Release Date: April 2009 [USA]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1212451/

导演: Andrew Robinson 安德鲁·罗宾逊

A look inside a tragedy through the eyes of a survivor. Based on actual events, April Showers is about picking up the pieces in the direct aftermath of school violence. Set in a middle class suburban neighborhood, April Showers focuses on the lives of a handful of teachers and students as they attempt to make sense of a world that has just been turned upside down by one of their own. With the community and an entire nation caught up in the 'story', the students of Jefferson High must turn to one another for answers. In the wake atrocity, the rifts caused by misinformation and a frenzied media prove difficult to overcome. Lost and lonely under the international spotlight, one young man navigates his way through his almost indiscernible home. From quaint suburban town to battlefield turned media circus, Jefferson High provides the backdrop for Sean's struggle to cope with the loss of his friend April.



Chéri 谢利 IMDb评分: 6.9 [160票]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1179258/

导演: Stephen Frears 斯蒂芬·弗雷斯

A romantic drama set in 1920s Paris, where the son of a courtesan retreats into a fantasy world after being forced to end his relationship with the older woman who educated him in the ways of love.


男主角很像Orlando Bloom啊....Michelle Pfeiffer 我还挺喜欢~~ 看上去剧情还挺轻松的~~ 又是"古装"爱情~

L'heure d'été / Summer Hours 夏日时光 IMDb评分: 6.9 [554票]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0836700/

导演: Olivier Assayas 奥利维耶·阿萨亚斯

Two brothers and a sister witness the disappearance of their childhood memories when they must relinquish the family belongings to ensure their deceased mother's succession.

设计师阿德丽安娜是一个大家庭的长女,今年夏天,阿德丽安娜和兄弟弗雷德里克、杰雷米及其老婆孩子齐聚乡下祖传的房子里,庆祝他们的母亲艾兰娜·贝尔蒂埃75岁的生日。老母亲一生都在尽力保存她的画家伯父保罗·贝尔蒂埃的作品,他也是一个著名的艺术品收藏家。几个月后,艾兰娜突然去世,她在遗言中向孩子们透露了一个秘密,这个秘密使阿德丽安娜和她的兄弟们在如何妥善解决母亲遗产的问题上伤透了脑筋,并引起了一系列耐人寻味的纠纷. 后来,这些画挂在了奥塞美术馆的展览大厅里,永久地供人们参观


Okuribito / Departures 入殓师 IMDb评分: 8.4 [1,253票]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1069238/

导演: Takita Youjirou 泷田洋二郎

Daigo Kobayashi (Masahiro Motoki) is a devoted cellist in an orchestra that has just been dissolved and now finds himself without a job. Daigo decides to move back to his old hometown with his wife to look for work and start over. He answers a classified ad entitled "Departures" thinking it is an advertisement for a travel agency only to discover that the job is actually for a "Nokanshi" or "encoffineer," a funeral professional who prepares deceased bodies for burial and entry into the next life. While his wife and others despise the job, Daigo takes a certain pride in his work and begins to perfect the art of "Nokanshi," acting as a gentle gatekeeper between life and death, between the departed and the family of the departed. The film follows his profound and sometimes comical journey with death as he uncovers the wonder, joy and meaning of life and living.


呐..不是我崇拜日本..只是真的觉得日本的电影越来越好看了...以前的当然也有很多好的! 但是不得不再一次说..真的是在进步啊!

Rudo y Cursi 粗鲁与陈腐 IMDb评分: 7.2 [689票]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0405393/

导演: Carlos Cuarón 卡洛斯·卡隆

Two siblings rival each other inside the world of professional soccer.


哈哈哈~ 今天真国际化~ 头一次看到墨西哥电影呢!~~

Where The Wild Things Are 野兽家园 Release Date: 16 October 2009 [USA]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0386117/

导演: Spike Jonze 斯派克·琼斯

An adaptation of Maurice Sendak's classic children's story, where Max, a disobedient little boy sent to bed without his supper, creates his own world--a forest inhabited by ferocious wild creatures that crown Max as their ruler.



Easy Virtue 水性杨花 IMDb评分: 6.7 [1,407票]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0808244/

导演: 斯蒂芬·埃利奥特 Stephan Elliott

A young Englishman marries a glamorous American. When he brings her home to meet the parents, she arrives like a blast from the future - blowing their entrenched British stuffiness out the window.


