中文名: 爱玛
英文名称: Emma
资源格式: HDTV
版本: 更新第1集
首播时间: 2009年10月
演员: Robert Bathurst ... Mr. Weston (1 episode, 2009)
Christina Cole ... Mrs. Elton (1 episode, 2009)
Louise Dylan ... Harriet (1 episode, 2009)
Rupert Evans ... Frank Churchill (1 episode, 2009)
Dan Fredenburgh ... John Knightley (1 episode, 2009)
Michael Gambon ... Mr. Woodhouse (1 episode, 2009)
Romola Garai ... Emma Woodhouse (1 episode, 2009)
Tamsin Greig ... Miss Bates (1 episode, 2009)
Jodhi May ... Miss Taylor (1 episode, 2009)
Jonny Lee Miller ... Mr. Knightley (1 episode, 2009)
Laura Pyper ... Jane Fairfax (1 episode, 2009)
Blake Ritson ... Mr. Elton (1 episode, 2009)
Pauline Stone ... Mrs Martin (1 episode, 2009)
地区: 英国
语言: 英语
此剧由BAFTA获奖者Sandy Welch执笔,改编自简-奥斯汀的经典小说《爱玛》。
Emma Woodhouse家境富有,聪颖美丽,伶牙俐齿又自命不凡,且还有个有趣的爱好--爱当红娘,她热情地将Harriet Smith置于自己的保护之下,尽心为其谋划,不料她的计划却以灾难告终。故事以Emma失败的做媒行动所造成的可怕后果为主线,时时闪现着喜剧性的诙谐与智慧的光芒,令人忍俊不禁。
此次翻拍,编剧Sandy Welch将以幽默诙谐的笔触重新打造这部简-奥斯汀的经典喜剧。
演员方面,Romola Garai,将出演“漂亮,聪明又富有”的Emma Woodhouse。如果您还不熟悉她,就请想想《赎罪》(Atonement)中的Briony吧,她演的正是少女时期的她。
Jonny Lee Miller,曾出演《拜伦》(Byron), 《猜火车》(Trainspotting),不过美剧观众对他比较熟悉的角色却应该是《神奇律师》中的可爱男主Eli Stone,此次他饰演男主角Knightley先生,Emma的邻居。他精明而富有魅力,有着与Emma父亲截然不同的个性,用热情对待顽固,是个彬彬有礼的绅士。JLM貌似对简-奥斯汀的改编影视剧情有独钟,在出演《爱玛》之前,他还是1999年电影版《曼斯菲尔德庄园》(Mansfield Park)里的男主。
Michael Gambon,饰演Emma亲爱的父亲,这个有点神经质的男人几乎溺爱地纵容Emma骄傲地俨然成为他们家族的女主人。Gambon在2001年的《高斯福德庄园》(Gosford Park)中因扮演一位富有的谋杀者而备受瞩目,他更凭借《哈利-波特》系列(出演邓布利多校长)而被广大年轻观众熟知。
Jodhi May ,(《爱因斯坦与爱丁顿》(Einstein And Eddington), 《朋友与鳄鱼》(Friends And Crocodiles))饰演Taylor小姐,Emma的前任家庭女教师,后来嫁给了乐天的Weston先生(Robert Bathurst饰,该演员曾出演《临阵软脚》(Cold Feet), 《白牙》(White Teeth)。
Bates小姐是一位善良又头脑简单爱八卦的老处女,她的贫穷与贫乏是整个Highbury地区的现实生活的真实写照。Bates小姐由著名戏剧女王Tamsin Greig饰演,她的《绿翼》(Green Wing)、《布莱克书店》(Black Books)据说是英国家喻户晓的作品,最近又在《安妮日记》(The Diary of Anne Frank)中扮演安妮的母亲。
如果您对去年BBC曾翻拍的奥斯汀另一部作品《理智与情感》(Sense And Sensibility) 印象美好,如果您对同样翻拍自古典名著的《苔丝》记忆深刻,如果您依旧信任BBC翻拍经典名著的能力,那么此剧必值得您拭目以待。
The cast and crew chat about characters, costumes and camera angles. Enter the world of Jane Austen and see what went on behind the scenes in the filming of Emma.
"Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition, seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence; and had lived nearly twenty-one years in the world with very little to distress or vex her." She has no need to marry, being head of her own household, and having plenty of money, but she delights in matchmaking those around her – and credits herself with being very good at it, despite Mr Knightley's scepticism.
Mr Knightley is Emma's only social and intellectual equal in Highbury, living at Donwell Abbey, a rambling country estate a short walk from Hartfield. He has known Emma since she was a baby, and there's an easy familiarity between them. He is an individual, quick-witted, with a dry sense of humour – often used in sparring with Emma. But he also has a strong moral compass – and at times he strongly disagrees with Emma over her behaviour.
Mr Woodhouse is described by Austen as a valetudinarian – old before his time. He lost his wife when his two daughters were very young, and has developed an extremely nervous disposition. He is a loving and kind father, but he worries constantly, especially about health. He hardly ever leaves Hartfield, and hates the thought of Emma ever leaving him.
Character Profile: Harriet Smith (LOUISE DYLAN)
Harriet is a parlour boarder at Mrs Goddard’s School. She has been sent there to be educated by her father, who remains anonymous, because Harriet is his “natural daughter” – ie: she’s illegitimate. Being a parlour boarder means that she has stayed on at the school to help out with the other girls. She’s pretty, but in reality, she has little prospect of marrying a gentleman. Emma, however, is sure that Harriet’s anonymous father must be a gentleman, and takes her under her wing.
Miss Bates is the daughter of the vicar of Highbury, who died many years ago. She has never married, and now never will. Without a husband to provide an income, she faces ever increasing poverty. Despite her woes, Miss Bates has a perennially cheerful disposition. She fills any silence with incessant talk.