中文名: 二战风云录
英文名: WWII:The Complete History
资源格式: DVDRip
发行时间: 2008年
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
制作团队: 香草花园

Disc I:
Hitlers new Germany - Chamberlain: Hitler's man of Peace - Japan invades China - Hitler unleashes Blitzkrieg - R.A.F. frustrates Germans - America builds military - Tensions rise in the Pacific - Brits duel Desert Fox - Nazis invade Russia - U.S. to arm allies - Japan bombs Pearl Harbor - Soviets launch counter attack - Japan invades Philippines - Wolfpacks stalk Allied shipping - North Africa update - Leningrad in Dire Straits - Japan expands empire - U.S. fighter planes - World at War - U.S. Troops retreat to Bataan - America gears up for war - Africa Corps catches Allies off guard - Flying Tigers bite back - Save the pilots! - Singapore falls to the Japanese - Nazis Final Solution - R.A.F. changes tactics - Japanese Americans Interned - Destined for Duty - MacArthur leaves Philippines - Defending Mother Russia - Sillwell takes command in China - The Battle of Java Sea - This is the army Mr. Jones
Disc II:
Japanese capture Mandalay - Allies split Pacific Command - Carriers come of age - War departments new home - Lies, Damned Lies & Statistics - U.S. Bombs strike tokyo - Bataan, Corregor fall to Japanese - Great Brittain & Russia forge an Alliance - Tensions mount in African desert - Hitler youth moulding the Master Plan - Carrier Battle in the Coral Sea - R.A.F. strikes back - Japanese invade Aleutians - Japanese approach Midway - Goebbels, Goering Himmler - Americans win big in at Midway - F.D.R. & Churchill meet - Rommel takes Tobruk - Carrier of U.S. hopes in Pacific - Nazis push towards Stalingrad - Here, There & Everywhere - Mediterranean Linchpin attacked - Rommel stopped at El Alamein - Marines invade Guadalcanal - Stalingrad on brink of collapse - Canadians invade Dieppe - The Rise of Benito Mussolini - Marine battle for blood ridge - Rommel returns to Germany - Allies battle Wolfpacks - Allies aid beleaguered Russians - Preparing to invade Africa - Marines halt Japanese offensive - British Victory at El Alamein - Allies invade North Africa - Doctors do it in the jungle
Disc III:
Japanese battle of Guadalcanal - French troops surrender in Africa - Red Army traps Nazis at Stalingrad - Arsenal of Democracy - Allies fight at New Guinea - Germans trapped at Stalingrad - Shattered ships Salvaged - Liberty ship production explodes - Christmas in North Africa - Marines leave Guadalcanal - Admiral Darlan Assassinated - Allies bomb Sub Pens - Allies meet at Casablanca - Americans recycle old Rubber - German grip broken - British take Tripoli - Japans hollow Army - Radar scans the Horizon - U.S. Claims Victory on Guadalcanal - Chindits fight in Burma - Battle of Kasserine pass - Germans counter attack - Front loaded Pachyderm - Battle of Bismarck Sea - British bomb Essen - Patton arrives, Rommel leaves - Russian air force soars - Amercians train for Jungle War - Patton pounds Nazis at El Guettar - Americans Assassinate Yamamoto - R.A.F. Strikes German Industry - Luftwaffe Fights for Skies - Pilots prefer Blondes - 2nd Corps takes Hill 609 - Operation mincemeat fools Nazis - Nazi subs retreat from North Atlantic - Life on a Carrier
Disc IV:
Americans capture Attu - Allied leaders resolve bitter dispute - Allies drive axis from North Africa - Allies plan invasion of Sicily - Americans invade New Georgia - U.S. Plans pacific campaign - Nazi Tanks - advance on Kursk - Allies invade Sicily - Engineers essential in Europe - Patton takes Palermo - Americans capture Mundo - Allies bomb Ploesti - Red Army gets Relief - Patton & Monty race for Messina - Halsey Breaks the Rules - Americans bomb Schweinfurt - Russians on a Roll - Allies sock it to the Rockets - McArthur routes Japanese - Italy throws in Towel - Japanese officer Training - Nazis rescue Mussolini - Navy launches Pacific drive - Daylight raids halted - Life in Britain - Allies take Naples - Italy turns on Germany - Russians retake Kiev - Halsey dupes Japanese - Slip sliding away - Halsey atop Solomon ladder - Allied offensive stalled - F.D.R., Stalin Stymie Churchill - Off hours in Italy
Disc V:
Marines bloodied on Tarawa - Monty on the move - Ike to command Overlord - America drafts mules - More muscular Mustangs - Invasion of New Britain - New nests for big birds - The year in review - Clark gambles at Casino - Allies land at Anzio - Victory in the Marshalls - Leningrad siege lifted - Nazis attack Anzio - Allies obliterate Abbey - Americans roll across Pacific - Doolittle does it in the daylight - Japanese assault in india - Russians 'liberate' Crimea - MacArthur takes Hollandia - Preparations for Overlord - Allies break stalemate - Hitler shuffles command - Sailors cross Equator - Ike's big decision - Paratroops secure flanks - Allies assault Atlantic wall - The German reaction - Sun sets on longest day - Clark enters Rome - Allies expand beachhead - Americans invade Saipan - V-7's strike London
Disc VI:
Marines forge ahead on Saipan - Americans take Cherbourg - Americans devour Japanese navy - Roosevelt signs G.I. Bill - Allies forge ahead in Italy - Saipan falls to Marines - Americans stopped at St. Lo - Republicans nominate Dewey - St. Lo falls - Montie stymied at Cean - Americans bomb on Guam - Americans leaned on at Pisa - Failed assassination attempt - Bradleys boys breakout - Premature poles pounded - Schoolboy rivalry resumes - Gothic line looms large - Expedient armour adaptation - Battered boats Bandaged - Germans routed at Falaise - Miraculous Mulberries - Allies land in Southern France - French rise in Paris - War On VD - Paris liberated - Allied strategy debated - Soviet offensive ballistic - Americans invade Peleliu - Super Forts arrive in Saipan - Operation Market Garden - Softening up the Philippines - Metz besieged - Aachen attacked - Peleliu falls - British forces take Antwerp - Churchill visits Moscow - Russian Forces sweep the Balkans
Disc VII:
Aachen Falls - MacArthur returns to the Philippines - The Battle of Leyte Gulf - Walcheren Island taken - Japan reinforces Leyte - 3rd Army Cross Moselle near Metz - Turpitz sunk - F.D.R. re-elected - First convoy reaches Antwerp - Pacific update - U.S. subs in the pacific - Western front update - British home guard stands down - U.S. forces land on Mindoro - Bombing update - The Battle of the Bulge begins - Christmas 1944 - U.S. forces land at Luzon - The Bulge Continued - The bombing of Dresden - Soviets Drive toward the Oder - The Bulge continued - Clark field falls - Warsaw falls to the Russians - Burma Update - St. Vith falls - Burma road completed - Nurses - Zhukov reaches Oder - The bombing Of Dresden - Fighting in Manila suburbs - Partisans
Disc VIII:
The Yalta Conference - U.S. forces on Corregidor - The Colmar Pocket - Burma update - U.S. lands on Iwo Jima - Western allies launch new offensive - Manila battle rages - Medics & Chaplins - Fight for Iwo rages - Reconnaissance - Trier falls to Patton - Corregidor secured - Life in the trenches - Iwo Update - German counter offensive in Hungary - Manila falls - G.I.'s enter Cologne - Babes - Tokyo firestorm raid - 3rd Army crosses Moselle - Philippine update - Remegen crossing - V-Mail - Mandalay falls - East Front Update - Kamikaze action off Okinawa - Rosie - Iwo wrap - Over the Rhine - Okinawa Prep - American bombers - E.T.O. update - Tuskegee airmen - Philippines update - East front update - The story of G.I. Joe
Disc IX:
Allies encircle the Ruhr - Okinawa landing - Work horses of WWII - F.D.R. Dies - New Allied offensive - Okinawa update - Home front Germany - Elephants - Italy update - Ruhr pocket surrenders - Okinawa update - Nazi camps liberated - Oder breakout - Big push on Okinawa - Goering offers to take command - Home front Japan - Italy update - Philippine update - Allies announce bombing end - Burma update - US-Soviet forces meet at Torgau - West front update - Mussolini executed - Hill 604 - German forces in Italy surrender - British forces land at Rangoon - The Fall of Berlin - Shellshock - Germany surrenders -Kamikaze action off Okinawa - Surrender aftermath - Carrier pigeons
Disc X:
Philippine update - V.E. Day - Okinawa update - The Holocaust - Americans seize airfield - Top Nazis in allied hands - End nears on Luzon - Aussies wipe slate clean - LAst stand before Japan - Training Women for War - Philippines Liberated - Mines - Plans for invasion presented - Churchill - Carrier strikes against Japan - Hollywoog goes to war - Atomic bomb tested - Potsdam - Churchill loses election - Seabees - Medal of Honor - Hiroshima and Nagasaki - Soviets declare war (Japan surrenders) - Von Braun goes to the U.S. - Home front U.S.A. - V.J. Day - The United Nations - Japan signs surrender - Combat cameramen - The final tally - War crimes trials - Dawn of a new peace - Conclusion