专辑英文名: Wagner: Operas / Prokofiev: Romeo & Juliet (excerpts)
专辑中文名: 瓦格纳歌剧选曲、普罗柯菲耶夫芭蕾罗密欧与朱丽叶选曲
艺术家: Los Angeles Philharmonic, Erich Leinsdorf /雷恩斯朵夫指挥洛杉矶爱乐
古典类型: 交响曲
资源格式: APE
版本: Two Complete LPs
发行时间: 1978年
地区: 美国

唱片公司:Sheffield Lab
Oscar Levant once described the relationship of an orchestra to the conductor as "one hundred men and a louse." It was refreshing, therefore, to observe the obvious pleasure taken by the Los Angeles Philharmonic while making records with Erich Leinsdorf. On several occasions a compliment was paid to a member of the orchestra. Invariably the response was to point to the podium and give credit to Mr. Leinsdorf: "He gives us every entrance; but if it's a diffcult one, he won't look at us in advance, only at the last moment and with confidence."
Of course, the shaping of a great musical performance is much more than giving clean entrances and beating good time. Erich Leinsdorf has always demonstrated a unique ability to retain the cohesion of a musical composition with that rare combination, the balance between detail and sweep, lyricism and rhytrnic strength and masterful control of tempo relationships. The Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra has instituted a secret ballot rating system for the various guest conductors who lead them. We learned that Erich Leinsdorf had been given the very highest rating.
Leinsdorf is a man of tremendous energy and efficiency. We found him to be authoritative, yet cheerful, with a clever and biting sense of humor and a frequent twinkle in his eye. There was a fine and sensitive rapport established between orchestra and conductor at these recording sessions. We had set up a sandwich buffet in the studio for the musicians. Mr. Leinsdorf noted that concentration had waned after the sandwich break. "You know, this is not a Party," he remarked at the close of the session, "It is a lovely gesture on the part of the record company, butI must insist that we restrict the refreshments to coffee tomorrow. This is a recording, not a picnic." The Maestro was right. The following day brought forth everyone's best effort-without the picnic.
--------Lincoln Mayorga-----