简单的说..就是一部又很Jane Austen感觉的电影咯~~

The Garden 花园 IMDb评分: 9.1 [41票]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1252486/

导演: Scott Hamilton Kennedy 斯科特·汉密尔顿·肯尼迪

From the ashes of the L.A. riots arose a lush, 14-acre community garden, the largest of its kind in the United States. Now bulldozers threaten its future.


Green Lantern: First Flight 绿灯侠: 初飞 Release Date: 21 July 2009 [USA]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1384590/

导演: Lauren Montgomery

Test pilot Hal Jordan finds himself recruited as the newest member of the intergalactic police force, The Green Lantern Corps.



Extract 压榨 Release Date: 4 September 2009 [USA]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1225822/

导演: Mike Judge 迈克·乔吉

Joel, the owner of an Extract plant, tries to contend with myriad personal and professional problems, such as his potentially unfaithful wife and employees who want to take advantage of him.

故事围绕着一个不怎么走运的工厂小老板(杰森·贝特曼 饰)展开,眼下他的一个倒霉工人因工伤变成了“太监”,他虽然对于老婆在他背后搞男人的事情了如指掌,却总不能从这“猫和老鼠”般的捉奸游戏中取胜,而工厂新进来了位美女更是搞得人心惶惶……

wow....看到最后的演员表才知道那个人是Ben Affleck~看看他的喜剧天分如何呢...

The New Twenty 崭新的二十岁 IMDb评分: 6.9 [19票]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0949875/

导演: Chris Mason Johnson

Chris Mason Johnson's award-winning first feature charts the lives of five New Yorkers, a mix of gay and straight best friends about to turn thirty. With emotionally vivid performances and nuanced characters, THE NEW TWENTY paints the portrait of a generation living the highs and lows of a Wall Street world destined to disappear overnight.


男人间..啊..应该说不管是男人还是女人之间..真正的友谊还是很难得, 很感人的呢...

Sorority Row 姐妹联谊会惊魂 Release Date: 2 October 2009 [USA]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1232783/

导演: Stewart Hendler 斯特瓦特·亨德尔

A group of sorority sisters try to cover up the death of their house-sister after a prank gone wrong, only to be stalked by a serial killer.



Home 家 IMDb评分: 7.5 [17票]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1319569/

导演: Mary Haverstick




The Stoning of Soraya M. 被投石处死的索拉雅·M Release Date: 26 June 2009 [USA]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1277737/

导演: Cyrus Nowrasteh

A drama set in 1986 Iran and centered on a man, Sahebjam (Caviezel), whose car breaks down in a remote village and enters into a conversation with Zahra (Aghdashloo), who relays to him the story about her niece, Soraya (Marnò), whose arranged marriage to an abusive tyrant had a tragic ending.


In A Dream IMDb评分: 9.0 [47票]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1185251/

导演: Jeremiah Zagar

The story of Julia Zagar and her husband Isaiah, a renowned mosaic artist, who for the past 30 years has covered more than 40,000 square feet of Philadelphia top to bottom with tile, mirror, paint, and concrete.


Máncora 麦科那 IMDb评分: 7.7 [88票]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1003023/

导演: Ricardo de Montreuil

An adventure drama that tells the story of Santiago, a 22-year old from Lima. Following his father's suicide, haunted by his inner daemons and hatred for the world in general, Santiago decides to escape the crude Lima winter to take refuge in Mancora, a beach to the north of Peru where it is always summer. Upon his departure, Santiago receives the unexpected visit from his stepsister, Ximena, a young and beautiful photographer in her late twenties, accompanied by her husband Inigo, a young surgeon from Spain. The three take off on a journey escaping reality and in search of themselves. Santiago and Ximena find refuge in each other, which sparks off jealousies within Inigo, and a trip that was intended to be a simple escape turns out to be much more, when each of the three crosses limits and borders they should never have crossed. The three are placed face to face with their dreams and daemons. "Mancora" is a story of redemption, where a kid becomes a man and learns to forgive the world.


Shorts 奇石 Release Date: 7 August 2009 [USA]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1100119/

导演: Robert Rodriguez 罗伯特·罗德里格兹

A young boy's discovery of a colorful, wish-granting rock causes chaos in the suburban town of Black Falls when jealous kids and scheming adults alike set out to get their hands on it.



