专辑中文名: 三岛由纪夫传
专辑英文名: Mishima
艺术家: Philip Glass
资源格式: APE
发行时间: 1990年
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
专辑名称:Mishima: A Life In Four Chapters
作 曲 家:Philip Glass
指 挥 家:Michael Riesman
发行日期:October 25, 1990
《Mishima》一部关于日本最后一个切腹自杀的武士道精神殉道者——三岛由纪夫的生平传记。你当然可以不喜欢这个人,不过如果你喜欢Philip Glass为《时时刻刻》、《生命三部曲》、《战争之雾》所作的原声配乐,那你就不应该错过这张专辑,同样充满了悲剧的张力、同样的动人,而其中清脆空灵的各种打击乐器的运用则赋予它更多的东方色彩。值得一提的是,专辑中的弦乐部分由著名古典先锋四重奏Kronos Quartet(曾为《Requiem for a Dream》配乐)所演奏。
Writer-director Paul Schrader's films are always as memorable for their music as they are for their visuals--sometimes more so. Think of Giorgio Moroder's synthesizers pulsing through Cat People; think of Blondie's anthem for American Gigolo; think of Scott Johnson's remarkable score for Patty Hearst--and think of the full suite of music composed by Philip Glass for Schrader's ode to the deeply conflicted Japanese novelist Yukio Mishima. With its gilded, impressionistic set and its plot-eschewing cinematic vision, Mishima depended upon Glass's compositions for grounding. Despite the Japanese setting, the music is pan-global, typical of Glass's genre-absorbing minimalist style. A standout track is "Osamu's Theme," which features a catchy rock & roll guitar part against a string setting. And the album's quartets feature none other than the Kronos Quartet. --Marc Weidenbaum