专辑英文名: Marilyn Monroe The Complete Recording
专辑中文名: 玛丽莲.梦露歌曲全集
艺术家: Marilyn Monroe
资源格式: MP3
版本: VBR cd quality rare
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
金发、碧眼、红唇,以及被风吹起的白色裙子,这是玛丽莲·梦露留在世人心中永恒印记。在美国和西方世界,玛丽莲梦露这个名字几乎是无人不晓的,即使在今天她仍然是大多数美国人心目中的“性感女神”。准确地说,玛丽莲·梦露是男人心中的美人,她绝无仅有地切合了男人们对物质美人的幻想,她用婴儿般稚气的音色诱惑着男人的虚荣心,她仿佛从没有拥有过思想。梦露亲切迷人的笑容,浑然天成的美貌以及自我毁灭的悲剧命运,至今都被人们怀念着。1962年8月5日早晨,玛丽莲·梦露被发现死于家中。梦露死因40年来一直是个谜,许许多多疑点至今仍然无法解释。在梦露逝世40年之际,无数影迷默默悼念着这位永恒的性感女王。一位好莱坞影评家说:“50年代的好莱坞电影王国曾由两位女王统治:格蕾丝·凯莉代表高贵圣洁;玛丽莲·梦露代表妖艳性感。” 梦露也曾说过:“当你亲身经历过明星制,就很容易理解奴隶制。我不想成为任何东西的象征,我不是一个‘性感象征’……”
Marilyn Monroe long ago passed into an impossibly tangled netherworld of fame, history, and myth, one that all the digital preservation in the world can never really unravel. While Monroe's films and tragic conflict of image and personality have been endlessly explored, her generally underrated talents as chanteuse often get short shrift. This wonderfully restored 20-track anthology (the musical companion piece to Fox's five-film Diamond Collection video boxed set) goes a long way toward addressing that shortcoming. Crucially, it pays equal tribute to the behind-the-scenes talents that midwifed Monroe through her iconic performances in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and There's No Business Like Show Business (films that account for the Monroe performances here): Fox musical directors Alfred and Lionel Newman. Alfred's scoring and conducting skills are also showcased on the grand, Gershwinesque "Street Scene" prologue to "How to Marry a Millionaire." Indeed, the Newmans are the firm bond that holds together this sometimes dizzying collection of performances by Monroe, Jane Russell, Fred Astaire (a sprightly "Something's Got to Give" from Daddy Long Legs), and Ethel Merman (her signature showstopper, "There's No Business Like Show Business"). But if the sign of a great singer is the ability to "sell" a song, Monroe is the equal of her stellar cohorts on sultry performances of "When Love Goes Wrong" and "After You Get What You Want, You Don't Want It," let alone the legendary "Heat Wave" and "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend" (even if we learn that Lionel Newman presaged contemporary recording technique by piecing Monroe's performances together in the studio). There is minor sonic residue of the films' antiquated recording technology, but producer Nick Redman overcomes it with treats like an a cappella rendition of the Monroe-Russell duet "Two Little Girls from Little Rock" from Blondes, with the singers' voices separated left and right in the speakers. If you loved Moulin Rouge, here's a healthy dose of its spectacular inspirations. --Jerry McCulley
收集Marilyn Monroe唱过所有的歌,我觉得发在原声音乐区还是没错,的确几乎都是电影原声音乐啊,不过加上 原声大碟 又不大准确了,所以不是我不遵守版规,所以啊,还是麻烦版主大人加精哦~~
曲目和下面图片上的一致,比我写出来的多,实在是觉得33 tracks 太麻烦了,不要因为这个不加精嘛.重要的是资源的质量嘛,比率不完全一致,但是看了看,最少都是225k,很多是 320k的,音质有保障,里面还有两张cd的图片,以及封面.
比如像Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend,说实话,的确是流传广泛,在 mulan rouge 红磨纺里 nicole 出场的时候就唱的这个~~ 麦当娜的 物质女郎 (material girl) mv也是翻电影里梦露唱这首歌