Fame 名扬四海 Release Date: 25 September 2009 [USA]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1016075/

导演: Kevin Tancharoen

An updated version of the 1980 musical, which centered on the students of the New York Academy of Performing Arts.



Orphan 孤儿 Release Date: 24 July 2009 [USA]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1148204/

导演: Jaume Serra 佐米·希尔拉

A husband and wife who recently lost their baby adopt a 9-year-old girl who is not nearly as innocent as she claims to be.


啊啊~~ 大家应该还对07年的El Orfanato aka The Orphanage 印象很深吧?? 现在又来了一部关于孤儿的..这个孤儿..她不是鬼吧, 但好像比鬼还可怕..

Love the Beast 爱上野兽 IMDb评分: 9.1 [61票]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1284028/

导演: Eric Bana 艾瑞克·巴纳

What if you were a Hollywood movie star with an obsession for cars and racing? You would probably read every script with even the tiniest link to the subject matter, in the hope that you could tell a great car story of the likes of "Grand Prix", "Le Mans" or "Mad Max". Then one day you happened to open your garage door and sitting there, right in front of you, was the film you had been searching for. This is what happened to Eric Bana and this time around, the co-star is his very own Ford GT Falcon Coupe- THE BEAST. Eric realized the story was in fact, about him, his first car, a lifetime of ownership and a lifetime of friendship. He set about documenting his own 25 year long love story. A simple tale of one man's ongoing relationship with his very first car. After years of precious restoration, Eric and his 3 closest friends, decided to enter the car into one of the most grueling and dangerous motor races that exists: The Targa Tasmania Rally. This would be a personal Everest for both man and machine, until...on day 4 of the race, tragedy strikes. The man who was hell bent on trying to convey how much he and those around him loved "THE BEAST", had just destroyed it. Eric has now unwillingly cast himself in his own real life drama. We follow him from inside the race car to the surreal world of the red carpet. This compelling true story follows Eric's progression as a car lover, and as a person conflicted by what he has done. The personal and social pressures mount up in the face of re building a car that means so much to him. Along the way Eric seeks guidance and wisdom from not only the inner sanctum of his 3 life long friends but also Jay Leno, Jeremy Clarkson, and Dr Phil.



G-Force 豚鼠特攻队 Release Date: 24 July 2009 [USA]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0436339/

导演: Hoyt Yeatman 霍伊特·耶特曼

A specially trained squad of guinea pigs is dispatched to stop a diabolical billionaire from taking over the world.


又有一种动物被Disney拿来拍动画了, 太可爱了, 所以我不在意..哈哈哈

I Love You, Beth Cooper 校花我爱你 Release Date: 10 July 2009 [USA]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1032815/

导演: Chris Columbus 克里斯·哥伦布

A nerdy valedictorian proclaims his love for the hottest and most popular girl in school – Beth Cooper (Panettiere) – during his graduation speech. Much to his surprise, Beth shows up at his door that very night and decides to show him the best night of his life.


很搞笑哈~依旧是校园喜剧~~ Heroes的啦啦队长在里面是女主角~~~ 蛮喜欢她的~~~

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 美食从天而降 Release Date: 18 September 2009 [USA]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0844471/

导演: Chris Miller 克里斯·米勒 Phil Lord

The most delicious event since macaroni met cheese. Inspired by the beloved children's book, the film focuses on a town where food falls from the sky like rain.


你小时候可有幻想过天上下食物??? 我可没有....

Emilio 艾米利奥 Release Date: April 2009 [USA]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0499469/

导演: Kim Jorgensen


Sleep Dealer 睡眠经销商 IMDb评分: 6.0 [233票]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0804529/

导演: Alex Rivera 亚历克斯·里维拉

Set in a near-future, militarized world marked by closed borders, virtual labor and a global digital network that joins minds and experiences, three strangers risk their lives to connect with each other and break the barriers of technology.



Away We Go 为子搬迁 Release Date: 5 June 2009 [USA]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1176740/

导演: Sam Mendes 萨姆·门德斯

A couple who is expecting their first child travel around the U.S. in order to find a perfect place to start their family. Along the way, they have misadventures and find fresh connections with an assortment of relatives and old friends who just might help them discover "home" on their own terms for the first time.


电影里的生活不是老套的浪漫..但绝对是新的一种浪漫, 自由..

Pandorum 深空失忆 Release Date:4 September 2009 [USA]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1188729/

导演: Christian Alvart 克里斯蒂安·阿瓦特

A pair of crew members aboard a spaceship wake up with no knowledge of their mission or their identities.


