中文名: 世纪的回响——聆听诗人原声
英文名: The Caedmon Poetry Collection: A Century of Poets Reading Their Work
资源格式: 压缩包
发行时间: 2000年
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
文字语言: 英文

诗歌朗诵的音频很多,有些出版社复制粘贴一些版权过期的诗歌,大街上随便拉个老外读一遍,就能炮制出一本附送光盘的畅销书来。当然也有专业的朗读,按照格律来,读得很好听。但是一首诗歌究竟应该怎么读,恐怕只有诗人自己最清楚了。莎士比亚的诗该怎么读最好,现在已经查无实据了,但是自从录音技术诞生以来,确实有不少诗人亲自录制了诗歌朗读。这个The Caedmon Poetry Collection: A Century of Poets Reading Their Work,就是Harper Collins 公司收集出版的诗人原声朗读集,包括叶芝、艾略特、庞德、西尔维娅·普拉斯等伟大诗人亲自朗读的作品.
mp3, 128Kbps, 32Khz
CD 1:
William Butler Yeats 1.The Song of the Old Mother /2.The Lake Isle of Innisfree
W.H. Auden 3.In Memory of W.B. Yeats
Dylan Thomas
4. A Refusal to Mourn the Death, by Fire, of a Child In London
5. Fern Hill
6. Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night
Galway Kinnell 7.The Dead Shall Be Raised Incorruptible
Edith Sitwell 8.Still Falls the Rain
Murial Rukeyser 9.The Speed of Darkness
May Swenson 10.The DNA Molecule
Robert Graves 11.Poem to My Son
Randall Jarrell 12. Eighth Air Force
Philip Levine 13. To My God in His Sickness
Archibald MacLeish 14.Epistle to Be Left in the Earth
W.S. Merwin 15. The Last One
Anne Sexton 16. Divorce, Thy Name is Woman/ 17. Little Girl, My String Bean, My Lovely Woman
Carl Sandburg 18.The Windy City/ 19. Fog
CD 2:
William Carlos Williams 1.The Seafarer
E.E. Cummings 2. darling! because my blood can sing / 3. if everything that happens can't be done
Joseph Brodsky 4. Nature Morte
Robert Frost 5. The Road Not Taken / 6.After Apple Picking
Derek Walcott 7. Omeros, Book 1, Chapter1
Marianne Moore 8. What Are Years
Stephen Spendor 9. Seascape
Robert Lowell 10. Skunk Hour
Conrad Aiken 11. Tetelestai
Gertrude Stein 12. If I Told Him: A Completed Portrait of Picasso
Richard Wilbur 13. Love Calls Us to the Things of This World
Sylvia Plath 14. The Thin People
Robert Penn Warren15. Sirocco / 16. American Portrait: Old Style
CD 3:
Pablo Neruda 1.Arte Poetica
May Sarton Old Lovers at the Ballet (目录里面有这首,但是文件里找不到)
Richard Eberhart 2. The Groundhog
Stephen Vincent Benet 3.Litany for Dictatorships
James Agee 4. White Mane
Ezra Pound 5. Moeurs Contemporaines
Wallce Stevens 6.The Idea Of Order At Key West
Margarett Atwood 7. The Animals in That Country
T.S. Eliot 8.The Wasteland