中文名: SoundForge 8.0:基础训练
英文名: SoundForge 8.0: Essential Training
资源格式: 光盘镜像
发行时间: 2008年
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
文字语言: 英文

翻译 gaodeji71@TLF
Total Training出品教程:SoundForge 8.0:基础训练 (SoundForge 8.0: Essential Training)
主讲:Thel Rountree
时长:7.25 小时
本教程侧重于Sound Forge 强大的音频编辑器,专业的录音技术,获得纯净的音频质量,实现专业音频效果,还有学习音频恢复工具。
Sound Forge,以其功能,稳定性和质朴的界面而获得赞誉,被认为是音频软件专业人士的行业标准选择,满足他们追求创作与编辑音频作品的绝对速度与精确度要求。SoundForge 8.0包含了你所需要的各种功能:分析,记录和音频编辑,制作音乐循环,数字化,清理旧的录音,建立声学环境模型,建立流媒体,控制复制就绪光盘(replication-ready)。
Description: SoundForge 8.0: Essential Training
This tutorial on SoundForge 8.0 will focus on the powerful Sound Forge® Audio Editor, professional audio recording techniques, obtaining pristine audio quality, achieving professional audio effects and learning the audio restoration tools. Sound Forge®, acclaimed for it’s power, stability and no nonsense interface, is considered the industry standard for audio software professionals who want to create and edit digital audio files with absolute speed and precision. SoundForge 8.0 contains everything you need to analyze, record and edit audio, produce music loops, digitize and clean-up old recordings, model acoustic environments, create streaming media and master replication-ready CDs.
Topics Include:
Quick Start Guide
Data Window Walk Around
FX Favorites
Spectrum Analysis
Plug-In Chainer
CD Architect
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: Total Training - MOTU Digital Performer: Introduction
In this tutorial Les Brockmann, a veteran audio engineer, demonstrates
that even though Digital Performer was originally designed for
professional studio production, film scoring, live performance and
remixing, it can be easily used for professional results for all
levels of users from home recording enthusiasts to recording studios.
Les demonstrates how to record live instruments, record and import
MIDI files, sequence and how you can edit your finished project for
export in many different file formats. By the time this tutorial is
completed you will understand topics like file management, mixing
audio, using video, tempo and timing.
Topics Include:
Quick Start Guide
Digital Performer File Management
Digital Performer Screen Features and UI
Tempo, Metronome and Timing
Navigating in Digital Performer
Editing in Digital Performer
All about Audio in Digital Performer
Mixing Audio in Digital Performer
Using Video in Digital Performer
Learning More about Digital Performer
: http://www.totaltraining.com/prod/howaudio/ha_motudp_intro.asp
8 8
8 8
8 8
8 a. Extract 8
8 b. Mount/Burn 8
8 c. Play & Learn 8
8 8
8 8
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