中文名: 琼宵禁梦
英文名: Clash By Night
别名: 夜间冲突
IMDb: 7.1/10 (1,727 votes)
资源格式: DVDRip
发行日期: 1952年
导演: 弗里茨·朗 Fritz Lang
演员: 芭芭拉·斯坦威克 Barbara Stanwyck
玛丽莲·梦露 Marilyn Monroe
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
发布组: SAPHiRE

◎片名Clash by Night
◎类型剧情 / 黑色
◎IMDB评分7.1/101,578 votes
◎文件格式XviD + MP3
◎视频尺寸528 X 384
◎文件大小699 MB
◎片长105 Minutes
◎导演弗里茨·朗 Fritz Lang
◎主演芭芭拉·斯坦威克 Barbara Stanwyck ....Mae Doyle D'Amato
罗伯特·瑞安 Robert Ryan ....Earl Pfeiffer
玛丽莲·梦露 Marilyn Monroe ....Peggy
卡洛尔·耐许 J. Carrol Naish ....Uncle Vince
芭芭拉斯坦威克扮演一个玩世不恭的女人,回家与她的弟弟乔(Keith Andes)生活 。乔并不怎么高兴,并希望他的女朋友佩吉(玛丽莲梦露)不受到她的世俗影响。在没有选择的情况下,她嫁给罐头企业老板杰里(Paul Douglas) 。杰里知道她不爱他,但希望她能够爱他。后来他们有了一个孩子,即使这样,斯坦威克仍难改本性,喜欢上杰里的的朋友厄尔(Robert Ryan) 。在杰里知道老婆有外遇后,两人起了冲突......
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███▀ [ THEATRE DATE....: 6/18/1952 ]
████ [ RELEASE DATE....: 7/11/2005 ]
████ [ STORE DATE......: 7/5/2005 ]
████░ [ GENRE...........: Film Noir/Drama ]
████ [ RUNTiME.........: 105 Minutes ]
████ [ RATiNG..........: 7.0/10 (485 votes) ]
▀███ [ NO. SCREENiNGS..: ??? ]
▀███░ [ ViDEO BiTRATE...: 852 kBit/s XviD at 23.976FPS ]
████▒ [ AUDiO BiTRATE...: 72 kBit/s Mono MP3 at 48KHZ, EN ]
████▒ [ ASPECT RATiO....: 1.37:1 ]
████▓ [ RESOLUTiON......: 528X384 ]
████▓ [ ARCHiVES........: sph-clash.by.night.rar *49x15* ]
▓████ [ AVi SiZE........: 699 MB * 716,516 KB * 733,712,384 B ]
████▓ [ SUBTiTLES.......: EN, FR, ES ]
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▓█████▀ M O V i E S U M M A R Y
▓████▒ Directed by Fritz Lang, this Clifford Odets play, adapted by Alfred
█████░ Hayes, stars Barbara Stanwyck as a cynical woman who returns home to
▓████ live with her younger brother Joe (Keith Andes). Joe is not real happy
████▓ about it, and prefers that his girlfriend Peggy (Marilyn Monroe) not
▄███▓ be exposed to the negative influence of her worldly ways. With limited
████▓ options, she's marries cannery business owner Jerry D'Amato (Paul
▓████ Douglas), who knows she doesn't love him but hopes that she'll grow
████▓ into it. They have a child, but even still Stanwyck's character is
▄███▓ drawn to Jerry's Cro-Magnon man-like oddball hotheaded friend Earl
████▓ Pfeiffer (Robert Ryan). Of course, they have an affair which leads to
▓████ the "clash by night".
▄███▓ Director ......... Fritz Lang
▓████ Barbara Stanwyck.. Mae Doyle D'Amato
████▓ Paul Douglas ..... Jerry D'Amato
▄███▓ Robert Ryan ...... Earl Pfeiffer
████▓ Marilyn Monroe ... Peggy
▓████ J. Carrol Naish .. Uncle Vince
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▓█████▀ M O R E i N F O R M A T i O N
▓████▒ IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0044502/
█████░ RETAIL DVD: http://www.dvdempire.com/exec/v4_item.asp?item_id=679753
████▓ http://www.dvdtalk.com/dvdsavant/s1664clas.html
▄███▓ http://www.dvdbeaver.com/film/DVDReviews15/noir_box-2.htm#
████▓ clash-by-nighT
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