中文名: Java剖析工具
英文名: YourKit Java Profiler
资源格式: 压缩包
版本: v8.0.14win/linux/MacOSX
发行时间: 2009年
制作发行: YourKit, LLC.
地区: 俄罗斯
语言: 英文

YourKit Java Profiler 是业界领先的Java剖析工具。CPU和内存的剖析历来是很困难的,YourKit创造出了革命性的剖析工具,应用在研发和生产阶段,为专业的Java开发者带来了无比的好处。 YourKit Java Profiler使CPU和内存相关的性能的一系列问题更加容易,它具有自动检测漏洞,分析内存状态的强有力的工具,对象浏览器,作为JUnit测试过程一部分对内存进行全面测试等功能,并可与Eclipse, JBuilder, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans, 和JDeveloper IDEs进行集成.

CPU and memory profiling has never been easier, and smarter at the same time. YourKit has developed a revolutionary approach to profiling applications at both development and production stages, bringing unparalleled benefits to professional Java developers on all platforms, including Windows, Linux, Solaris SPARC/Intel, and Mac OS X.
The Industry Leader Among Profiling Tools
Powerful analysis capabilities: CPU and memory hot spots with devoted views; unique snapshot comparison; memory leak detection; memory distribution reports; measuring of shallow and retained sizes of objects; reporting utility.
On-demand profiling: With this cutting-edge feature, you can enable profiling only when you need it, with the application running at its full speed for the rest of the time. For example, you can analyze the current heap state at any moment during application runtime by capturing a memory snapshot. This feature is extremely useful for profiling huge applications - with zero overhead.
Free embedding into production: You are eligible to distribute a profiling DLL with your real-world commercial applications free of charge. This helps you ease your product maintenance and improve your customer support.
J2EE support: Non-intrusive profiling of high-scale production applications; easy integration with application servers; innovative automatic deobfuscator.
Java 5/6 support: YourKit utilizes all of the advanced Java 5/6 features, including unique support for JVMTI.
Quick and easy installation: Straight-forward installation process, with the most reasonable defaults; seamless integration with popular IDEs and application servers; minimum extra configuration.
User-friendliness and usability: Light-weight and intuitive scenario-based user interface; keyboard support; report filtering for quick and deep analysis; profiling natively incorporated into supported IDEs to be available from the most obvious and reasonable places.
Everything You Need to be Top Notch
YourKit Java Profiler is the leading profiling tool in the Java market that delivers the most innovative, powerful and smart performance analysis capabilities. YourKit Java Profiler provides extreme time savings as well as solid assurance features. Most of its features are not simply unrivalled but absolutely unique.
YourKit helps you solve performance and scalability problems at the early stages of development, thus ensuring product quality from the very beginning. The ability to profile Java applications not only during testing but even in production results in substantial increases in the final product quality and the level of customer support.
YouKit users enjoy massive productivity gains by having all of the advanced YourKit features at hand when they are needed most and by utilizing its seamless integration with the most popular IDEs and application servers.
Time savings
With the unique on-demand profiling, you can run the profiled application with absolutely zero overhead, activating actual profiling only when it is needed. This functionality together with the overall speed of profiling leads to dramatic savings in the developer's time.
Higher ROI
Using YourKit Java Profiler ensures quality, boosts productivity and delivers time savings, in the end resulting in higher efficiency and a quick return on your investment. Our flexible licensing policy with multiple bonuses and minimum restrictions has proved to be highly effective and beneficial to our users.

Profiling of J2EE applications:
* Geronimo
* JBoss
* Jetty
* JRun
* Orion
* Resin
* Sun Application Server / GlassFish
* Tomcat
* WebLogic
* WebSphere

★已通过安全检测---安全检测软件:F-Secure Internet Security 2010 10.00 build 246
★版本详情:F-Secure 病毒和间谍防护 9.10 build 15261

