中文名: 虚拟类VSTi合成器
英文名: DiscoDSP Discovery Pro VSTi
资源格式: 压缩包
版本: v1.0.3.5 Retail 零售版
发行时间: 2008年
制作发行: DiscoDSP
语言: 英文

官方网站 http://www.discodsp.com/

12 oscillators Virtual Analog VSTi Synthesizer featuring 4 layers, WAV and SoundFont (SF2) support, 2X oversampling/undersampling, built-in arpeggiator, sync, FM, 12 filter types, panning modulation, stereo delay and gate effects, graphic envelope modulation. Imports Nord Lead 2 SysEx data. Discovery Pro archives even higher quality and features than his small cousin Discovery, retaining all previous functionalities. 2 new oscillators that result in a even broader sonic palette. The new parabolic waveform will be bliss for beautiful pads, soft sounds and new FM tones. Pink noise brings that warm and lovely sound from classic synthesizers.
Now you can easily add new waveforms and wavetables in DWB banks, WAV or SoundFont 2.04 (SF2) formats, the later supporting 24 bit waveforms. Since it's not virtual analog synthesis we took extreme care of it by adding one of the best interpolation algorythms, resulting in very little aliasing and extraordinary resampling quality. 12dB and 24dB Moog modeled filters called X and Y, bringing a more sophisticated tone in addition to the 8 previous Discovery filters. Graphic Modulation envelopes that take your sound palette to high degree sound shaping. Just click and hold your mouse to draw time-synced mod destinations and get fresh textures.

Windows 2000, Windows XP x32, Windows XP x64, Windows Vista x32, Windows Vista x64


安全检测软件:F-Secure Client Security
版本:8.40 build 128
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圹? 哌哌哌? PROUDLY PRESENTS 哌哌哌哌 圹?
圹? 苒?
圮 DiscoDSP.Discovery.Pro.VSTi.v1.0.Release.3.build.5 苒
? ?
咣 圻
? PROTECTION : $$$ ?
? SIZE ......: 07 * 4,77MB ?
? DATE ......: 11/2008 ?
? ?
? discoDSP Discovery Pro R3 ?
? ?
? ?
? 12 oscillators Virtual Analog VSTi Synthesizer ?
? featuring 4 layers, WAV and SoundFont (SF2) support, ?
? 2X oversampling/undersampling, built-in arpeggiator, ?
? sync, FM, 12 filter types, panning modulation, stereo ?
? delay and gate effects, graphic envelope modulation. ?
? Imports Nord Lead 2 SysEx data. ?
? ?
? ?
? Features ?
? ?
? ?
? Discovery Pro boasts the following powerful feature ?
? set: ?
? ?
? 128 Patch Memories per bank. ?
? ?
? Parameter Morphing using Modulation Wheel or MIDI ?
? velocity. ?
? ?
? 2x oversampling. ?
? ?
? 2x oversampled distortions. ?
? ?
? Bank browser (by clicking arrows in display led and ?
? bank name). ?
? ?
? Hundreds of presets in 6 banks. (1 in Demo). ?
? ?
? Nord Lead 2 and 2X patch import. ?
? ?
? 4 Layers per Patch, each with: ?
? ?
? 2 Oscillators (Sine, Saw, Triangle, PWM, Square, ?
? Parabolic, Whi te and Pink Noise) with Ring ?
? modulation, Sync and Frequency Modulation. ?
? ?
? 1 Wave Oscillator. Can load WAV and SoundFont 2 (SF2) ?
? files using high quality interpolation. User banks ?
? are easily added. ?
? ?
? Resonant Filters (LowPass, HighPass, BandPass, ?
? BandReject, Formant, 8 taps phaser, X 12/24 dB and Y ?
? 12/24 dB are Moog modeled). ?
? ?
? ADSR for Amp & Filter. Amplitude envelope can switch ?
? between linear and exponential curves. ?
? ?
? 2 LFOs. ?
? ?
? Modulation Envelope. ?
? ?
? Graphical Modulation Envelope. ?
? ?
? Arpeggiator. ?
? ?
? Built-in Chorus, Phaser, Panning Delay and Gate ?
? effects. ?
? ?
? Symmetric, Asymmetric and Asymmetric 2 Distortions. ?
? ?
? Limiter. ?
? ?
? Portamento. ?
? ?
? Poly/Mono/Legato modes. ?
? ?
? MIDI CC control. ?
? ?
? MIDI Out. ?
? ?
? ?
? http://www.discodsp.com ?
? ?
? ?
? ?
? Installation Notes : ?
? -------------------- ?
? ?
? 1) Unzip, Unrar and run Setup.exe ?
? ?
? 2) Enjoy this fine Team AiR release !!! ?
? ?
? ?
? ?
? ?
? ?
? ?
? Daniel Stawczyk Soundset included in package !!! ?
? ?
? ?
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