中文名: 高级测量勘测软件
英文名: MicroSurvey CAD
资源格式: 压缩包
版本: 2010 Premium
发行时间: 2009年
制作发行: MicroSurvey Software, Inc.
地区: 加拿大
语言: 英文

官方网站 http://www.microsurvey.com/
MicroSurvey CAD 是一个完全为勘测人员、承包商和工程师量身定做的桌面测量和设计软件,无需任何额外的插件或者模块。测量所需的绘图功能 --- COGO,DTM,以及DESIGN 是内置在MicroSurvey CAD 的。
MicroSurvey CAD 同目前所有主流的工作站数据格式相兼容,因此不存在数据交换的问题。使用MicroSurvey FieldGenius data collector能够自动下载数据。MicroSurvey CAD 甚至能够直接读写AutoCAD R2.5-2009任意版本所产生的数据文件。

MicroSurvey CAD is a Complete Desktop Survey and Design Program Created for Surveyors, Contractors and Engineers.
No plug-ins or modules are necessary. Complete Survey Drafting, COGO, DTM, Traversing, Volumes, Contouring and Data Collection interfacing are included. MicroSurvey CAD is compatible with field data from all major total stations and data collectors and is fully compatible with AutoCAD.

Surveyors all over the world use MicroSurvey CAD to complete their infrastructure and design projects. MicroSurvey has been building software for the surveying industry for over 20 years and with all this experience, we are able to offer the best surveying CAD software package available today.
We understand that not everyone needs a full featured package, so we offer 3 different options. Our Basic version has core surveying computation tools and just enough CAD tools to draft a plan. The Standard version has all the features of Basic, plus a full CAD engine. Completing the line is the Premium version, which has everything you expect in a Survey software package including advanced design capabilities.
MicroSurvey has been developing its desktop software on the IntelliCAD engine for over 4 years. MicroSurvey CAD opens and saves AutoCAD drawing files (V2.5 through 2009) and uses DWG as its native format. IntelliCAD’s command set, toolbar and menu structure is very similar to AutoCAD so you can install MicroSurvey CAD into existing AutoCAD environments with ease!
We value and listen to our customers and we support what we build. MicroSurvey’s technical support has been ranked number one by industry professionals and our customer service is world class. MicroSurvey CAD includes over 12 hours of extensive training movies, which equates to reading thousands of pages of manuals. Learning while you work has never been this easy.
:: MicroSurvey CAD System Requirements
Hardware Requirements
MicroSurvey CAD operates entirely within Windows, and has no hardware requirements over and above those of Windows itself except as noted below. We suggest the following basic system as a minimum for efficient operation:
• Pentium processor - 500MHz minimum - the faster the better!
• 512 megabytes RAM (1GB or more if you are working in large drawings most of the time)
• 250 megabytes free hard disk space (500MB if you wish to install all of the movies.)
• SVGA or better monitor (XGA Recommended)
• Video resolution set to 1024x768 or better (lower resolutions may result in part of the pull down menus running off the bottom of the screen)
• Mouse, digitizing tablet or other pointing device
• Available USB port for the USB Security Key
In order to use the data collector communication features, your system will also need an external RS-232 serial port or a USB connection for best performance with MicroSurvey FieldGenius.
In order to get printed output, you will require a printer or plotter configured to work in your Windows environment. We recommend obtaining the most up-to-date printer/plotter drivers off of the manufacturers Internet web site.
Software Requirements
MicroSurvey CAD is designed for use with Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Vista. Note: On Windows XP and Vista machines you will require Administrative rights to install the software.
Note for Windows 98, ME, NT Users
Windows 98, 95, ME and NT are no longer supported operating systems.
Network License Use
The new MicroSurvey License Server software is installed on one computer in the office. This computer must have the USB Security key plugged into it. We have had good success testing this on multiple machines.


安全检测软件:F-Secure Client Security
版本:8.40 build 128
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/|_|__|_ MicroSurvey CAD 2010 Premium _|__|_|\
| | (c) MicroSurvey Software Inc | |
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| June 12, 2009 ...... date : : language .. english |
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| ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
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| description |
.:. .:.
:.:. MicroSurvey CAD is a Complete Desktop Survey and Design .:.:
`..: Program Created for Surveyors, Contractors and Engineers. :..'
No plug-ins or modules are necessary. Complete Survey
Drafting, COGO, DTM, Traversing, Volumes, Contouring and
Data Collection interfacing are included. MicroSurvey CAD
is compatible with field data from all major total
stations and data collectors and is fully compatible with
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1:
__ __
; | Unpack and install. |;
___| Copy patch.exe to the installation dir and run. |___
/|_| Enjoy. |_|\
|_| |_|
. | | .
:... .. .. ...:
.:.:..: :.: Quality over Quantity! :.: :..:.:.
: __ __ :
--- ----- `. ------------ | | ------------ .' ---- ----
\__________________________ | _________________________________/
| :::: | teamnull<at>inbox<dot>lv
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