
Alestorm -《Captain Morgan's Revenge》[MP3]

王朝资源·作者佚名  2009-06-22
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专辑英文名: Captain Morgan's Revenge

歌手: Alestorm

音乐风格: 摇滚

资源格式: MP3

发行时间: 2008年

地区: 英国

语言: 英语


专辑风格:True Scottish Pirate Metal

发行厂牌:Napalm Records

压缩码率:CBR 320Kbps


我向大家隆重推荐“纯正苏格兰海盗金属”----Alestorm。接触Alestorm是一件很偶然的事,因为近几年已经基本上不听金属了,听也是听几十年前的那种传统金属,像Alestorm这种新近的金属乐队,我知道的非常少。那天在Amazon上看看Blind Guardian的CD大概都什么价钱,突然看到“购买了Blind Guardian的人也购买了......”的这一版块显示了Alestorm的这张专辑,立刻被其封面吸引,我还是比较喜欢海盗题材的东西的,再看专辑名是《Captain Morgan's Revenge》,感觉太酷了,二话没说,就上eMule把这张专辑拉了下来。(说句题外话,现在越来越觉得类似这种推荐版块儿的好处了,总能发现惊喜,Amazon,豆瓣,Last.fm都具有这个功能,非常好。)网上查了一下,乐队的中文资料基本没有,而且这支乐队好像连自己的官方网站都没有,无奈,只好自己动手,去wikipedia和muscimight上查了。(乐队历史是我翻译的,虽然翻译的不咋地,但也是我的心血,转帖请注明作者:dbrg77,出处:dulcetnoise.com;乐评部分完全是原创,转帖更要注明作者:dbrg77,出处:dulcetnoise.com,谢谢合作。)

Alestorm是来自苏格兰Perth的一个“海盗金属” 乐队,这个风格可不是我定义的,而是乐队自己给自己定义的,他们称他们自己为“纯正苏格兰海盗金属”(True Scottish Pirate Metal),因为其音乐主要以海盗为主题,充满了海盗元素,就是《加勒比海盗》那个味儿。乐队成立于2004年,那时候他们还不叫这个,而叫 Battleheart(我觉得这名儿太俗了,要是后来不改成Alestorm,我对着乐队的兴趣绝对会减一大半)。刚开始的时候,Battleheart只有Gavin Harper和Christopher Bowes这两位成员。2006年初,他们在Mel's home studio录制了他们的第一张独立EP:《Battleheart》。后来又有两位临时队员加入:贝司手Dani Evans和鼓手Doug Swierczek。他们的第一次现场演出(30th June, Balcony Bar, Dundee on)在这四个人刚刚见面5天后就开始了,相当神速。乐队的第二张EP《Terror on the High Seas》是与Dani Evans(现任吉他手)在同一年录制的,该EP中的一首歌《Set Sail And Conque》,与其他许多著名乐队(比如Tyr, Firewind, Hammerfall, Blind Guardian)的名曲一同被收录进Metal Hammer杂志的《Battle Metal V》中。随后,Dani Evans改弹节奏吉他,而Jason Heeny加入进来弹Bass。可是几个月后,Heeny离队了,Dani Evans又改回弹Bass了,而现在的Lead & Rhythm Guitar似乎都是他。 2007年初,鼓手Doug Swierczek离队,取代其位置的是Catharist乐队的Ian Wilson。随后,乐队被著名厂牌Napalm Records签下,并改名为Alestorm。 2008年年初,乐队的第一张专辑《Captain Morgan's Revenge》终于面世了,专辑的同名歌曲也被收录进了Metal Hammer杂志的《Battle Metal VI》中。4月份,乐队在网上发行了单曲《Heavy Metal Prirates》。而在随后的六月份,鼓手Ian Wilson由于无法完全演出而离队,Alestorm的鼓手位置临时由德国人Alex Tabisz担当。八月底的时候,Ian Wilson归队,并参加了乐队于8月29日在Glasgow的Ivory Blacks的演出。还没安定多久呢,9月份的时候,Bowes宣布,由于吉他手Gavin Harper已失去了Alestorm当年的热情,开除了Gavin Harper,Tim Shaw取代了他的位置。乐队现正在制作他们的第二张专辑《Black Sails At Midnight》。不难发现,其实每个乐队在刚成立的时候,总是分分合合的,人员变动十分频繁,Alestorm也是这样。看到这是不是有点晕?我也有点晕,不管这其中的过程了,现在就告诉你Alestorm的现乐队成员: Christopher Bowes (Vocal & Keyboards), Dani Evans (Lead & Rythm Guitars), Ian Wilson (Drums) , Gareth Murdock (Bass Guitars)。

乐队这张《Captain Morgarn's Revenge》简直是太棒了!其实刚看到这个封面时,我觉得这应该是张典型的Power Metal专辑,可能也带点哥特味儿或者Viking味儿,后来听了这站专辑之后才发现,没啥哥特和Viking味儿,可以算是Power Metal却没有Power Metal那种太监嗓儿(Power Metal的这种太监嗓儿极为严重,以Hammerfall和Holy Knight为典型,哈哈),取而代之的是十分具有野性的嗓音,所以我们还是叫这个乐队是True Scottish Pirate Metal吧,呵呵。也许是受专辑封面影响,也许是因为听之前看了评论,每当听到他们的音乐时,总能感到一种波涛汹涌,激情澎湃的情景,或者漆黑的夜幕下,突然电闪雷鸣,破旧但又宏伟的海盗船突然出现。