醒过来失忆....哎....去年好像也有一个类似的吧? 忘了...倒是蛮喜欢这个海报的..

Tyson 泰森 IMDb评分: 7.8 [216票]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1032821/

导演: James Toback 詹姆斯·托贝克

A mixture of original interviews and archival footage and photographs sheds light on the life experiences of Mike Tyson.

该片通过纪录形式, 向观众展示了美国著名拳击手泰森一些不为人知的故事。拳王泰森在片中透露了很多自己的私人生活和职业经历。




Management 操控 IMDb评分: 8.0 [155票]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1082853/

导演: Stephen Belber

A traveling art saleswoman tries to shake off a flaky motel manager who falls for her and won't leave her alone.



呀呀呀~ 有我最爱的Jennifer Aniston~

Avaze gonjeshk-ha / The Song of Sparrows 麻雀之歌 IMDb评分: 8.0 [334票]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0997246/

导演: Majid Majidi 马基德·马基迪


Moscow, Belgium 莫斯科,比利时 IMDb评分: 7.5 [685票]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0948530/

导演: Christophe Van Rompaey 克里斯托弗·范·罗姆帕伊

Matty, a 41-year old mother of three with a husband in his midlife-crisis, meets 29-year old Johnny, a camion driver, who takes an interest in her.



Every Little Step 舞台上的每一步 IMDb评分: 5.1 [42票]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0977648/

导演: Adam Del Deo James D. Stern

Follows the plight of real-life dancers as they struggle through auditions for the Broadway revival of "A Chorus Line". Also investigates the history of the show and the creative minds behind the original and current incarnations.


Is There Anybody There? 有人在吗? IMDb评分: 7.3 [60票]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1130088/

导演: John Crowley 约翰·克劳利

Set in 1980s seaside England, this is the story of Edward, an unusual ten year old boy growing up in an old people's home run by his parents. Whilst his mother struggles to keep the family business afloat, and his father copes with the onset of mid-life crisis, Edward is busy tape-recording the elderly residents to try and discover what happens when they die. Increasingly obsessed with ghosts and the afterlife, Edward's is a rather lonely existence until he meets Clarence, the latest recruit to the home, a retired magician with a liberating streak of anarchy. Is There Anybody There? tells the surprising, touching story of this odd couple - a boy and an old man - facing life together, with Edward learning to live in the moment and Clarence coming to terms with the past.


这种老少搭配的温馨电影...最感人了~~ 55555`~ 小男孩太可爱了~~~

Terra 泰若星球 IMDb评分: 8.0 [255票]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0858486/

导演: Aristomenis Tsirbas

A peaceful alien planet faces annihilation, as the homeless remainder of the human race sets its eyes on Terra. Mala, a rebellious Terrian teenager, will do everything she can to stop it.


Hunger 饥饿 IMDb评分: 7.8 [2,968票]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0986233/

导演: Steve McQueen 史蒂夫·麦奎因

The last six weeks of the life of the Irish republican hunger striker Bobby Sands.


12 Rounds 12回合 IMDb评分: 5.1 [582票]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1160368/

导演: Renny Harlin 雷尼·哈林

Detective Danny Fisher (Cena) discovers his girlfriend (Scott) has been kidnapped by a ex-con tied to Baxter's past, and he'll have to successfully complete 12 challenges in order to secure her safe release.



The Hangover 宿醉 Release Date: 5 June 2009 [USA]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1119646/

导演: Todd Phillips 托德·菲利普斯

A Las Vegas-set comedy centered around three groomsmen who lose their about-to-be-wed buddy during their drunken misadventures, then must retrace their steps in order to find him.



Drag Me to Hell 堕入地狱 Release Date: 29 May 2009 [USA]

IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1127180/

导演: Sam Raimi 山姆·雷米

A loan officer (Lohman) ordered to evict an old woman from her home finds herself the recipient of a supernatural curse, who turns her life into a living hell. Desperate, she turns to a seer to try and save her soul, while evil forces work to push her to a breaking point.


就用这个恐怖片结束今天的发布吧.~~ 嘿嘿~~

[通过安全测试]杀毒软件: 卡巴斯基8.0.0.454


常驻服务器: no1.eserver.emule.org.cn等..

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周六周日, 一般是9:00---23:00

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