
《德国SoftMaker Office办公软件套装》(SoftMaker Office 2008 ) Service Pack 505 Multilingual[压缩包]

王朝资源·作者佚名  2009-06-27
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中文名: 德国SoftMaker Office办公软件套装

英文名: SoftMaker Office 2008

资源格式: 压缩包

版本: Service Pack 505 Multilingual

发行时间: 2009年03月17日

制作发行: SoftMaker Software GmbH

地区: 德国

语言: 简体中文,多语言


官方网站 http://www.softmaker.com/

2009年3月17日SoftMaker更新了Office办公软件套装 Service Pack 505,本资源集成该补丁.

SoftMaker Office办公软件套装是电脑上最重要的程式,他们可以用于制作工作档案或者个人文档。选择了SoftMaker Office 2008将立刻提高你的工作效率,你将能在更少的时间内完成工作,而且结果更好,比微软原装的Office效率要好得多。

SoftMaker Office 2008 for Windows

Your office suite is the most important application on your PC for document creation, both at work and for personal tasks.

Choose the right office suite, and you will become more productive immediately. Choose SoftMaker Office 2008, and you will get the job done in less time, with better results, and at a drastically lower cost than with Microsoft Office.

If you need to exchange Word documents, Excel sheets, or PowerPoint presentations with colleagues and business partners, you are no longer dependent on high-priced Microsoft Office: SoftMaker Office 2008 reads and writes all your Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files seamlessly.

Everything speaks for SoftMaker Office 2008:

Powerful: Sophisticated office software for beginning and professional users alike.

Compatible: Reads and writes all Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files seamlessly.

Fast: Starts and works blazingly fast. Slow is out.

Reliable: Does what you want. No nasty surprises.






安全检测软件:F-Secure Client Security

版本:8.40 build 128











苘圹鄄膊膊曹苘? 苘? 苒膊哌哕

苒哌? 哌哌卟槽苘 苓? 哌? ?? 咣鄄?

? 哕? 哌哕?圯 掭 sCr! 卟?苒? 哌咣苘苘苘

? ? 咣圹圮苘苘? 咣圮 苒苘? 苒鄄膊? 苘圻哌?

鄄苘? 哌苘苘 哌苘? 哌哌圮苘? ? 哌哌苘圹圹鄄膊曹 苘苒哌

捋圹圹圹苘苘 哌哌哕苘苒哌? 苘苒? 哌哌圮苘? 咣圹圹膊? 哌苘

圹圹膊 哌咣鄄苘? 苘苘圻哌咣鄄? 咣曹 咣圹哌圮? 咣曹?

捋圹哌? 苘苘圹鄄曹圹圹? 捋鄄蒈苒圹圹圮?圹草咣圹哕?圹圹圮? 圹膊?

? 苘圹圹哌 咣圹膊圹膊 圹膊圹策 咣圹鄄?圹圹膊 圹鄄策咣圮 圹鄄?

苒圹膊? 圹鄄槽鄄? 捋鄄鄄? 捋鄄草捋圹膊?圹鄄? 咣圹鄄?

圹圹膊? 圹鄄槽咣鄄? 圹圹膊 圹膊?圹鄄膊 捋鄄草 捋圹膊

咣圹鄄? 哌哌哌哌 哌圹膊苘苘捋圹咣圮? 卟膊苘圹鄄策 苒鄄策 苘咣圹膊?

哌圹膊苘苘? 哌哌?圹膊 哌圹圹圹圹策哌 苘鄄哌 哌圹哌

苓 哌哌 苓哌圮 苘圹圹膊苘 圹膊 ? 哌咣圮苘圹哌 哕 苓 哕

? 苘哌 捋圹圹鄄策哌咣圹圹圹圹? 苘 哌哕苘 苘? 掭 掭

哌苘苘苓哌 ?圹圹膊 苓哌苘 哌哌 哌? 哌哌? 哕? 苘?

苘 圹圹膊掭 哌苘? 圻哕苘苓 哌圮?

卟圹圹圮苘? 哌圹圹圮苘? 哌哕苘苘哌 苘 卟?

哌圹?哌哌咣苘苘? 苘苘苘圹圻 圹?

苘 咣?哕? 哌哌哌? It goes AGAiN, AGAiN... 哌哌? 苒圻 哕苒圻

苒圯 卟?圹? 苒?苒? 苘

膊圹圮 捋蒇圹? Softmaker Office v2008.505 苒?懿? 捋圮

膊槽圹圮苘策苒鄄? (c) SoftMaker Software GmBH 捋圹捋? 苒圹膊

咣圹圹圮苘圻 鄄? 膊圹苓曹苘圹圹膊?

苘苓咣圹圻? 苓 Cracker...: AGAiN 2009 卟?咣苘苒圹圹圻

圹? 苘? Supplier..: AGAiN 2009 哕 哌圹圹哌苘?

圹圮 苘圹? Packager..: AGAiN 2009 哕? 圹?

咣圹咣圹? Tester....: AGAiN 2009 咣圮? 苒圹

? 苒圻 槽圹咣圹?

? 圹? 槽圹

?捋圯 OS..........: Windows 掭圹?