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苘苘圹圹圹圹圹圹?哌 策哌膊卑?圹郯 鞍
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捋?苘苒圹圮苘? 哌咣圹圹圹圹鄄?
蒈圹圹圹圹圹圹鄄卑 哌咣槽膊鞍 苘苒圻哕苘
捋圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圮? 哌膊鞍 苒圹圻 苒圹圹圹?
圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹? ? 佰圹圹?捋圹圻苘圹?
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咣圹圹圹圹圹舶 鞍鞍氨 鞍卑鞍 鞍鞍氨?氨鞍鞍 鞍鞍
哌圹圹圹圹舶 鞍鞍鞍 鞍鞍鞍 鞍鞍鞍 鞍鞍鞍鞍
哌咣圹卑 鞍鞍 鞍 鞍鞍鞍 鞍? !yL
? 鞍鞍
YourKit Java Profiler 8.0.14
YourKit, LLC.
Release Date ......................[ 20/08/2009 ]
OS Type: ..........................[ Win2KXP ]
Release Type: .....................[ Keygen+Patch ]
Protection: .......................[ Other ]
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?? ??圹苒?? ??圹苒苒圻 ?? 咣圹???圹苒 ?圹 圻圹 圹 ? 哌圹圻 圻?
圹? ?圻哌 ?圮苒 圻哌 ?? ??苘 ?圯?圻哌 ?圹苒 圹咣 圻哌 ?? ??
圻 圹圹哌?圮圻咣圹圻哌 哌咣圹圹圻圮圮?圹圹哌? 圮圹? ? 圹? 咣圮圹圻
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CPU and memory profiling has never been easier,
and smarter at the same time. YourKit has
developed a revolutionary approach to profiling
applications at both development and production
stages, bringing unparalleled benefits to
professional Java developers on all platforms,
including Windows, Linux, Solaris SPARC/Intel,
and Mac OS X.
苒 苘苘 ? ? ? ?
苒圻 苒圹?圮圹苘苘苘苘 苒? 圹? 苘苘苘苘圹?圮
?? 圹咣?圮圹苒哌哌哌哌?圻? 圻?哌哌哌哌咣苒咣圻 ?
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Unpack, Install.
Use our keygen in /iNViSiBLE dir:
java -jar keygen.jar
Press 'Patch' in keygen, navigate to
installdir/lib and choose yjp.jar.
Wait till patching process is completed.
Generate your serial number and register app with
If you like this app, BUY iT!
苘苒圹 苒圻
苒?咣 ? ?? ?
?? 圻?苒?苘 ? 苒圹圮苘 苒? 圹 苘苒圹
?? ?圹哌圮圹咣圮圹? 苒圹 ? 圻?圻圹圹?圻圹圹 ??苘苘?
??苘? ?? 圻? ?圹 ? ?圹 ? 圮??圹 圻圹 圹 ? 哌圹圻 圻?
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圮圮苒 ?圻 咣圮圹圻咣圹圹圻圮? 圮圹? ? 圹? 咣圹圹圻
Experienced reversers, coders and suppliers wanted.
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? iNViSiBLE ? ? ? ?
? ?? ? ? 苒? 2k9 ? ? ? ? ?
苘圻? ?圹 圹苘 ? 苒咣圮 苘苘?苒苘 ?? 苒? 苒圮圻哌 ?
圻??? 圹?苒 圻 苘?哌 ? 苘圹咣?苒 ??苒圹 ? ?? 咣?苘苒圹?
苒圹 ? 苒?圹? ?圹咣 苒圹 苒 圻 圮圻苒圹 圹 ?? 苒圹 苒圹 圻 ?
圹 ? 哌咣 圹 ? 苘圹 圻 ?圹 ?圮苒 ? 圹 ?? ?哌咣?圹 ? 圹 ? 圮 ?
? ?圹圹苘 ? ?哌 ? ? ?? ? 哌圹苘 ? ?? ?圹苘 ? ? ? ?圹圹?
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圮圹 ?圹 ? ?? ?圹圹 圮圹 苒咣 圹苒 圮圹 ? ?圹苒 ? 圮苘苒苒圮苘苓
哌 ?圻? 苘苒圹 圮圹哌?? 哌 苒苘圹哌??哌 ?圮圹哌?苘 圮圹哌?哌哌? 苘
哌咣 苘圹哌? 咣 苘苘圹? 哌圮苘苘 苒圻 咣? 苘苒圻? 苘苒圹哌? 哌?
? 咣 ? 哌? ? 咣 ? ? ? 圻
? ? ? ? ? ?
aSCii by yool, diRECT FroM sTARS!