专辑英文名: Eklaasera
歌手: Lifes Decay
音乐风格: 民谣
资源格式: MP3
发行时间: 2008年
地区: 法国
语言: 法语
唱片公司:Abstraktsens Produktions
音乐风格:Darkwav / Industrial / Folk
压缩比率:128Kbps Higher VBR
来自法国的 Lifes Decay 组合的第五章专辑。
Life!s Decay,相对新颖和陌生的一个名字,他们是来自法国的性感工业团体,他们的音乐是华丽黑暗的实验品和艺术品,戴上新古典黑军工的神秘面纱,高贵而冷艳的法国电子工业淑女优雅地行走于巴黎的黑夜。成立于2003年的法国巴黎男女二人组合有着年轻的音乐生命,主脑Lyktwasst是艺术方面的多面手,Life!s Decay的所有乐器演奏和音乐创作,artwork设计,照片和绘画,网页和录影带都是由他一人包办。同时创立了ABSTRAKTSENS PRODUKTIONS厂牌为Life!s Decay发片。从Lyktwasst的绘画作品与artwork设计中我们可以看到了那种简约主义的缩影,黑白颜色基调,硬朗的线条,简单而明朗。Alea则是担任人声部分和歌词创作,Alea的声音可以说是乐队的招牌标志,黑暗中的性感女神,声音销魂噬骨在黑暗界数她第一,有别于传统典型美女与野兽乐队里的妖邪性惑女声,Alea清澈的美丽女声带有无限纯洁意味,人性化使她区别于仙音派不食人间烟火的仙子,她是独特的来自于法国的性感淑女,法文吐字非常优雅,使人浮想联翩。
这张专辑录音用10了个古典和原声乐器包括钢琴,大提琴,小提琴,吉他,小号, 手风琴,低音,磬和各种打击乐和实验的声音。我比较喜欢这张的节奏,大气而舒畅~~~其中法语演唱的女声是专辑的一大特点,如何销魂和柔美要自己感受~ 他们的前几张专辑其实没怎么听,不过单就这张来说,很不错,推荐。
想品尝一下暗潮的朋友可以试试~~~ 会带给你不凡的感觉~~
French industrial act Life's Decay incorporate male / female vocals into their esoteric dark electro textures. Sometimes martial in sound and at other times quite melodic and enchanting, the result is divine musak for the esoterically industrial.
'Eklaasera' is the fifth album by this French duo. Made of acoustic recordings only, using ten classical and acoustic instruments including piano, cello, violin, guitar, trumpet,
accordion, bass, chime and various percussion and experimental sounds. The female voice is still entirely in French, a major characteristic of the otherwise ever-changing Life's Decay. The voice walks among the instruments, sometimes whispered, sometimes energetic but always anchored to the project's universe. 'Eklaasera' cannot be placed in a single musical style--it travels through various influences, experimental
classical, sometimes some country-folk and even post-apocalyptic jazz. As always with Life's Decay releases, this album comes in a luxurious package with a 16-page booklet containing all the latest artwork and photographs of the project, including lyrics and additional information.