中文名: IDEO的51张创新方法卡片
原名: IDEO Method Cards
别名: 51个创新思维辅助方法
作者: IDEO's Human Factors team
资源格式: PDF
版本: 影印版
出版社: Featured Publishers, William Stout
书号: 0954413210
发行时间: 2003年
地区: 美国
语言: 英文
IDEO Method Cards show 51 of the methods we use to inspire great design and keep people at the center of our design process. Each card describes one method and includes a brief story about how and when to use it. The cards are divided into four categories: Learn, Look, Ask and Try, making it easy to reference, browse, sort, and share the cards.
Created in response to requests from clients, colleagues, students, and teachers, the Method Cards are intended as inspiration for practicing and aspiring designers, as well as those seeking a creative spark in their work. It's a design tool meant to help you explore new approaches and develop your own. Use the deck to take a new view, to inspire creativity, to communicate with your team, or to turn a corner.
IDEO Method Cards是一组51张的套卡,据IDEO自己所述,每一张卡片都是一个他们内部使用的技巧和方法,卡片正面是一张印刷精美的示意图,背面则是说明文字。这些方法并不是IDEO自己的创举,多数都是原本就有的方法,可能是在心理学实验中常见的方法,可能是人类学研究中的方法等等。