《Over The Seas》上来就给人一种很奇妙的感觉,其中“Over the seas, we shall ride/ Searching for treasure, into the night/ Over the seas, our quest has begun/ And we will not stop with the dawn of the sun”像是在宣誓,似乎预示着一个新的传奇即将开始。专辑的同名曲《Captain Morgan's Revenge》是一个大亮点,名副其实的“Captain Morgan's Revenge”。上来先是一段激烈的solo,然后就是主唱以那野兽般的嗓音开始叙述船员们的叛变,以及Captain Morgan的复仇,很有故事性,不多说了,来欣赏歌词吧:

Countless years ago while lost in barren seas There whispered murmurs of a bloody mutiny We took up arms and slain the officers of rank And with swords drawn made the captain walk the plank

And as he fell down to the depths He swore a deadly curse "As sure as hell's my final fate You'll all soon die, or worse" Now as we stand before the gallows Waiting for the end I'll say these final words my friend

At sunrise we'll all dance the hempen jig So raise up your pint of rum and take another swig The curse of Captain Morgan has led us to this fate So have no fear, and don't look back, the afterlife awaits

We returned to port with sorrow in our chests An evil shadow followed us on every quest Never to feel joy again was our fate Only misery and death, fear and burning hate

We broke the law, betrayed the code Now time is running out An unforgivable offence Of that there is no doubt Now as we stand before the gallows Waiting for the end I'll say these final words my friend

At sunrise we'll all dance the hempen jig So raise up your pint of rum and take another swig The curse of Captain Morgan has led us to this fate So have no fear, and don't look back, the afterlife awaits

Many years have passed now Yet the curse still lives on And now we rot in a black prison cell Waiting for our true calling in hell But for the lives we leave behind Don't shed a tear, don't cry The only way to break this curse Is for us all to die Now as we stand before the gallows Waiting for the end I'll say these final words my friend

At sunrise we'll all dance the hempen jig So raise up your pint of rum and take another swig The curse of Captain Morgan has led us to this fate So have no fear, and don't look back, the afterlife awaits

随后的《The Huntmaster》很好玩,“Hail! - Huntmaster/ Ride! - Huntmaster/ Fight! - Huntmaster/ Die! - Huntmaster”的呐喊非常整齐。《Nancy the Tavern Wench》是这张专辑中我最喜欢的一首歌,尤其是刚开始的那段instrumental,吉他效果十分浑厚,节奏很稳重,并且这种浑厚的效果以及文中的节奏一直贯穿始终,从头到尾都这样,要是用一个字来形容这首歌的话,我想就是:“稳”。现在越来越喜欢这种平稳又厚重的感觉了,过去那些速度流反而让我提不起精神了。而且这首歌歌的歌词也比较好玩,如果真有那么一间咖啡馆叫Nancy's Harbour Café的话,那么这首歌绝对是最好的广告曲,呵呵。《Terror On The High Seas》和《Set Sail And Conquer》这两首歌的歌名真是太酷了,而且如出一辙,前者给你恐惧,并且歌词中“Who will survive no-one can tell”给人以震慑,真让人感到torror on the high seas,中间的那段行云流水的solo更是让人爽到极点;《Set Sail And Conquer》是建立在前者的基础之上的,让人感到恐惧后,就该去征服他们了,歌曲中间反复呐喊“Set sail! and conquer”以及和上一首歌具有同样吉他效果的solo,在加上快结尾时的一段相比较之下略微缓慢的演奏,让人身临其境。《of Treasure》有点民谣味儿,“And they searched and they searched”和“And this curse, and this curse,”显得非常押韵,感觉很别致。一首略带民谣味儿的小曲过后,又是一首快速的极具力量的歌曲。最后的一首《Flower of Scotland》非常舒缓,非常华丽,是专辑中最短的一首歌。从感觉上讲,这像是一首凯歌,从开始的《Over The Seas》出征,到最后这首歌胜利归来,让人意犹未尽。然而再看歌词,这首歌似乎表达的是一种对战士的歌颂,我猜应该讲的是英格兰和苏格兰打仗的事。这首歌描写的应该是1298年7月22日发生的Battle of Falkirk(就是电影《勇敢的心》所演的那场战争),双方分别是由爱德华一世率领的英格兰和由威廉姆.华莱士率领的苏格兰:

O Flower of Scotland - When will we see Yer like again - That fought and died for Yer wee bit Hill and Glen - And stood against him Proud Edward's Army - And sent him homeward Tae think again The Hills are bare now - Autumn leaves lie lie thick and still - O'er land that is lost now Which those so dearly held - That stood against him Proud Edward's Army - And sent him homeward Tae think againThose days are past now - And in the past they must remain - But we can still rise now And be the nation again - That stood against him Proud Edward's Army - And sent him homeward Tae think again O Flower of Scotland - When will we see Yer like again - That fought and died for Yer wee bit Hill and Glen - And stood against him Proud Edward's Army - And sent him homeward Tae think again

真不愧是True Scottish Pirate Metal,整张专辑从头到尾贯穿着“海盗”的主题,以《Over The Seas》的激情开始,以《Flower of Scotland》这首短小却又感情丰富的歌曲结束,真是让人荡气回肠。印象中,能给我这样震撼的感觉,新近金属乐队中几乎没有,Alestorm给我的感觉太棒了,都快达到Blind Guardian那中上战场的感觉了,只不过是把战场从陆地改到了海上。总之,个人认为,Alestorm是近几年众多金属乐队中比较杰出的,我很看好他们,期待他们的第二章专辑。

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