专辑中文名: Gundam W Endless Waltz.Special Edition Theme Song
艺术家: TWO-MIX
资源格式: MP3
版本: movie单曲
发行时间: 1998年
地区: 日本
语言: 日语

Gundam W Endless Waltz是为了纪念高达系列的二十周年 而其中的歌曲也特别引人关注
Two-Mix成功演绎了主题歌 Last Impression更让人百听不厌 这张movie single更是收录了这首歌的三个版本
由于本人并不是钢弹的疯狂fans 钢弹系列只看过seed so介绍就只能写这点点了
最近在补习钢弹W VC上的avi版本源少的可怜 当了几个礼拜只下好一集
只能拿待续大哥发布的rmvb来看看 汗~~~
下面是这张movie single的英文介绍:
Two-Mix is perhaps best known to anime fans for their musical contributions to GUNDAM W, both for the TV series as well as the OVA sequel ENDLESS WALTZ. To commemorate GUNDAM'S 20th anniversary, the OVA was reworked into a movie as a part of the double-feature GUNDAM THE MOVIE. And what would be a GUNDAM W feature without a new theme song from our pulse-pounding, dance music duo?
Titled "Last Impression," the CD single comes with 3 versions of the eponymous music track. The full version starts with the sound of blowing wind, a beautiful piano prelude, and Takayami Minami's melodious solo, before segueing into the dance beat that Two-Mix fans are accustomed to. The "radio edit" version trims the fat of the slow-paced introduction and ending of the original (bringing the length of the track from 7:32 to a more lean 4:41), and sticks with the fast-paced portion of the song. Lastly, there's the obligatory instrumental track for us GUNDAM W fans to sing along to (as if the average fan's singing were any match for Minami's rousing performance).
The GUNDAM W songs have always been standouts amongst Two-Mix's more similar, repetitive-sounding tracks, and this listener is happy to note that "Last Impression" holds up to the quality of the previous themes from the show.
As an added bonus, the CD single comes with a reworked version of the first GUNDAM W opening track, "Just Communication Type II Next." This isn't your average remix of a song that throws in extra drum beats and the like -- the melody has gone through a complete makeover, trading the pounding base and drums of the original for a softer beat and melody. The result is a song that sounds fresh and almost entirely new. And while I prefer the more dynamic original, the new version is still a welcome addition.
All in all, the two new songs are another good performance from Two-Mix, and those who like the first three theme songs (Just Communication, Rhythm Emotion, and White Reflection) will most likely enjoy this CD single as well.