
《暂留时空 第一季》(Time Warp Season 1)19集全[DVDRip]

王朝资源·作者佚名  2009-06-27
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中文名: 暂留时空 第一季

英文名: Time Warp Season 1

别名: 时间分解

资源格式: DVDRip

版本: 19集全

发行时间: 2009年06月10日

电视台: Discovery Channel

地区: 美国

语言: 英语


01 Stone Breaking: Breaking stone slabs, Diet Coke and Mentos geysers, Frisbee dog.

02 Will It Blend?: Juggling balls to chainsaws, blending things you shouldn't, breaking a beer bottle bare-handed.

03 Dry Ice Bomb: Throwing water on a grease fire, the power of dry ice, the wonders of soap bubbles, a tablecloth pull trick.

04 Fuel Girls: The Fuel Girls' fiery breath, skateboard champion Greg Lutzka's killer kick flips, and Russ Byars' world record winning stone-skipping technique.

05 Taser: What happens when you're hit by a taser gun, how a pole vaulter defies gravity for a record-making jump, and how a jack hammer pounds the pavement...and the body.

06 Human Crash Dummy: Cameras capture Human Crash Test Dummy, Rusty Haight, as he helps the state police by intentionally crashing his car for science. Two young archers take their best shot William Tell style.

07 Samurai Sword Master: The secrets behind a samurai swordsman's lethal blow, a pool pro's award-winning moves, and the inner workings of a hummingbird. Plus, the artful side of an accident with tempered glass.

08 Free Runner: The art and the science behind a gravity-defying free runner, the strange solid liquid non-Newtonian fluid, and the beauty of water droplets.

09 Liquid Nitrogen: The freezing power of liquid nitrogen, stopping bullets with "Dragon Skin", and lighting up fireworks.

10 Bull Whip: The sonic boom of a bull whip, no two wet dogs shake exactly alike, and a Boston Bruin's star puts two hockey sticks to the test.

11 Paintball: Storm-blown glass, make a mess with paintballs, serve up a flaming cocktail with some trick bartenders, and spring into action with the Yo Yo Pros.

12 Break-dancing: The destructive force of power tools, the seemingly physics-bending motions of break-dancing, and why a bullet fired underwater goes askew.

13 Trial Bikes: The stunts of two urban bike riders, the athletic precision of an ice skater, and the tricks of a cardthrower whose 90-mph focused toss can chop vegetables and put out candles.

14 Cheerleading: Shoot skeets with an Olympian, capture the airborne acrobatics of Boston College cheerleaders, and find out how a baseball can break a hard baseball bat.

15 Sharpshooter: An Old West Champion Sharpshooter, get cooking with the Feasty Boys, look at things differently with a Schlieren camera, and try their hand at a 3-bladed boomerang.

16 Barefooter: A world-class "barefooter" as he twists and turns across the water without skis, more razor-sharp cutting with a Samurai martial arts expert, a drummer with a world speed record, and Jeff's electrifying new art project.

17 Stuntmen: What really happens in a movie fight scene, the secret behind bowling a strike, and the noisemakers behind a cicada and a rattlesnake.

18 Body Modification: The pain of body modification, the energy flow of a Wushu master, quick-stepping tap dancers, and the what happens to a firecracker in a wine glass.

19 Mouse Trap(1-hr Reversion): Trap-testing with Rev. Tommy Gunn and the high-flying Cirque du Soleil, exploring their inner stuntmen, and capturing the sophisticated simplicity of making music and weed-whacking.

剧情介绍: 来自麻省理工的科学家杰夫(Jeff Lieberman)和他的专家小组通过使用高速摄影机来捕捉低速移动或超高速移动的物体的实质. 摄影机能够捕捉到例如子弹打穿苹果, UFC美国格斗联盟大赛中的直勾拳, 猫咪悠闲地舔爪子以及其他自然界或人为的种种精彩事件。



Do you know how your dog uses its tongue to drink? In what exact way a face contorts when punched by a UFC contender? What happens when an egg falls into the pinwheeling blades of a fan? Or an apple is hit with a bullet?

Likely, with nothing but your naked eye to guide you, you haven't got a clue. In fact, there are countless events the world has to offer that our limited senses can't fully appreciate ... until now, anyway.

Welcome to Discovery Channel's series Time Warp, in which MIT scientist and teacher Jeff Lieberman -- along with digital-imaging expert Matt Kearney -- uses new technologies to bring truly never-before-seen wonders into a form that your body can actually process.

Using the latest in high-speed photography, the Time Warp team takes some natural events (a cat licking its paw, a champagne bottle being opened) — and some not-so-natural (a water balloon to the face, a raw piece of chicken exploding) — and turns them into a thing of both beauty and learning.

Time Warp airs on Wednesdays at 8 PM ET/PT.

Got an idea for our show? We're looking for suggestions of events to slow down or speed up! Won't you help us have a little fun with science?

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