中文名: 史蒂芬·弗莱 评论录音带
英文名: Stephen Fry Paperweight Volume 1&2
资源格式: MP3
发行时间: 1998年9月7日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语

【中文名】史蒂芬·弗莱 评论录音带
【英文名】Stephen Fry - Paperweight Volume 1 & 2
【出版】Random House Audiobooks
【码率】128 Kbps
合集内含Stephen Fry大量幽默诙谐的文章,由Stephen Fry亲自编写,朗读。主要来自The Listener,每日电讯报(The Daily Telegraph)以及其他电台,杂志。
Volume 1:
A miscellany of humorous sketches and articles from "The Listener" "The Daily Telegraph", and from magazines and radio, written and read by Stephen Fry.
Volume 2:
This the second volume of Stephen Fry's humorous articles, for the radio and from the pages of the "Daily Telegraph" and "Listener". As the title suggests, "Paperweight" will also make a handy desk-top accessory.
This book is collection of a wealth of essays, reviews, radio sketches and other oddments from various sources, so inevitably is something of a mixed bag. The majority of the pieces - including the fictionalised ramblings of The Liar's Professor Trefusis - take the form of short essays where Fry bemoans the state of society, both here and abroad. What saves these pieces from becoming tiresome is that Fry's observations (or, to put it more bluntly - moans) are wrapped up in both his ironic humour and an invigorating prose driven by his love of words. There is one slight problem with reading the pieces en masse however, and that is that Fry does have a tendencies to repeat his favourite anecdotes, arguments, and jokes - sometimes variations of the same line can be found repeated here not once but three or four times. In the books defence, these pieces were never originally written to sit next to each other, but having been collected a rather more rigorous editing might have eliminated some of this repetition. Still, an intelligent and amusing non-fiction collection, Paperweight is perhaps better experienced in small chunks than as one continuous text.
This is actually a collection of tonnes of different articles written over the years for a variety of publications. Most are only 1 to 3 pages long, and fit as many laughs into each one as you would normally get in one whole 'comedy book'. Steven's veiwpoints are so refreshing on so many issues, yet at the same time you think to yourself, "why has no-one though of this before ?". If your sense of humour is the kind that likes originality and new twists (with surreal and quirky touches) then this is what you will laugh at.
It turned me into a big fan of his, but I did not enjoy his novels so much. This format I think gives you the best of him. He says in the intro. that he used to get loads of desperate requests from readers for copies of articles he'd done; later you see why. Actually the introduction is one of the best bits as he is SO ironic, modest and more witty than anyone I've ever read. In fact simply, Fry = Wit. If anyone else finds a book similar then please, please contact me.
i absolutely give 5 stars to 'Paperweight' 1 and 2,for the book and the audio tape, although the audio is sooo much more entertaining, the bonus is the Fry voice surely?..never get tired of listening..his thoughts hidden in laughter,his politics and views on life never fail to amuse and are thought provoking, plus he loves Alistair Sim, so FRY RULES!! make a 2005 resolution
and get all the FRY works...
'Appallingly funny' --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
Codec : MPEG-1 Audio layer 3
Codec profile : Joint stereo
Bit rate mode : CBR
Bit rate : 128 Kbps
Channel(s) : 2 channels
Sampling rate : 44.1 KHz
Resolution : 16 bits
Writing library : Xing (new)
Total runtime : 5:49:25