专辑英文名: Untouchables
专辑中文名: 一触即发
歌手: Korn
音乐风格: 摇滚
资源格式: FLAC
版本: 俄罗斯版(+3 Bonus Tracks)
发行时间: 2002年06月11日
地区: 美国,俄罗斯
语言: 英语

发行厂牌: Sony/Epic
VeryCD发行: 典狱长 (nimo123321)
文件格式: rar (压缩包中内含flac.cue & log)
回顾九十年代至今美国另类摇滚圈的流行趋势,无庸置疑的可以发现 Rap-Rock / Rap-Metal已成为主流市场大饼,迅速虐夺侵占各流行榜,成为新世代美国摇滚乐迷,众所追求的震撼之声。从Beastie Boys和Rage Against The Machine到Korn,这3组举足轻重的乐队,也成为美国Rap-Rock/Rap-Metal乐史上的功臣,后期崛起的Limp Bizkit、Linkin Park等都是吸吮这些教父级乐团的养份才得以茁壮出头。
最早是一支名为LAPD的乐队面临改组,一阵曲折后,剩下J. Munky Shaff(Gtr)、David(Drums)和Fieldy(Bass),另改组Creep乐队后,并征召了Brian(Gtr)加入后,正寻觅新乐团主唱。恰巧在一处酒吧遇见了Sex Art乐队Jonathan(Voc)惊为天人的表演,演出后拉拢他加入Creep并更名为-Korn。就这样成为美国加州Bakerield的Rap- Metal五人组。他们不讳言深受Rage Against the Machine的影响,再加上Jonathan自己同年所遭遇的不愉快感受,通通发泄在专辑词曲里。新生代的Nu-Metal,来自幽暗的厄夜丛林鬼魅之声,强烈爆炸性痛苦与愤怒--Korn。
在他们首张同名专辑,原创、异端、崭新的Modern Heavy Sound震动了乐坛, 98年发行《Follow the Leader》在全世界销售了450万张,99年的《Issues》更上升到480万张,现在已众所公认立于摇滚界领导地位的他们,在新专辑中却特意地背离了那些使他们成功的因素而转向开拓新领域。
就像我们一开始说的,Korn的专辑《Untouchables》显然是他们到达另一阶段的惊人杰作。但在同时,这也是张突破以往的新生力作,势必在歌迷之间引起热烈讨论。Korn自此展开了对以往自我既有印象,蜕变出更大胆声响。在专辑中,我们可以听到宛如Pink Floyd,甚至是带有Bauhaus气味的曲子,给予听者前所未有的感动,对习惯于以往喧闹、富有攻击性、金属式Korn的歌迷来说,是开起新的音乐窍门及全新能量冲击。
他们在和制作人商量时,表示想做类似Pink Floyd的东西。想要做些更有实验性的东西。想要做新鲜而充满各种要素和活力的东西,以不改变Korn这个核心为前提,想要展现出更多样化的丰富,不回到过去,只想着要前进,但他们作的曲子绝对是Korn式的,但在创作新歌时总是多少背负着风险,不过最重要的是要先做出能让乐团本身满意的曲子,而相对的乐迷也希冀Korn能不断引领大家到新的境界。看看以前那些专辑就可以知道了,他们总是一直在改变点什幺!专辑制作人Michael Beinhorn曾提及,Korn本身想做最棒的专辑,想做出一生中最棒的东西。不管谁都可以听出是和流行音乐完全相对的东西。
Untouchables is the fifth album by American nu metal band Korn. The album was officially released on June 11, 2002 and featured the Grammy-winning single "Here to Stay", as well as "Thoughtless" and "Alone I Break." The album marks their second to use alternative metal but whereas Issues shifted away from the hip hop influenced nu metal which was highly present in their early albums, this album does see its return on certain tracks such as "Bottled Up Inside". New techniques were used on this album as well: Untouchables featured elements like undistorted guitars and electronics on some songs, giving the album an overall mellow but spooky feel, with one critic calling it a "purgatorial symphony." Songs of this variety include "Hollow Life" and "Hating." This is the only Korn album that does not feature bagpipes. Untouchables debuted at #2 on the Billboard 200 with 434,000 copies. The album received positive reviews from respected music magazines.
