专辑英文名: Passion
歌手: Geri Halliwell
音乐风格: 流行
资源格式: FLAC
发行时间: 2005年06月06日
地区: 英国
语言: 英语
Passion 是辣妹Geri Halliwell 的第三张专辑。比她前两张专辑制作的更完美,是令人乐观的流行曲子,新狂热者别错过。
Spice Girls今年单飞活动频频,除了这里要说的Geri Halliwell,Melanie C和Melanie B已经发片,Victoria Beckham和Emma的唱片制作也处于进行时。掐指一算Geri这第三张个人专辑距上张Scream If You Wanna Go Faster已经有三年的时间,这三年里她除了频频在电视上露面基本上没什么别的消息。唯一跟音乐搭边的就是她做了嗓子的改造手术,改变了自己的声线。就这点来说本来就让人对这张Passion产生疑问,这个女人又想干什么了?要知道Ginger Spice作风大胆是出了名的,当年退出Spice Girls,后来和N个明星的口水战至今还历历在目。 这张专辑制作周期比较长,专辑中来自同一个人的、却迥然不同的两个声音说明了这点。本来Geri有一副沙哑的好嗓子,改造后确变得嗲劲十足,活脱脱Kylie的再版。这样做的目的实在是让人费解,因为从这张专辑来看,她的新尝试几乎跟她的新嗓子没关系。相比前两张专辑这张专辑有些实验性质,但是和她之前专辑一样,这张专辑中有超一流品质的歌曲,也有同样不入流的歌曲。首发单曲Track 7, Ride It就属于前者。这首舞曲洋溢的80年代的流光异彩和Geri沙哑的声音结合得十分的High,丝毫不输Schizophonic中的冠军曲Bag It Up和Scream If You Wanna Go Faster的翻唱冠军曲It's Raining Men。第二单曲Track 2, Desire带有浓重的南欧风情,Flamenco式的慢版节奏和复古Disco的组合十分过瘾,Geri的新嗓子在此表现出人意料的完美。Track 3,Love Don't Love Me则属于最纯粹Pop舞曲,动感节奏和流畅旋律说明一切。Geri的流行舞曲几乎在英国本土找不到一个提得起的对手。总的说来这张专辑中的舞曲都值得一听,包括Track 5,Superstar、Track 6,Surrender Your Groove和Track 10, Don't Get Any Better。相比之下慢歌要弱势一些,因此Geri也在其中做了相当多的尝试。比如Track 1,Passion和Track 12,So I Give Up On Love一首一尾都为一摸一样的Big Band曲风,展示出Geri的傲人的唱功,Track 12已经有了较高水准,Track 1显然没找对感觉。Track 3,Feel The Fear是首优美的抒情曲,灵感似乎来自Susan Jeffers的畅销书Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway,而歌词中We were strong together/Now I realize/Oh please just/Give me one more day/I've got to have my say/I'm not afraid to feel the fear and do it anyway/No I'm never giving up/Cos I haven't had enough/I'm all alone/Feel the fear and do it anyway这样的句子显然是对Spice Girls示好。这首歌的高潮处Geri的新旧两个嗓子同时出现,算是这张专辑中一个有意思的地方。Track 11,Loving Me Back To Life和它类似,只是太平庸。另外一首比较特别的歌曲是Track 8, There's Always Tomorrow,Bassnova是不是让你想起Emma的Free Me专辑?
Passion, Geri Halliwell’s third solo album since leaving the Spice Girls, proves the queen Spice has still got what it takes. Perhaps Geri’s take on a concept album, Passion begins and ends with very traditional, big-band numbers–two smoky ballads where Geri sounds in good voice with no big, shouty chorus behind her as a safety net. The second single, “Desire”, is a pretty good tune and the most contemporary here with its urban break and fuzzy synths, but the best bits of Passion sound like they came straight from 1998.
If the Spice Girls’ final album had sounded more like this one’s “Don’t Get Any Better” or “Superstar” (where Geri sings the campest line “Ooh, Baby, I want your hot action”), then they might have stayed together a bit longer. Ultimately, Passion contains upbeat, sing-a-long songs with a touch of soul and a cheesy dollop of tongue-in-cheek pop. There are moments where Geri tries to subdue her nostalgic “grrl power” as on “Feel the Fear” and “Let Me Love You More”, which both go for Dido’s adult-pop listeners, but Geri’s at her best when she sticks with the prevailing out-and-out pop formula. –Georgina Collins.