
Kelsang Chukie Tethong -《葛莎·雀吉.-.度母化声》(Kelsang Chukie Tethong -Voice from TARA)[APE]

王朝资源·作者佚名  2009-11-17
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专辑中文名: 葛莎·雀吉.-.度母化声

专辑英文名: Kelsang Chukie Tethong -Voice from TARA

艺术家: Kelsang Chukie Tethong

资源格式: APE

发行时间: 2004年

地区: 台湾

语言: 藏语






About Kelsang Chukie Tethong:

Eestablished in 1999 by Kelsang Chukie, a Tibetan singer living in exile. The guesthouse is as exquisite as the host and it is absolutely a delight to stay at Pema Thang without a doubt.

Chukie-la's sister, Namgyal Lhamo, who is also an established Tibetan singer owns Pema Thang, a vegetarian restaurant in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Their brother manages a branch restaurant in Paris, France. The family business has been very successful as the sisters continue recording CDs as well as performing in various countries with their group: Gang Chenpa (People from the land of snow).

Born in November 1956 in Nepal, Kelsang Chukie Tethong was raised in a musical family which deeply influenced her as a child.In the mid-60s she and her sister, Namgyal Lhamo, were chosen to join the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts (TIPA), Dharmsala, which was established soon after the Tibetans came into exile in 1959.It is the only institution working to preserve the traditional

Tibetan performing arts in all its various forms, which are facing threat of extinction in Tibet as a result of the occupation of Tibet by Communist China.

Chukie spent about 11 years at TIPA, developing her interest and talent. In her last few years at TIPA she became one of the few acclaimed solo singers. In the mid-70s she left TIPA and was engaged in running a restaurant in Nepal for about 6 years and then a restaurant in Holland for about 3 years.However, her continuing interest in Tibetan music led her to renew and restudy it in the early 90s. Her first live concert, after leaving TIPA, was performed in Holland in 1996. Since then she has performed solo in several live concerts in Europe as well as in the States.She sang at the two Freedom Concerts organized by Milarepa Fund in New York in 1997 and in Washington, D.C., in 1998.In the same year, Chukie with her sister, Namgyal Lhamo, and friend, Topden Gyatso, founded the group Gangchenpa.The groupìs first recorded CD, Voices from Tibet, was released in 2000.

A highlight of Chukieìs recent musical life was performing at the celebration of the 60th anniversary of His Holiness the Dalai Lamaìs enthronement ceremony in November 2000 here in Dharmsala and at the conclusion of the Year Long Celebration of His Holiness the Dalai Lamaìs 50th Anniversary of Assuming Temporal authority, in November 2001. In the same month she also sang at the inaugural Ceremony during the visit of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to theSed Gyued Buddhist Research and Training Centerat Salugura, West Bengal, India.

In February 2002, she performed for a concert organized by the Caravan World Rhythm Society in Vancouver, Canada. In April the same year she performed in New Delhi for an event organized by the Tibet House and India International Center, New Delhi. In July again she sang at the inaugural ceremony of the Conference on International Buddhist Women at the National Taiwan University, Taipei. While she was in Taiwan she was able to record Voices from Tara with with PBC of Taiwan and the CD was released later the same year.

On March 6, 2003 she sang at the inauguration of the Songtsen Library at the Drikung Center in Dehra Dun in the presence of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Sakya Trizin Rinpoche and Drikung Chesang Rinpoche.

Chukieìs main interest is in the pure, classical songs of Western and Central Tibet known as ?nangma toesheyì and the nomadic songs of Eastern and North Eastern Tibet known as ?Luì. She also sings folk songs from different parts of Tibet.

Chukie was able to study music and singing from great Tibetan musicians such as Lutsa and Maja Tsewang Gyurme, who has served the Tibetan Government both in Tibet as well as in exile for many years. Lutsa-la was a well known ?dra-nyenì (Tibetan lute) player even before 1959, the year the Tibetans came into exile. He was a music teacher at TIPA till his last day.Lutsa-la in fact had great expectations of Chukie and was deeply disappointed when she left TIPA in 1974. Mr. Maja was a Tibetan government official of pre-1959 who continued to serve the Tibetan Government-in-Exile as well in various capacities till his retirement. Because of his great love for music he had the opportunity of studying and playing music with some of the greatest and most famous Tibetan musicians of his time. In the late 80s Mr. Maja greatly encouraged Chukie to sing again. He in fact taught her several of the pure, traditional ?nangma toesheyì.He appreciated her voice and singing ability to such an extent that he was very keen to record a few songs with her with him playing a Tibetan musical instrument.Unfortunately, before they could do that he passed away. This in a way gave Chukie the added impetus in reviving her love of music.



葛莎雀吉官方网 http://www.kelsangchukietethong.com/

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