中文名: 2005最新C++经典著作
英文名: C++ Programming
版本: 新增Effective C++, 3rd Edition
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
1.Exceptional C++ Style: 40 New Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems, and Solutions
By Herb Sutter
Published by Addison Wesley Professional
《Exceptional C++》又一姊妹作。一如既往轻薄洗练,一如既往让人挠头。Herb是一个真正聪明的C++语言专家!我怀疑世界上没有第二个C++技术作家能像Herb这样深入细节。
2.Imperfect C++: Practical Solutions for Real-Life Programming
By Matthew Wilson
Published by Addison Wesley Professional
3.C++ Coding Standards: 101 Rules, Guidelines, and Best Practices
By Herb Sutter, Andrei Alexandrescu
Published by Addison Wesley Professional
C++标准委员会主席Herb Sutter和世界上最厉害的C++专家之一Andrei Alexandrescu,汇总全球C++社群的经验,联袂写就本书。和一般肤浅的C++编码风格指南不同,本书还阐明了诸如“何时应该结合使用静态多态和动态多态技术”之类的高级问题。这本书为世界上任何C++开发团队制定自己的规范提供了权威基础,必将成为C++程序员的“圣经”。
4.C++ Common Knowledge: Essential Intermediate Programming
By Stephen Dewhurst
Published by Addison Wesley Professional
继《C++ Gotchas》之后Stephen推出的又一佳作,将延续其招牌式的尖锐风格。Stephen总结的63个条款乃是现代职业C++程序员必备知识。我相信本书的内容远比其名字更吸引人。
5.C++ Template Metaprogramming: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques from Boost and Beyond
By David Abrahams, Aleksey Gurtovoy
Published by Addison Wesley Professional
本书由Boost库发起者之一、Boost顶尖开发专家David Abrahams领衔写作,第一次向你揭示C++模板元编程的来龙去脉。致力于攀登C++泛型编程巅峰的朋友绝不可错过这本书。同步提供随书CD下载。
6.You Can Do It! : A Beginners Introduction to Computer Programming
by Francis Glassborow
Published by John Wiley & Sons
ACCU前主席Francis Glassborow携30余年的编程和教学经验,以及成百上千本C++书籍评阅经验,为完完全全的(C++)编程初学者编写了这本互动教程。
7.Effective C++ Cd: 85 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs
by Scott Meyers
Published by Addison Wesley Professional
此CD1999年出版,并非新品。CD 产品为HTML格式,以两书合一的方式出售,交叉索引甚为方便,可为读者带来旁徵博引时的莫大帮助,体积不大而价值不菲,推荐给各位同好。
8.C++ Primer, 4th Edition
By Stanley B. Lippman, Barbara E. Moo, Josée LaJoie.
Published by Addison Wesley Professional
这是 Lippman 著名的 C++ 经典著作的第四版,与以前版本相比有较大的改动,主要是将诸如标准模板的运用等以往作为高级技巧的内容提前了, 对于初学者,本书新板将更快地引你上路。
This new edition of C++ Primer, a favorite choice for a first C++ book, has been greatly improved with the latest and greatest on C++, stressing the built-in language features of the C++ Standard Library. For this new version--weighing in at a massive 1,237 pages--Stanley Lippman, a well-known C++ expert, teams up with Josée Lajoie, who has helped define the C++ international language standard. The new material is excellent for programmers who want to get the most out of new and advanced features in the language.
The authors still introduce the basics of C++, including data types and pointers, but quickly move on to stress how to get the most out of the built-in features of ISO-standard C++. Throughout this book built-in support for the C++ Standard Library, such as container classes like vectors and maps, and other standard features, such as the string class, are integrated into a tried-and- proven basic-language tutorial.
The major new features of C++ (templates, name spaces, and run-time type identification) all get their due. The result is an authoritative guide to basic and advanced C++ in a clear and readable style, with plenty of short, practical examples throughout the text. The book includes exercises--some quite challenging--for every section: a perfect choice both for self-study and the classroom. --Richard Dragan--This text refers to the Paperback edition.
9.Effective C++: 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs, 3rd Edition
By Scott Meyers.
Published by Addison Wesley Professional
“Every C++ professional needs a copy of Effective C++. It is an absolute must-read for anyone thinking of doing serious C++ development. If you’ve never read Effective C++ and you think you know everything about C++, think again.”
— Steve Schirripa, Software Engineer, Google
“C++ and the C++ community have grown up in the last fifteen years, and the third edition of Effective C++ reflects this. The clear and precise style of the book is evidence of Scott’s deep insight and distinctive ability to impart knowledge.”
— Gerhard Kreuzer, Research and Development Engineer, Siemens AG
The first two editions of Effective C++ were embraced by hundreds of thousands of programmers worldwide. The reason is clear: Scott Meyers’ practical approach to C++ describes the rules of thumb used by the experts — the things they almost always do or almost always avoid doing — to produce clear, correct, efficient code.
The book is organized around 55 specific guidelines, each of which describes a way to write better C++. Each is backed by concrete examples. For this third edition, more than half the content is new, including added chapters on managing resources and using templates. Topics from the second edition have been extensively revised to reflect modern design considerations, including exceptions, design patterns, and multithreading.
Important features of Effective C++ include:
•Expert guidance on the design of effective classes, functions, templates, and inheritance hierarchies.
•Applications of new “TR1” standard library functionality, along with comparisons to existing standard library components.
•Insights into differences between C++ and other languages (e.g., Java, C#, C) that help developers from those languages assimilate “the C++ way” of doing things.
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