?捋圯 Language....: Multilingual ?圹?

圹? Protection..: Serial ?捋圯

? 咣圮 Size........: 18 x 4.77mb 掭 圹?

懿? 哌? Date........: 09/06/2009 苓 圹?

?苘苓哌哌哌苘苘 ? ? 圹?

苓? 哌咣圮苘 ? 哕 懿? 捋圯

苘苒圹圹圹圹圮? 咣曹? 捋? ? 苒圻

苘圹哌苒圻? 哌咣圮 哕咣哕苘 苘? 哌苘

苒圹圮 圹圻 捋? 咣苘 掭 哕苓咣膊苘苘苘苘苒圻? 掭 哌哌苘苘

?苘哌咣圹圮 咣圮? ? 苒?哌 苘? 圻咣苘哌哌哌哌? 苓 苘苓哌

苒? 哌圹苘 哌圹圹苘苘苒圹圹圹圻? 苒 哌圮苘 苘苓? 苒?

槽圮 苓 哌咣苘苘圹鄄膊哌哌? 苘哌 哌苘 哌哌哌? 咣?

哌圹圹苘 捋苘苘哌? 哌哕苘? 苘?

苓 咣圹曹 R e l e a s e I n f o 哌哌哌苘苘苘苘苘哌?

鄄 圮圹圹? 苘? 哕

鄄 圹圹圮 咣? 苒?

咣苘 哌苘圹哌

苘哌圹苘 Your office suite is the most important application on 苒哌

苒? 咣?your PC for document creation, both at work and for 鄄 圹圹圻

槽圮 苓 personal tasks. 鄄 圻圹圹?

哌圹圹苘 哕 苒圹策

苓 咣圹曹 Choose the right office suite, and you will become 苘圹圹哌

鄄 圮圹圹?more productive immediately. Choose SoftMaker Office 槽圻 哕

鄄 圹圹圮 2008, and you will get the job done in less time, with 咣? 苒?

咣苘 better results, and at a drastically lower cost than 哌苘圹哌

苘哌圹苘 with Microsoft Office. 苒哌

苒? 咣? 鄄 圹圹圻

槽圮 苓 If you need to exchange Word documents, Excel sheets, 鄄 圻圹圹?

哌圹圹苘 or PowerPoint presentations with colleagues and 哕 苒圹策

苓 咣圹曹 business partners, you are no longer dependant on 苘圹圹哌

鄄 圮圹圹?high-priced Microsoft Office: SoftMaker Office 2008 槽圻 哕

鄄 圹圹圮 reads and writes all your Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 咣? 苒?

咣苘 files seamlessly. 哌苘圹哌

苘哌圹苘 苒哌

苒? 咣?Everything speaks for SoftMaker Office 2008: 鄄 圹圹圻

槽圮 苓 鄄 圻圹圹?

哌圹圹苘 -Powerful: Sophisticated office software for beginning 哕 苒圹策

苓 咣圹曹 and professional users. 苘圹圹哌

鄄 圮圹圹?-Compatible: Reads and writes all Microsoft Word, 槽圻 哕

鄄 圹圹圮 Excel, and PowerPoint files seamlessly. 咣? 苒?

咣苘 -Fast: Starts and works blazingly fast. Slow is out. 哌苘圹哌

苘哌圹苘 -Reliable: Does what you want. No nasty surprises. 苒哌

苒? 咣? 鄄 圹圹圻

槽圮 苓 SoftMaker Office 2008 comes with the following 鄄 圻圹圹?

哌圹圹苘 applications: 哕 苒圹策

苓 咣圹曹 苘圹圹哌

鄄 圮圹圹?-TextMaker 2008, the reliable and friendly word 槽圻 哕

鄄 圹圹圮 processor that reads and writes all Microsoft Word 咣? 苒?

咣苘 files without a hitch. 哌苘圹哌

苘哌圹苘 -PlanMaker 2008, the fully Excel-compatible 苒哌

苒? 咣?spreadsheet that lets you create the most intricate 鄄 圹圹圻

槽圮 苓 worksheets. 鄄 圻圹圹?

哌圹圹苘 -SoftMaker Presentations 2008, the brand new 哕 苒圹策

苓 咣圹曹 presentation graphics program ?fully compatible with 苘圹圹哌

鄄 圮圹圹?Microsoft PowerPoint. 槽圻 哕

鄄 圹圹圮 -BasicMaker 2008, a scripting language and environment 咣? 苒?

咣苘 that lets you automate recurring tasks. 哌苘圹哌

苘哌圹苘 苒哌

苒? 咣? 鄄 圹圹圻

槽圮 苓 鄄 圻圹圹?

哌圹圹苘 哕 苒圹策

苓 咣圹曹 苘圹圹哌

鄄 圮圹圹? 槽圻 哕

鄄 圹圹圮 咣? 苒?

咣圮? 哌苘圹哌

哕圹咣苘苘 苒哌

哌哕苘苓哌哌哌哕苘苘? 鄄 苘?

苓 哌哌哌苘苘苘 哌哌哕? 苘圻哌圮? 苘? 鄄 ? 哌?

