专辑中文名: Video Hits
歌手: Van Halen
资源格式: DVDRip
版本: Volume I
发行时间: 1999年11月09日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语

专辑的头三首歌曲选自 Van Halen 早期的作品, 七十年代,在 David Lee Roth 作为主唱的时代,吉他手Eddie 和 Alex Van Halen,以及贝斯手Michael Anthony 配合着 David Lee Roth 嚣张(确切地说,是 Yankee 式的幽默)的作风,Van Halen 的风格极为张狂。 而 David 本人,则沉醉于扮演着天才、丑角、杂技演员的多重角色,他的运动,装模作样的鬼马表情,当然,还要附加上具有魔力般的嗓音,以及不可忽略的 Eddie 巫术般的演奏,乐队热烈泼辣的风格简直使歌迷对他们达到了疯狂拥捧的程度。而且,哇哦,看,喇叭裤蛤蟆镜,双卡录音机,色迷迷的痞子表情,这些明显就是80年代中国大地各路豪杰的标准装束嘛,看来美国青年却是引领了时尚潮流二十年。 Van Halen 的音乐会几乎就是拉斯维加斯般花样百出的表演现场 - 空中飞人、劈叉、倒立,猫步,一切的一切都搞笑无比,却又令人兴奋莫名。
1985年 Sammy Hagar 代替 David 加入了乐队,也带来了完全不同的风格 - 更加强力,更加旋律,尽管这不见得受 David 众多 Funs 的待见,但 Van Halen 却仍旧保持着高水准,甚至屡有惊喜带给大家 - 严肃的主题,高亢而具有穿透力的嗓音,无法不吸引来众人的眼球。鉴于 Sammy 能唱能做,专辑中选了不少他担任主唱时期的作品,譬如 “When it's Love”就是一例。 “Dreams”节选自 the Whiskey-a-Go-Go 。而倒数第二首“Humans Being”,则是 Sammy 在 Van Halen 中录制的最后一首歌(也是我最喜欢的歌曲之一),这首歌被收录在电影“龙卷风”的原声大碟中。
最后一首“Without You”,是 Sammy 走人后,原 Extreme 主唱 Gary Cherone (插一句广告,死魂灵王最近发布了他的一张EP,“Need I Say More”,有兴趣者可以看看)加盟录制的新曲。虽然当时的我很期待能有火花擦出,但结论是挺令我失望的,但无论如何,这首歌在概念的营造上还是比较不错的。看看吧。
最后,我下载了还有一个视频文件,里面包括“Me Wise Magic”,但是找不到了,失望ing。
These are excellent videos, well produced and filmed, and Van Halen is in top form on all of them. The first three are from the David Lee Roth era, who was lead singer back when brothers Eddie and Alex Van Halen started the group in the late '70s, along with Michael Anthony on bass. David is part acrobat/clown, part Vegas glitzy showman, and very entertaining with his athletic, campy humor; he's also a good vocalist for that type of material, backed by the solid musicianship of the group, and the guitar wizardry of Eddie.
Enter Sammy Hagar, replacing David in 1985, and giving the group a different style, with some of the material leaning towards serious subjects, stronger vocals ("When it's Love" is superb), and though it doesn't have the fun of the David era, it's equally lively. "Dreams" has the footage from the Whiskey-a-Go-Go, and the final song, "Humans Being", is also the last that Sammy recorded with the group, and it is part of the soundtrack for the hit movie "Twister".
Total running time is 1 hour.
Video Hits, Vol. 1 (1996)
Starring: Van Halen
Actors: Van Halen
Format: Closed-captioned, Color, DVD-Video, NTSC
Language: English (PCM Stereo)
Subtitles: English
Region: Region 1 (U.S. and Canada only. Read more about DVD formats.)
Aspect Ratio: 1.33:1
Number of discs: 1
Studio: Warner Bros / Wea
DVD Release Date: November 9, 1999
Run Time: 65 minutes