Its been nearly 3 long years since music's most compelling band has released an album. Many fans who thought "Issues" was a bit flat (which granted, it was) were eagerly anticipating KoRn's next release in the hopes that it would save "nu-metal" from the past 3 years of monotonous, imitator music put out by polised, radio friendly bands like Disturbed, Linkin Park, Puddle of Crap, etc. Well fans of real music, the day has arrived. "Untouchables" is here and it does not dissappoint.
I, like thousands of others, downloaded this CD back in March, but I also made damn sure that I was one of the first in line to buy the CD midnight on June 11th. This is a great CD, as its the next logical progression from "Issues". If I were to compare it to any other KoRn album, it would probably be "Issues", only "Untouchables" has much more memorable riffs, choruses, and songs in general. "Issues" seemed thrown together and each song seemed to bleed into the next with no real focus. "Untouchables", however, is very well put together. Practically every song is memorable and KoRn pushes the boundaries of their sound on songs like "Hollow Life", which has a very serious/eerie vibe to it. Then you have songs like "Hating", which has an 80s electronica vibe to it with a very big, epic sound. "Wake Up Hate" has a major techno/rave sound while still remainng quite heavy.
The great thing about this album is that it is innovative, and it makes the other wannabe bands in the scene look very unoriginal and stupid. Albums like this are what is needed to keep the scene legitimate and keep it evolving. Its a shame that bands like Coal Chamber, Nothingface, and Deftones, (just to name a few) don't get enough publicity because they're raw and cutting-edge, and bands like Drowning Pool & Limp Bizkit are all over media because they play catchy, pointless songs with a recycled KoRn sound. I hope "Untouchables" sells millions of copies, and I hope KoRn finally get the noteriety and respect they disserve. No, this album is not as good as their 1st (but what album is?) but it is still very very badass. Here's a brief rundown of the songs:
1)"Here To Stay" - 9/10 (1st single; picture a riot starting to this song)
2)"Make Believe" - 6/10 (only song I might call flat; very slow, spooky-core vibe to it)
3)"Blame" - 9/10 (very good song; possibly the best on the album)
4)"Hollow Life" - 9/10 (very origional and different; creepy, gothic feel to it; great singing)
5)"Bottled Up Inside" - 8/10 (great opening rhythm; heavy chugging guitars; awesome, slow jam session around the 2:27-2:52 mark)
6)"Thoughtlessness" - 9/10 (2nd single; very dynamic; Jonathon shouts angrily ocassionally, reminescent of the old days)
7)"Hating" - 9/10 (not a typical KoRn song, but I love it; great chorus; almost a ballad)
8)"One More Time" - 7/10 (gothic, loungy feel to it; okay song)
9)"Alone I Break" - 7/10 (no heavy parts in this song; very industrial; NIN vibe; cool singing though)
10)"Embrace" - 9/10 (very good song; good energy; could be heaviest song on the album)
11)"Beat It Upright" - 8/10 (wickedly heavy opening rhythm; very cool, very perverted song)
12)"Wake Up Hate" - 8/10 (heavy techno/industrial/rave song; hint of NIN at some parts)
13)"I'm Hiding" - 7/10 (starts out brutally heavy; song itself kind of drags, jon saves it with a great chorus)
14)"No One's There" - 6/10 (this song didn't make an impression on me; not bad, just a bit slow and monotonous)
15)"Here To Stay Remix" - 7/10 (not bad; you can understand the lyrics better; it'll get your head bobbing)
Thanks for reading this. I hope this album made a similar impression on you as well. KoRn owns!!!