鄄 哌哌哕? 哕 圹圹鄄膊膊?苒圻 苒? 哕 掭

鄄 I n s t a l l I n f o ?苓 圹圹圹鄄膊?圹? 圻? 苘? 哌苘苘?

咣苘 苘圻? 哌圹圹圻? 咣圮? 苘? 哌哌 苓

苘哌圹苘 鄄 圹圹圻

苒? 咣?Unzip and unrar release, install it. When asked use 鄄 圻圹圹?

槽圮 苓 our keymaker to generate your registration data. 哕 苒圹策

哌圹圹苘 苘圹圹哌

苓 咣圹曹 Note : We included the additional retail dictionnaries 槽圻 哕

鄄 圮圹圹?(smw08dict.exe) 咣? 苒?

鄄 圹圹圮 哌苘圹哌

咣苘 苒哌

苓 咣圹曹 槽圻 哕

鄄 圮圹圹? ? 咣? 苒?

鄄 圹圹圮 圮? 哕苘 哌苘圹哌

咣苘 哕? 苓 哌? 哕哌苘 苘圹苘 苘 苘苒鄄膊曹苘 苒哌

苘哌圹苘 哌? 苓 ? 哌?? 咣?卟策 ? 哌?鄄 圹圹圻

苒? 咣? 哌哕苘苓 掭 圹 咣? 圻圹圹?

槽圮 苓 苘? 苒? - G r o u p ! - 哕 苒圹策

哌圹圹苘 哌苘苘苒哌 苘圹圹哌

苓 咣圹曹 槽圻 哕

鄄 圮圹圹?There's the phoenix, immortality born with the flames, 咣? 苒?

鄄 圹圹圮 strength rised from the ashes, mythical magnificence 哌苘圹哌

咣苘 resurrected from the sky - soul of the spiritual 苒哌

苘哌圹苘 being, intense excitement, cosmic fire the world began 鄄 圹圹圻

苒? 咣?and will end in, death and rebirth regenerated. 鄄 圻圹圹?

槽圮 苓 哕 苒圹策

哌圹圹苘 Things fade. Things die. He has been born again, he 苘圹圹哌

苓 咣圹曹 lives again. WE LIVE AGAiN. Deathless inspiration. 槽圻 哕

鄄 圮圹圹? 咣? 苒?

鄄 圹圹圮 team.again@gmail.com 哌苘圹哌

咣苘 苘苘? 苘苘 苒哌

苘哌圹苘 苘苓哌哌哌哕? 苓?苓 哕 哌? 苘哌哌哌哌苘? 鄄 圹圹圻

苒? 咣圻哕苘苘苘? 哕? 哕 苓 哕? 苘苘苘苘哌鄄 圻圹圹?

槽圮 苓苓? 咣圹 苓 咣苘苘苒? 哕 圹圻 哌苓? 苒圹策

哌圹圹苘 苒圮苘哌 哌? 哌苘苒圮 苘圹圹哌

苓 咣圹曹 G r e e t i n g s 槽圻 哕

鄄 圮圹圹? 咣? 苒?

鄄 圹圹圮 SSG - LND - SAC 哌苘圹哌

鄄 懿圻

哕 哕 哕 哕 膊?

哕?哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌?圹哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌 圹哌哌哌哌哌 圻?槽?哌咣圹

哌圮苘 苓 哌苘 苓 哕苘 苘? 咣圮苒圹?

哌咣圮苘? 苘苘哌 哌哌苘苘苘哌 哌哌? 哌?



苓咣圮 ? 苘苘哌

圹? 懿? 苘圹圹哌

苒圻 哕圹圹苘苒膊策

苘苘苘 苘哌 苘苘 sCr/strick9! 哌?哌咣圹圹圮苘

苘苓哌? 苘圻? 哌哕? 苘圹圹? 膊膊 哌圹圮

苓? 苒咣圮 苒圮? 苓 咣圹?咣圹 圹?

掭 哕 苒圯 圹? 苘苘苘苘 捋圻捋? 掭 苒哌 咣圮 圹?

哕 苒 圹 圹? 苒圻? 捋圯 捋? 圹? 苒苒圹 ? 捋圮 哌捋圯

咣圹? 捋? 捋圮捋圹 苒圹 苒圯 捋? ? 捋圯 圹圹? 圹? 哌苘

哕? 苒圮苓咣圯 咣圹圻捋圯 圹葸哕圹圮 圹? 捋圯咣? 圹? 圹圮

咣圮苘苒圻? 苒圹? 苒圻 捋圮苘 哌咣苘? 苘圹? 咣苻圹? 圹圹

哌哌 咣哌圹圹哌 苒? 咣? 苘苓哌? 咣圹圯 苘圹哌

哕? 苘哌 苒? 圹圮 懿? 咣圹圻哌

Ascii Header 哌哌? 苓哌哌圮? 哌圹圹苒苘 苘?

and layout by Scour/SAC 2003. 咣圮 哌咣圹圹圮圹圻

Ascii footer by Scour and Strick9. ? 苒圻 哌哌 懿?

哌圹? ??



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