中文名称: 国土防卫:国家安全巡查
英文名称: Homeland Defense: National Security Patrol
游戏类型: RTS 即时战略游戏
资源格式: 压缩包
版本: 硬盘版
发行时间: 2008年
制作发行: ValuSoft
地区: 美国
语言: 英文

【英文名称】Homeland Defense: National Security Patrol
【官方网站】 http://www.valusoft.com/
【讨论专区】 http://3dmgame.chnren.com/bbs/index.aspx
解压缩,运行 setup.bat ;
运行/HomelandDefense/data/ dir内的 homelandDefense.exe进入游戏。
Install Notes:
1. Unpack the release with WinRAR or equivalent
2. Run setup.bat
3. Remember to check out cracktro out Unleashed.exe

4. Start game with homelandDefense.exe in /HomelandDefense/data/ dir
5. Play!

P R E P A R E T O B E U N L E A S H E D ! !
Homeland Defense National Security Patrol RIP
Release Date : 28/12/2008 Protection : Nothing
Release Type : RIP 28x5.00MB Company : ValuSoft
Release Notes:
America's borders are in need of defense and the nation requires your
help. With terrorists and smugglers searching for any possible
vulnerability that will allow them to infiltrate the country, you
realize that it's more important than ever to do your part. In
Homeland Defense: National Security Patrol, you must rely on your
courage and determination to draw up intelligent, workable solutions
that will keep potential evildoers at bay.
Homeland Defense: National Security Patrol places the responsibility
of protecting America's borders on your shoulders. Develop and
implement a coordinated plan of defense, incorporating such elements
as traffic checkpoints, city patrols and antismuggling investigations.
Consult your daily briefing to identify the most troubling threats,
and interrogate detainees to discover even more crucial information
about the activities of terrorists and smugglers. Coordinate the use
of powerful technology, including unmanned aerial vehicles, satellite
surveillance and remote cameras, and prove you have what it takes to
keep America secure.
Develop and implement solutions to strengthen America's borders and
keep out smugglers and terrorists
Conduct city patrols, pursue antismuggling investigations and plan,
construct and maintain traffic checkpoints in an effort to provide
broad border protection
Assess new and ongoing threats with the help of a daily briefing
Interrogate detainees to force them to reveal their knowledge about
the plans of smugglers and terrorists
Harness powerful technologies, including remote cameras, helicopter
patrols, satellite surveillance and unmanned aerial vehicles, to help
you secure the borders
Ripped: Nothing!
Install Notes:
1. Unpack the release with WinRAR or equivalent
2. Run setup.bat
3. Remember to check out cracktro out Unleashed.exe :)
4. Start game with homelandDefense.exe in /HomelandDefense/data/ dir
5. Play!
Unleashed salutes all friends of the family, contacts and competition!
" Prepare to be Unleashed! "