中文名: 歌德的浮士德
原名: Goethe's Faust
作者: Goethe
译者: Kaufmann
图书分类: 文学
资源格式: PDF
版本: 德英对译版
出版社: Anchor Books
书号: 0385031149
发行时间: 1961年
地区: 德国
语言: 英文,德文

Goethe's masterpiece and perhaps the greatest work in German literature, "Faust" has made the legendary German alchemist one of the central myths of the Western world. Here indeed is a monumental Faust, an audacious man boldly wagering with the devil, Mephistopheles, that no magic, sensuality, experience or knowledge can lead him to a moment he would wish to last forever. Here, in "Faust," "Part 1," the tremendous versatility of Goethe's genius creates some of the most beautiful passages in literature. Here too we experience Goethe's characteristic humor, the excitement and eroticism of the witches' Walpurgis Night, and the moving emotion of Gretchen's tragic fate.

