
《Head First Networking》(Head First Networking)

王朝资源·作者佚名  2009-06-27
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中文名: Head First Networking

英文名: Head First Networking

发行时间: 2009年06月01日

文字语言: 英文


2008年Jolt大奖得主,经典的Head First系列。有别于传统的计算机类教科书,Head First系列中图画多,文字少,知识都贯穿在一个情境里面,读起来非常轻松。要学习网络知识的朋友,这本书不容错过哦!

“我感觉通过阅读Head First系列,我头脑中已经留下了很多书的痕迹。”

——Ward Cunninghan, Wiki的发明者、Hillside用户组的奠基人

“我为Head First系列图书发狂,它们深深地吸引住了我。”

——Dan Steinberg,Editor-in-chief,java.net

“对于我们中间那些随意、出格的编码大师来说,Head First系列图书确实是金玉良言;而对于实践中的开发策略而言,它无疑又是恰当的参考。所有这些让我等有豁然开朗、醍醐灌顶之感而不必求教于那些迂腐的学院派教授。”

——Travis Kalanick, Scour奠基人、麻省理工学院TR100的Red Swoosh成员

Frustrated with networking books so chock-full of acronyms that your brain goes into sleep mode? Head First Networking's unique, visually rich format provides a task-based approach to computer networking that makes it easy to get your brain engaged. You'll learn the concepts by tying them to on-the-job tasks, blending practice and theory in a way that only Head First can.

With this book, you'll learn skills through a variety of genuine scenarios, from fixing a malfunctioning office network to planning a network for a high-technology haunted house. You'll learn exactly what you need to know, rather than a laundry list of acronyms and diagrams. This book will help you:

* Master the functionality, protocols, and packets that make up real-world networking

* Learn networking concepts through examples in the field

* Tackle tasks such as planning and diagramming networks, running cables, and configuring network devices such as routers and switches

* Monitor networks for performance and problems, and learn troubleshooting techniques

* Practice what you've learned with nearly one hundred exercises, questions, sample problems, and projects

Head First's popular format is proven to stimulate learning and retention by engaging you with images, puzzles, stories, and more. Whether you're a network professional with a CCNA/CCNP or a student taking your first college networking course, Head First Networking will help you become a network guru.

With this book, you'll learn skills through a variety of genuine scenarios, from fixing a malfunctioning office network to planning a network for a high-technology haunted house. You'll learn exactly what you need to know, rather than a laundry list of acronyms and diagrams. This book will help you:

* Master the functionality, protocols, and packets that make up real-world networking

* Learn networking concepts through examples in the field

* Tackle tasks such as planning and diagramming networks, running cables, and configuring network devices such as routers and switches

* Monitor networks for performance and problems, and learn troubleshooting techniques

* Practice what you've learned with nearly one hundred exercises, questions, sample problems, and projects

Head First's popular format is proven to stimulate learning and retention by engaging you with images, puzzles, stories, and more. Whether you're a network professional with a CCNA/CCNP or a student taking your first college networking course, Head First Networking will help you become a network guru.

About the Author

Al Anderson is the Director of IT Support Services at Salish Kootenai College. He holds an Associates of Science in Computer Science and is near completing of Bachelors of Science in Computer Engineering. He has 10+ years of college teaching experience in Programming, Networking, and Desktop Publishing, and 15+ years experience in creating, editing, and formatting various documents including pamphlets, catalogs, and manuals. Al has produced a 3-8 hour video series for the Virtual Training Company including Ruby on Rails, REALbasic, and Programming Ruby. In addition, he has built many production applications including a Learning ManagementSystem in use by Salish Kootenai College, a Ruby-on-Rails issue-tracking help desk application, and a Mac OS X Cocoa Airport Wireless Utility.

Ryan Benedetti holds a Master of Fine Arts degree in creative writing from the University of Montana and teaches in the Liberal Arts Department at Salish Kootenai College (SKC) on the Flathead Indian Reservation.

For seven years, Ryan served as Department Head for Information Technology and Computer Engineering at SKC. Prior to that, he worked as editor and information systems specialist for a river, stream, and wetland research program in the School of Forestry at the University of Montana.

Ryan's poems have been published in Cut Bank and Andrei Codrescu's Exquisite Corpse. He loves cartooning, playing blues harmonica, making Flash learning toys, and practicing zazen. He spends his best moments with his wife, daughter, and son in the Mission Mountain Valley of Montana.

# Paperback: 536 pages

# Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc. (June 4, 2009)

# Language: English

# ISBN-10: 0596521553

# ISBN-13: 978-0596521554

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